245. Wano


Alexander signaled the bird flying over his ship. He was really surprised that the bird was so intelligent. It gives a copy of the newspaper and takes the money in the bag.

Alexander also patted the bird and gave a salted fish, "Good job,"

News Coo happily munched on the fish before again flying away.

Alexander started reading it on his recliner on a sunny day on the deck of his ship.

The first page had Z's image on it. "Woah... when did this happen? Z took retirement and became an instructor?"

Dobby also heard him, "Something must have happened. Call him and ask."

Alexander called Z on Den Den Mushi. "Z, what happened? Why did you retire?"

"Sensei, now I know why you didn't become fleet Admiral. There is too much corruption in marines. The Rear Admiral responsible for the attack wasn't punished. Instead, he was promoted and sent to G-5. He has ties with some kingdom's royal family." Z revealed.

"Oh, the G-5 is under me. He will probably go through hell there. Why did you become an instructor now?" He asked.

"Fleet Admiral begged me to. He said an Admiral leaving suddenly would not be good for the Marine's reputation."

"Huh... they don't care about anything other than reputation, do they? Well, I will see you in a few days. Maybe I can pull some strings and get you onto my ship as a consultant. Being an instructor is too low for a man of your capabilities." Alexander offered.

"Thank you Sensei, but I would like to stay here and train some new promising kids. Maybe after that, I will join you." Z told him.

"Oh, who are these so-called students that got you so interested?"

"There are three especially, Aokiji, Borsalino, and Sakazuki. These three have immense talent and they had eaten very strong devil fruits. They will probably be Admirals someday, but for now, they are too small." Z told him.

"In that case, be sure to beat some self-consciousness into their brains. We don't want heartless men to be Admirals." Alexander suggested.

"That is what I am trying to do."

After a bit more talking they hung up and called Blue Fang in the G-5.

"Yeah, my boy. A new Vice Admiral will be coming there. I want you to let him get the command and tell all the Marines to annoy the hell out of him. They don't have to worry about punishment."

"Is it the same guy from the newspaper?" Blue Fang asked

"Yes, he is"

"Alright boss. I will do it." He hung up.

Alexander then looked at his watch, "We should be near Wano now. Let's see if we can get the poneglyph deciphered."

Alexander took out a small book about Wano, mainly because not much knowledge about it was available outside. Wano Country was a country that was not affiliated with the World Government. The country follows a strict policy of isolationism, meaning that contact with outsiders such as pirates and other countries is prohibited.

Hundreds of years ago, Wano Country was known as the Country of Gold. It faced constant threat from pirates and nobles who wanted to exploit its riches, but the samurai Ryuma led the country's samurai in defending against every assailant. Ryuma also became legendary for slaying a dragon in the sky above the capital. After his death, he was buried in his birthplace of Ringo and his legacy made him a national hero.

"Woah... there are real dragons too? Does this have something to do with why the World government doesn't mess with Wano?" Alexander exclaimed and continued reading.

Leaving the country's borders is also considered a crime. Outsiders who enter the country will be immediately attacked. This policy was maintained as a result of the country's geography that makes an invasion extremely difficult, as well as its powerful samurai warriors.

Wano was ruled by six major families. The Kozuki Family made up the shogunate, while the leaders of the Shimotsuki Family, Kurozumi Family, Uzuki Family, Amatsuki Family, and Fugetsu Family each served as daimyo over one of Wano's regions.

In Wano, the Yakuza was considered to be well respected, and people associated with it are treated with admiration and fear.

Alexander then closed the book, "Interesting, Wano seems really interesting. There seems to be Yakuza too and the whole kingdom reminds me of feudal Japan"

"They also use Silver, Gold, and Platinum as currency," Dobby added while reading from his own book.

"Hahaha... then I can probably buy their whole country with how much Gold I have." Alexander laughed.

Dobby continued as he looked into the book, "But I don't think getting anything out of them about Poneglyph will be easy. They hate outsiders."

"That is true. But I am sure after beating their strongest warriors or as they call them Samurais, they will surely respect me." Alexander suggested.

"That is also a possibility. Let's head to their Flower Capital. We'll see the rest of it from there." He commanded.

After another hour, the shores of Wano finally came into view. "Dobby, it's time to blend in. Put a haori on your clothes."

Alexander instantly took out a nice red Haori and wore it. He also threw one at Dobby.

"Boss, you are a 13-foot tall man, with white hair and beard. I don't think you can blend in even if you wore a full Kimono," Dobby commented.

"It's the effort that counts, Dobby." He said and looked back at his men.

"Bald Chad, anchor here until we return. If anyone attacks you are free to use artillery. Got it?" He ordered.

All the marines on the ship saluted. After that Alexander and Dobby jumped away to the Shores of Wano.

Alexander and Dobby used magic that made other people perceive them as locals. They went into the nearest town to find the intel. It was filled with people in feudal Japanese clothes. There were lots of people carrying swords too. The first thing he noticed was that most people seemed happy.

They found out that where they were now was a region named Udon. Though Alexander had to ignore the people's use of 'De Gozaru' at the end of nearly every line.

Finding the right direction they jumped to the capital of Wano. And it was a sight to behold. They understood why it was called the Flower Capital. There were so many cherry blossom trees everywhere and their small petals were flying around. The building looked like colorful versions of feudal Japanese architecture.

Alexander and Dobby walked on the streets, mesmerized by all the colors. They then started hearing pleasant Shamisen music coming from a building.

"Dobby, I am in love with this place. For once I am thankful that it's a closed country and its culture wasn't destroyed. I will go and find the Shogun. You bring Olivia and the girls out and show them around. They will love it." Alexander said.

Dobby smiled widely, "I had the exact idea. See you later boss."

"Alright, Shogun must be there." Alexander looked at a castle situated on a hill with a huge arched tree.


Alexander walked straight to it.

"Stop, no one is allowed to enter without permission. Do you have it?" One of the Samurai guards at the gates asked.

"Ah, yeah, I do." Alexander took out a paper with compulsion charm that made them believe it was the permission.

"Please enter, Alexander-sama" both the guards bowed.

Alexander scratched his beard in confusion, ~What did my compulsion make them see me as?~

He walked into the castle with ease and headed to the biggest room possible. Also because Alexander saw multiple people gathered there with his Observation Haki.

He entered the hall and went straight to Shogun.

*Clank Clank*

[You can see Young future Admirals and Wano on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


30 Advance chapters are available on - patr-eon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *Joakim Jonsson* *Conrad* *Douglas Flower*.

Thank you for your support!