257. Gali ate a Ship

In the whole incident of Ohara, Dobby was nowhere to be found. The reason was simple. Alexander had tasked him to go and start printing his own newspapers so before the world government started demonizing Ohara and him, he could start demonizing them. The best part was that his newspaper was going to be extremely cheap. Making it accessible everywhere. To deliver, he was going to highjack the News Coo network.


"Mary Geoise... that was the name of the great kingdom. I foolishly thought that the elders would become happy if I told them this but they instead attacked us." Professor Clover revealed.

Alexander fell into deep contemplation then. ~This is quite intelligent. They made the name of the Great Kingdom the name of their seat of power. Now, even if someone finds out about the ancient kingdom's name they would first think about informing the World Government or just shrug it off.~

"So this means that the 20 original kingdoms lost and surrendered to the great kingdom. The great kingdom then decided to truly take over the world under the pretense of being righteous. They also invited all the 20 Royal families to live within Mary Geois, making it impossible to pass on the knowledge to others and making those Nobles dependent on World Government.

Wano must know this that is why they closed their borders and because they had very strong people the World Government just ignored them." He hypothesized.

"We came up with the same theory, but without proof, this will stay a theory." Professor Clover added.


"Well, let's fix this place first. They will probably soon put a bounty on me though I doubt they'll send anyone against me." Alexander said.


Alexander turned to the giant man who just woke up. He was an ex vice-admiral so he knew Alexander.

"Saul, he saved you. Also me and the whole of Ohara. He's not a bad man." Robin told him.

Saul looked confused, Alexander decided to speak "She is telling the truth, Saul. I even quit being a Marine just now and killed the chief of CP9."

Saul understood the grave offense Alexander had done by defecting like him, "Dereshishiahishi... You are just like me, Admiral. I am Jaguar D Saul, nice to meet you."

"Ooh... You have a D in your name too." Alexander interjected.

"Don't tell me, you have it too," Saul asked.

Robin quickly chimed in, "How do you not know his full name even after being in the marine? His full name is Alexander Maxim D Universe."

Alexander then looked at the giant man and spoke, "Well, Saul, you better stay on this island now and protect its people. Even though I have taken this under my protection I can't always be here."

"Of course, I also want to know why they wanted to destroy this place. I will stay here with little Robin." He said and smiled at her.

Then Nico Olvia started, "I need to continue my research and find more poneglyphs. I need to go to Fish-man island."

Alexander angrily looked at her, "And If you do that then I will take away little Robin from you. Do you have no shame, you selfish woman? You left her alone at such a young age with no loving family members. She lived her whole childhood in loneliness and sadness.

"If you couldn't take care of her then why did you give birth to her? Where is your motherly love? Are Poneglyphs really so important? Don't forget, if I wasn't here today you had already brought doom to this island. How stupid could you be to keep written records of your research on your journey when you knew the World Government was after you.

"You gave them a reason to come and destroy the island. You need to understand one simple fact, you are not a fighter but just a simple historian. So stop pretending that you're some kind of a superspy. Do the right thing for once. Sit with your daughter and ask how her life was for once, maybe you'll grow some shame then"

Alexander's words pierced her like arrows. Instantly hitting her with the reality and the false sense of greatness she was living in. She looked at Robin who was looking at her with big watery eyes, probably worried that her mother would leave her again.

"Mama, please don't leave me." Robin pleaded.

Olvia quickly got close to Robin and hugged her tightly and teared up, "I'm sorry, Robin. Mama will not go anywhere now."

Alexander came to Robin and ruffled her hair and gave her a chocolate bar to cheer her up, "Here, try this. It's sweet."

Then he looked back at Saul, "You are in charge of security here until I return. Some of my men will come here too so don't fight them, they will help you."

He took out his anywhere door and left.


Alexander came to the island with the headquarters of the Economy news newspaper. He wanted to understand how the owner of it used News Coos.

"Big News" Morgans was the president of the World Economy News Paper and one of the emperors of the Underworld. He had deep relations with lots of kingdoms.

Alexander came directly to the man's office. Morgans was a man who had eaten Bird Bird fruit. With his Devil Fruit powers active, Morgans had the form of a very tall human albatross hybrid with small eyes and a large beak. His body is covered in white feathers, and he has a large tail and wings that resemble human arms.

"So, this is where the Big News works." Alexander entered the office. Spooking the humanoid bird.

"W-WHAT?! HOW DID YOU ENTE...OH... Admiral Universe, what can I do for you?" The man showed a change of expressions faster than the weather on the grand line.

"Ah, nothing. I was thinking of starting my newspaper. So I came to get some tips. Maybe on how you utilize News Coo." Alexander made his wish clear and sat down.

Although Morgans was an underworld emperor, he was still timid when it came to messing with people of Alexander's level.

"Hah, I can absolutely tell you about it. It takes a lot of work to gather news from around the world. I have my reporters everywhere except in a few places. But the News Coo is a totally different thing. They work for me because I give them food and a small salary. I can talk to them and they consider me their king." He explained.

"Oh, then how about you lend me the birds? I will pay for them too." Alexander proposed.

"But isn't that like destroying my own business." He argued.

"See, I know you're a criminal. I can take the birds if I want too and you won't be able to do anything about it, I can talk with them too. So, you only have two options. Lose everything or just a little." Alexander threatened.

"Besides, I will also allow you to open small stalls in all my Kindheart malls around the world. We both gain something from this." He proposed. He didn't tell him how cheap he was going to sell his own newspaper.

Morgan thought for a long while. "Ah, that I can accept. I agree."

Alexander shook hands with him and apparated back to his ship that was originally exporting Shiki.

Alexander was shocked seeing that the ship looked damaged from here and there. "What happened here?"

Rina and Gali came running to him with their hands full of potato chips.

"Welcome back Grandpa, that bad man's friends came to free him," Rina reported.

"Where are they?"

Gali looked tensed, "Ah... Please don't get mad Grandpa, I-I ate the ship mistakenly. Though everyone onboard jumped down and for some reason, they couldn't swim and drowned."

"What about Shiki?" Alexander asked.

This time Rina tensed up, "Ah... Grandpa, he tried to fly away so I attacked him. He didn't wake up after I hit him."

"Take me to him." He instructed.

They came to a crowded place, many Marines were surrounding a body. Alexander's jaw fell when he saw it, "How the hell could he wake up after that hole in his chest?"

"S-sorry Grandpa." The two timidly apologized.

"It's alright. They were bad guys to begin with. You can go back now. Keep Gina company." He sent them away.

Then he looked back at the Marines and said, "Boys, what are you looking at? Pick that body and throw it in the sea. After that, gather around on the deck, I have an announcement."

[You can see Saul, Olvia and Morgans on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


30 Advance chapters are available on - patr-eon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *Joakim Jonsson* *Conrad* *Douglas Flower*.

Thank you for your support!