250. Gold Roger - Dead or Alive

Out of nowhere, Hats appear in the air, "Oh, a new member. It seems I will need to make a new tea set for my tea party."

"How are you doing, Hats?" Alexander asked.

"I am good, this place seems much better than where I used to live." Hats replied.

"KITTYYYYY..." A loud Jenny came running.

"Ah, not again. See you later God-son." Hats again vanished.

Jenny came to Alexander looking for her favorite cat, "Oh, hello grandpa. Did you see Hats? And who is she?"

Gina hid behind Alexander's legs. It seems she was scared of social interactions.

"Jenny, she is your new sister. She will live with us from now on. Go and gather everyone in the garden." He instructed.

Jenny happily ran back calling out to everyone. While Alexander looked at Gina, "Gina, don't be afraid. Everyone here is a good person. You can play with them and eat whatever you want."

Gina only nodded and held on to his finger. He slowly brought her to the garden where everyone gathered.

Olivia's motherly instincts instantly kicked in as soon as she saw Gina. Olivia knew Alexander would only bring kids if they had nowhere to go.

"Douglas, what the hell are you wearing?" Alexander asked.

"Oh, I saw this movie called Enter the Dragon. Now Berry and I are practicing Kungfu," he proudly claimed. Then Berry also appeared in a similar yellow tight jumpsuit.

"It seems since Ragnarok disappeared you have started to slack off. I should ask Hegor to keep an eye on you." Alexander mumbled. (Hegor was the king of Icemen from GOT arc)

"Okay, everyone. Greet our new little member of the family, Gina. Say hi to her." Alexander introduced her.

The first ones to come were all the girls. Rina came to her and gave her a warm hug, "I am your big sister Rina, if you are ever hungry, come to me. I always got food. This one is Gali, she eats a lot so keep your secret food stash safe from her."

Gali looked at Rina with a salivating mouth, "Rina, you have a secret stash?"

"Oh, curse my loose tongue. No no, Gali. I was just kidding." She ran away, behind her Gali also followed.

Then came Amy, "I am your big sis, Amy, if you need anything you can come to me. Welcome to the family." She gave her a kiss on the forehead.

Olivia came and hugged her, "Gina, I am your Grandma. Do you want to learn how to make sandwiches?"

Gina's tummy made a sound at the mention of a sandwich. It seems she was still hungry, Olivia didn't wait and dragged her along.

"Yayyy... We will learn to cook." Jenny ran behind them.

Amy looked at Alexander and asked, "What happened to her, Grandpa?"

"Her mother abandoned her in a forest because of famine in the village. The last thing she heard from her mother was being called useless. So she thinks nobody wants her. Just give her all the love you possibly can. She's just 8 after all, I'm sure we can make her thinking change." Alexander told her.

Amy suddenly remembered being alone after her real parents died from that bomb. She was blind for so long and then her Grandpa came and filled her world with colors.

She jumped and hugged Alexander, "Grandpa is the best."

"Hehe... No, my Amy is the best." He ruffled her hair. They all went into the house and cooked and ate together.

Then came to nap time. Initially, they gave Gina her own room. But when they saw her sleeping in the corner of the rooms, curled into a small ball. Alexander and Olivia decided to keep her in their own room until she came out of her trauma.

Olivia then started singing her lullabies every night to make her at ease before sleeping.


Mary Geoise

Five Elders' meeting room.

"So, he knows about the past." Elder 1 said.

"It was really hard to reach that place and yet somehow he did it. As commendable as it may seem, he has committed a major crime." Elder 2 added.

"But we don't know how much he knows. We went there and couldn't find anything. Only the one with Will of D can unlock the secrets that lie there." Elder 3 responded.

"We have no way of making sure if he has the Will of D. But even if he doesn't, he knows too much. The False True Poneglyph is still accessible by those without the Will of D and gives away some information about the void century." Elder 4 sternly said.

"Then it is decided. Gol D Roger must be executed. He is too dangerous. We cannot be sure if his crew knows but at the very least he must be removed." Elder 5 made the decision.

"Yes, from now on, his name will be publicized as Gold Rogers, a demon who tried to destroy the peace that the world government has created. 5 Billion should be enough." Elder 1 said and stood up.

"Bounties are set while keeping in mind that we have a marine who is worth the same. But we have no Marine worth that much. Who will we send after him?" Elder 3 asked.

"No, we have one Marine worth way more than 5 Billion." Elder 1 chimed in.

"He won't agree. For all we know, he might turn on us for information from Roger." Elder 3 warned.

Elder 1 smirked, "Then we will have a perfect reason to make him leave. We know he likes helping people and managing that image. Perhaps declaring him a Demon would do us good as well."

"But what if he just comes ahead and attacks us." Elder 5 questioned.

"No he won't, if he attacks us then he'll be proving to the world that the rumors about him are real. The world sees us as gods after all, no matter what, they do hold us in high regard." Elder 1 deviously blurted.

Soon all the Elders agreed on that plan. They signed the highest bounty to ever be put on someone. Gold Roger, Dead or Alive, 5.564 Billion Berries.

They called in an assistant and told them to start spreading it around the world with articles demonizing Roger.


Oro Jackson, Roger Pirates' ship.

A meeting was taking place in the captain's cabin. It only involved the men who accompanied Roger to the Raftel and found out about the true history and the certain prophecy.

Only a few people from his group were present there with him. Namely himself, Dark King Silver Rayleigh, Scopper Gaban, and Kozuki Oden.

They all had grim expressions on their faces, Roger looked at everyone and spoke, "What we saw on the island shouldn't go out. Not because I am afraid but because whoever knows it will be hunted by the World Government. Just like it said in the prophecy, that day will soon come when a man with Will of D will be born and bring the dawn of the world, so we just have to wait"

"What about Roger Pirates now?" Silver Rayleigh asked.

"Haha... My friend. Haven't we fulfilled our goal? We wanted to conquer the Grand Line and we did it. It's time Roger Pirates disbanded. With our recent activities, it is likely that they already know about us reaching Raftel. They will be on our asses no matter where we go. I would hate myself if something happened to Shanks and Buggy for something they didn't know. They are the future and must be protected." Roger announced.

*Kock Knock*

It was Crocus, "Captain, bad news, look."

They all looked at the latest newspaper and a wanted poster that came with it.

Kozuki Oden read it and shouted in anger, "This is too much. They are calling you a demon, who kills and steals for fun and Pirate King."

Roger looked at his wanted poster, "Hahaha... Pirate King sounds like a nice name and 5 Billion Berries ha?... This must be a new record. I'm sure they will send that old man after me."

"Haha... Who do you think will find this so-called One Piece, Captain?" Silver Rayleigh asked. For some reason, the world had started to call the treasure at Raftel, One Piece.

Roger laughed, "Hahaha... My son, obviously"

"Where are you going to find a son?" He asked.

"I can always make one," Roger bluntly said, making everyone in the room laugh.

Roger put it down and walked out of his cabin, "GATHER AROUND EVERYONE, I have an announcement."

Roger went on to announce the end of Roger Pirates and told everyone to get off at the next island. He gave his Strawhat to Shanks and told him to hold on to it until someone worthy of wearing it comes.

Later, he went alone to meet Whitebeard, where he told him about the little he found out about void Century from the False True Poneglyph he found. He also told him that another Poneglyph was inside a secret chamber there which he couldn't access. He needed the three ancient weapons for it. And he knew he could never get it as there was no Posidon born yet.

From the False True Poneglyph, he understood that the history that was fed to the world till now was not real. The Great Kingdom and the 20 Kingdom war was a load of crap that did happen but for different reasons. The real enemy was still ruling the world.

"One day, someone will come and shake the world as we know it. He will have a D in his name and will wear a straw hat. He will truly bring the Dawn. If you find that person in the future, support him, White-chan." Roger told his friend.

"What about you, Roger?" Whitebeard asked.

"My time has come, White-chan. I'm both, too late and too early to witness those amazing things. I will do my part and become history soon." Roger said like he already knew the future, not to mention he was also sick.

"Hahaha... 5 Billion Berries, yes, you will go down in history. Now let's Cheers to that." Whitebeard loudly exclaimed and picked up his glass.

Roger then interestingly looked at Whitebeard, "Don't you want to know where Raftel is?"

Whitebeard shook his head, "I have a family and they are my treasure. Why would I need anything else?"

"Hahaha, who knew you'd be such a sentimental man, White-chan." Roger joked and laughed.

[You can see Mary Geoise, Five Elders, Wanted Poster, Oro Jackson, Roger's crew that went to Raftel and Roger and Whitebeard on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


30 Advance chapters are available on - patr-eon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *Joakim Jonsson* *Conrad* *Douglas Flower*.

Thank you for your support!