234. Business Empire


Garp jumped and uppercut punched the wolf king in the jaws. In the past few days, they had dealt with quite a few wolves. This made the Wolf King to come out. The wolf king was a level 4 animal of the island.

"Now, Sengoku" Garp shouted.

Sengoku jumped down from a tree with his fist out, covered in Armament Haki. His fist fell straight on top of the Wolf King's head, making a big dent in its skull.

"Now Tsuru" Sengoku called out.

Tsuru standing behind a tree pulled the vine and multiple sharpened logs started to swing. Many of them piercing the wolf king. Some more punches from them won them the battle.

"This one was not that hard." Sengoku clapped his hands clean.

"Yes, let's take it and cook." Garp went ahead to pick it up. But he suddenly stopped midway.

"Everyone, hide. The lion is coming here." He informed the others.

They quickly jumped onto the branch of a tall tree. Soon the same lion they saw on their first day appeared.

It started to smell and examine the dead wolf. It licked its wounds like it was assessing who killed the Wolf King. He then suddenly looked straight at the trio on the tree branch.

The trio knew they would have to fight so they jumped straight on top of him with punches out.

Garp landed on its head, Sengoku on its back and Tsuru went for the eye. The most damage was from Tsuru. The eye was its weakest spot and now the Lion only had one eye temporarily.

They took advantage of the Lion's confusion and beat him up. It took a lot of effort and energy. Soon the lion got scared and ran away like an injured dog. The three took a sigh of relief, knowing that they were running out of energy.

"I'm done for today. Let's just go back." Garp proposed.

"Yes, let's go..." Sengoku agreed.

They picked up the huge wolf king and started going to their cave. Unknown to them that a smart predator was secretly following them.


Alexander's ship.

"Boss, the S has left the mountain. It's currently following the trio." Dobby reported.

Alexander expanded his Haki to cover the whole island, "Ah... These idiots, why aren't they still using the observation Haki. I'll have to go, it seems." He put down the newspaper and flew to the island.


The three were carelessly cooking meat in their cave. Their cave now looked more like a luxury apartment with wolf pelts everywhere.

"Haha... Today was a close one, Tsuru-chan"

"It was, Garp. Only 3 more days left now. Let's train and conquer this island." She stated.

"Yes, we ca....*BOOM*"

Suddenly their cave door was blown away. Now a giant T-Rex's head was trying to enter the cave.

They didn't think anything and quickly punched the head repeatedly until they had a way to get out of the locked cave.

Once out they saw the behemoth Dinosaur. "I thought these were extinct," Sengoku shouted, his nerves popping out upon his head.

"Not this one, apparently," Tsuru interjected and went to attack it. Thinking that like other mindless beasts, it too would charge at them.

But instead, it backed up some steps, dodging Tsuru and countering with his huge claws.

Garp jumped in time to save her but his back still got heavily scratched. The T-Rex then instantly opened its jaws to eat them.

Sengoku horrifyingly watched all that unfold. He felt helpless at that moment. Something he had vowed to never feel again since those bad days in his childhood. For that, he learned martial arts from a small age. But it seems it wasn't enough. He angrily looked at the T-Rex and shouted as loud as he could.


For some reason, due to his loud roar, the T-Rex seemed to stop and show fear. Sengoku at that moment ran to get Garp and Tsuru up. But the T-Rex came out of the stupor and now had the three of them in his close range.

It went to eat them with open jaws. The trio turned blue after seeing no options out. At that moment they truly realized why no one could conquer this island till now.

They looked at the huge jaws falling over them slowly.


Suddenly something fell from the sky and landed in front of them. The person with a Marine trench coat with golden stars on shoulders. Only one person dressed like that. It was Alexander.

The moment he appeared he jumped and gave a powerful punch to the T-Rex's head. A huge bump swelled upon his head.

The T-Rex cried in pain with his short hands touching his head. "That hurts, Boss."

"I told you to only 'pretend' to eat them and not actually eat them, Garry." Alexander reprimanded.

"But I thought they were food," Garry the T-Rex replied.

Still, on the ground, the trio had their jaws fall to the floor. They could not believe that the dinosaur just spoke.

Alexander then noticed them, "Ah, get up you three. Meet Garry, he ate some weird Devil fruit and became ageless. His mind evolved and started understanding humans and speaking their language.

"Now to you three, do you know that Garry was following you three since you returned to your cave. You made the mistake of not keeping observation Haki up when returning because your minds were at ease thinking all the trouble is gone. Although your performance in this test is above average, you all still made many mistakes. For this you deserve punishment."


All three had tall bumps coming out of their heads now, "That was this old man's fist of love. This will make you not forget the lessons you learned here. Now let's go back to the ship. We're done here. By the way, good job awakening Conqueror's Haki, Sen-chan"

Garp and Tsuru looked at Sengoku with shock, Sengoku himself was shocked, "What, when?"

"When you made Garry scared for a second by your scream. That was Conqueror's Haki. Now let's go"

"Hey, Boss, you promised." Garry stopped them.

"Ah, yes, I remember Garry. I'll find you a mate later. Now here you go, your meat trees." Alexander waved his hand and many tall meat trees grew out from the ground.

"There you go. Goodbye, Garry." Alexander and his students returned to the ship and he sent them to clean up.

Behind them, Garry waved his small hands and shouted goodbye. Then he looked around, a huge lion, gorilla, and crocodile had appeared.


"Go away, runts. These are my trees." Garry roared and scared them away and then smirked.

"Heh... weaklings. Ah, when will he find me a mate"


Once again Bald Chad appeared to ask for the destination, "Where to Admiral?"

"Amazon Lily. It's not too far from here." Alexander instructed.

"Why go to the island of women?" Dobby asked.

"Because they are stuck in the calm belt and don't get to make much trade. That's why. I can probably help them." Alexander explained.

"I'll tell Brian to prepare an economic agreement then," Dobby said, understanding what Alexander was planning and went into Phixheim. Alexander was secretly planning on running a trading company around the known world. The agreed party would have the right to buy anything from the catalog he gives while he will sell whatever they will make.

He was starting with Amazon Lily because they were vulnerable and needed what he was going to offer.

Amazon Lily was just a bit to the east of his location. It didn't take long for them to appear near the secluded island. For now, they had pretty good privacy but in the future, they will have to do something if the world's technology improves.

He had learned from his Admiral's guide that the current Empress of the Kuja tribe was Gloriosa. A short lady with unknown power.

They anchored the ship near the beach and took a small boat to the shore. Dobby and the trio were coming along with him.

"Alright you three, this island doesn't welcome men and outsiders in general so be careful. If you fall into a mess, I won't save you this time. Got it?"

"YES SIR," they saluted in unison.

[You can see Garry, Amazon Lily and the Trio on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


30 Advance chapters are available on - patr-eon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *Joakim Jonsson* *Conrad* *Douglas Flower*.

Thank you for your support!