209. Ho Ho Hooo

Christmas Eve came, Alexander stood at the top of the Universe Tower. In front of him was a Sleigh, tied to some fake mechanical Reindeers.

Alexander wore a Santa dress and Dobby wore a green Elf dress, they both looked like huge buffed versions of Santa and the Elf.

"All right, let's make the kiddies happy," He shouted and boarded the Sleigh. He didn't need to make any gifts as doing that was always just one snap away.

"So, which country first?" Dobby asked.

"We will move from the east where Christmas Eve comes first. From there we'll make our way back to America." Alexander told him.

"Okay, your job is to do Ho Ho Ho," Alexander instructed.

"Alright boss, Ho Ho Hoo" Dobby shouted and failed miserably.

"Goddammit, not like this. Make it a bit more old sounding. Currently, you sound like you are mocking someone while being a secret pedo." He reprimanded.

Dobby scratched his hair and tried again. It took him some five tries to get the hang of it. From there, Dobby became a loudspeaker non-stop. They first arrived in Japan.

"Our first delivery is for that house. Little Kaneki wants a PS5." Alexander read a long list. He quickly apparated to the house and placed the box there. He finished giving it to the kids of the whole country. Then he moved to Australia.

Alexander heard a small kid making a wish with closed eyes. "Mr. Santha, pweashe give me my mommy back."

"You got it, kid." Alexander snapped his finger and the child's mother came back. She wasn't dead or anything. Karen was just angry at her husband and had left home. Alexander also made sure that Karen showered a healthy amount of love on the child from now on.

Alexander was flying over vast, wild areas of Australia. His next delivery was there. A small Kangaroo kid had a wish.

"Mr. Santha, I wanth tho jump thhe higheshth and make mommy proud of me." So Alexander made his legs stronger.

Next Stop, India. Well, poverty was rampant and most kids just wished for chocolate or some other food. A lot of kids were working as child labor to live by as they didn't have any family. The government also turned a blind eye as they didn't have enough resources to take care of this many kids. So Alexander gave all of them big baskets filled with candies. All the Orphans were teleported to Kindheart Foundation's orphanages.

He then slowly made his way to Africa, and here too, poverty and hunger were rampant, though hunger was less due to his efforts. Even though Alexander had done a good job providing them with food and electricity, the governments were still worthless. Alexander completed all the wishes and also noted down to take over the whole of Africa. The world ignored it but he won't.

From there he entered Europe. He heard many unhappy children's voices as well, such as "Mr. Santha, daddy/mommy beath me thoday. Pweashe thake me away."

Alexander snapped his fingers and made all the kid's father/mother's nature turn a full 180 degrees. From now on they would do anything to make their kid happy. Alexander also left the kids a PS5 so they can play together with friends.

He then traveled to the middle east. He not only completed some wishes but also killed some terrorists who were terrorizing them. From there he came to South America and made his way up.

At last, after covering the rest of the places he came back to America. He came above the Baxter Building and looked at the wishlist.

"So, Franklin wants a friend. Well, he never went out of the building so this was waiting to happen." He thought.

Alexander quickly enrolled Franklin in the Institute for gifted children. Franklin can make lots of friends there. He'd receive his letter in the morning.

Then Alexander came to the last stop. The Avengers tower. Little Tina was sleeping happily. She was dreaming about having a squirrel friend and Alexander was going to fulfill that wish.

He came to Tina and placed a basket beside her bed. In it was a real Squirrel. It was just like Monkey Joe. Superstrong and could speak.

"Hehehe..." Tina chuckled in her sleep. Alexander looked at her cute face and could only imagine what she was seeing in her dreams.

"HO HO HOO... Where to now, Santa?" Dobby asked.

"To home, our work's finished. All the children in the world will have big smiles for some time now." Alexander smiled.

"I'm pretty sure that the news channels will be all over it soon. If you don't take credit for it then some other people might. And those people may not have good intentions." Dobby told him. He was constantly involved in governing the country and had seen many such cases. Stealing other people's achievements was very common.

"Ah, I think you're right. I'll tell the media to slowly direct the incident to me without confirming anything. Goodnight, Dobby. See you tomorrow now." Alexander went to Phixheim. Dobby had lots of places where he crashed so he left him be.


The Next Day,

Howard went to Alexander's office to report about yesterday's secret cleaning operation. All the Drug operations and Criminal organizations were removed from the country. Kingpin was arrested by the Shield.

Kingpin had his reach even in the White House, but sadly that was with the previous administration. Any Senator or Government official Kingpin contacted for help were also quickly investigated and arrested.

Because of Alexander, the riots didn't even start and people simply enjoyed Christmas eve.

"This is very good. But those who are already drug addicts will face problems. I want you to release back the new drugs made by me. They look and feel like the normal ones but once you take them you will never touch them again. This is the only way to stop their addiction." Alexander instructed.

Howard nodded and continued his report, "Well, the 8 companies have lost a lot of value in the market since this whole scandal came out. The hearing in the Supreme Court is tomorrow as well. What do you want to punish them with?"

"It's pretty simple. By the middle of next year, I will have enough Fusion reactors working to power the whole world. Most countries except China and Russia have already agreed to let Nevaeh Industries make reactors. At the same time, we will be launching affordable electric cars and engines.

"The patents for the engine will be public. We will also give people the option to exchange their existing cars with electric ones. By the end of next year, these Oil and Energy countries will become obsolete. Until then I want total control over them and their money. They have already messed up the planet enough. It's time to pay back."

"Woah, you nearly sounded like a dictator there." Howard joked.

"The truth is, Howard. I don't give a damn about anything. The only thing I care about is the well being of all the people. I want to make it so that no person would ever have to sleep with an empty stomach. No child would get abused. No woman would get oppressed. Oh, by the way, what about our fat dictator, Kim Jong Un?"

"Oh, he is scared. He hasn't come out of the bunker since you became the president." Howard said, trying to hold back his laughter.

"Tell Faceless men to deal with him. His sister and uncle are next in line, so remove them too. From what Intel we've gathered. They are all Hyenas, just waiting for an opportunity. Wait, I have a better option. Make one of our faceless men replace Kim Jong Un and truly work for the betterment of society." Alexander suggested.

"Yeah, that does seem like a pretty good idea. Though it's highly likely that they have enhanced people in their services too, but I'm sure Faceless men can deal with them." Howard agreed and finalized the plans.

After Howard was gone, Ghost spoke, "Sir, the spider is out of the box."

Alexander smiled, "Alright, I'll deal with it."

[You can see Kingpin on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


30 Advance chapters are available on - patr-eon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *Joakim Jonsson* *Conrad* *Douglas Flower*.

Thank you for your support!