276. Welcome to the Family

Dracule "Hawk Eyes" Mihawk was a world-famous pirate who currently held the title of "Strongest Swordsman in the World". He was one of the Shichibukai, in fact, he was the first one to be revealed and formally introduced to the world.

"Haha, you lost, kid?" Alexander spoke first.

"Greetings, just wanted to see the strongest man in the world. And maybe cross swords with him. I've heard you use one sometimes." Mihawk greeted.

"Haha, yes, yes... I do have a sword, but I never get to use it as most of the people go down just fine with my fist." He answered. His height was towering as compared to Mihawk who was a normal 6.6ft sized human.

"Then care to entertain me with a fight?" Mihawk asked.

Alexander smiled and his Dragon Slayer sword materialized in his hand, "hahaha, I will not use my full strength, so you don't have to worry about your sword breaking up."

Alexander's words were boisterous but Mihawk knew that they were probably true as it was common knowledge now that Alexander had slain many Celestial Dragon and doing that and still surviving needed a lot of guts and power.

"Ready when you are, kid." Alexander gave him the first strike.

Mihawk instantly appeared in front of Alexander with his superspeed and made a cut towards his shoulder. Alexander also put his sword in between to defend.

But because of Mihawk's extreme eyesight, he noticed all the movement, he made a quick turn and backward slashed at Alexander's other shoulder.

But this time too, Mihawk found Alexander's sword already waiting there.

"Haha, child, your eyes are really good. Now, I recommend you get 100 percent serious so I can also get some exercise done. Olivia said I'm getting fat these days." He mumbled.

The yellow pupils of Mihawk's eyes twitched for a second and then he made a slash towards him. A green energy wave formed at the edge of his blade and traveled towards Alexander.

To Mihawk's surprise, Alexander didn't even use his sword to block it. He just slapped it away with bare hands.

"Haha, You are quite strong at armament haki. But not as strong as me. Try to block this."

Alexander jumped a few feet in the air and made a vertical cut with his Armament Haki covering it. Instead of Green waves like Mihawk, a golden energy wave came out.

Mihaws got ready to block it with a firm will. But the closer it came the more terrified he started to feel for some reason.

Then it finally connected with his sword. He wasn't even able to decrease its speed and got dragged with it. He used all the strength he could muster but nothing helped, seeing that he would die if he didn't move, he sidestepped.

The golden vertical energy waves fell into the sea and finally, Mihawk realized the might of that attack when he saw its effect.

The sea got split in two till the bottom, which was 10 thousand meters deep. Soon the miles-long crack in the sea started filling up, creating many whirlpools.

He looked at Alexander with admiration and respect. "You are every bit as strong as the rumors say. In fact, I'd say you are much stronger than that."

"Haha, and I'd say you are stronger than I expected. You are already at the Yonko level, why did you become a Shichibukai?" Alexander asked.


"I didn't choose to be that. My father forced it upon me." Mihawk answered, confusing Alexander.

Alexander asked him who his father is with a raised eyebrow and sure enough, Mihawk's answer shocked him, "My father is one of the five Elders. Was... one of the five Elders. You killed him not long ago."

"Goddamn," Dobby exclaimed from the sidelines.

Alexander coughed, "Ehem, I am sorry for your loss. I had no other choice but to kill one of them to teach them a lesson."

Mihawk shook his head lightly, "No, you don't have to apologize. I hated him since I was a small child. He killed my mother in anger and I caught him red-handed. I vowed to kill him from that day and trained all these years. I knew the five Elders were stronger than Yonko or Gol D Roger of that time."

"So that's why your bounty is a mystery. You were never awarded a bounty. Well, child, what are you going to do now, I already killed what motivated you to get stronger?" Alexander asked.

"Go back to being a pirate maybe. Now that my father is dead, they will start treating me as a pirate anyway." Mihawk resolutely said.

"What about joining me? You will get plenty of opportunities to fight immensely strong people, even stronger than Yonkos, excluding me. The World Government and the Pirate era will soon be a talk of the past. In addition to that, we got pretty high-quality wine." Alexander baited him.

"Wahhahhahh... Are you trying to sway me?.... It seems to be working though, I think I will join you. Life had been too bland all these years. Maybe a new taste is needed to bring more colors." Mihawk commented.

Alexander loudly laughed, "Welcome to the family, then. You will get a nice house in Goa Kingdom and Fishman island which is going to be our headquarters. You will be in the top brass, on the same level as Dobby and Kong."

"Kong works for you?" Mihawk amusingly asked.

"Ah, yeah. He does, the five Elders held his family hostage to keep him in line all these years. I saved them and Kong came to my camp." He revealed.

"You are already so strong to take over, why are you still waiting then?" Mihawk questioned.

"Mihawk, did you know a person named Im-sama sits above the five Elders as the king of the world. He rules everything from the shadows. And all the secrets about him are in One Piece, for opening One Piece I need all the three ancient weapons. I got one, the search is ongoing for the others." He explained the whole situation to him.

Mihawk was hit with many realizations that day, "So this is why Gol D Roger decided to just give up as he had no way to truly get hands on the One Piece and left it all for the future generation."

It was commonly known that Gold D Roger was hit with a life-threatening sickness at the end of his days so even if the World Government had not killed him he would still have died.

"Yeah, that's pretty much it." Alexander agreed. Though he didn't tell him that Roger was alive. It was a secret that was on him to decide with whom he wanted to share it.

Alexander then handed him a Log Pose, "It will lead you to Dawn Island. See you later, kid."

He flew in the air with Dobby and started to leave. But Alexander saw a huge ship with whale face heading towards him at the horizon and stopped.


Whitebeard, he was currently the Yonko with the highest bounty. He was also considered the strongest of them as well. And after fighting Gold D Roger as an equal and his death, he was hailed as the strongest man in the world.

Though that changed when Alexander killed Kaido with a single strike while maintaining a pose for the camera.

He was an old man and had also somehow contracted that damn disease. He had gone bald. But that was all secondary because he had his children and his family nearby. Something that he had dreamt of having after his home country, Sphinx, became too poor to be a member nation of the World Government. Newgate became an orphan like many other kids.

He then became a pirate at an early age and supported his village with the money and resources he gained. He still supported and protected his village.

But today, his visit to his village was interrupted with a loud sound and one in particular that shook the whole island he was standing on.

~The last I remember, only I had an ability like Tremor Tremor Fruit,~ he thought.

So, he and his children got back on the ship to see who was creating trouble in their territory.

"Pops, the doctor told you to stop drinking." A voice reprimanded Whitebeard, but he only laughed.

"Gurararara... Ace, a true man should follow his heart, no matter what." He said and downed another bowl of wine.

Suddenly another laughter started reverberating in the air and everyone looked up at the sky.

"Hahaha, I like your thinking, kid." Alexander boomed. He was probably the only man in the world who could call Whitebeard a kid.

"Nice seeing you again, Ace-chan. Your mama has been worried about you all this time." He added and slowly hovered down to the deck of the ship.

The people on the ship tensed up as Alexander was an enigma. No one knew when and what he would do something. Sometimes he acted like Marines and sometimes pirates, and sometimes revolutionary army. They didn't know if Whitebeard was his target.

[You can see Mihawk and Whale Ship on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


30 Advance chapters are available on - patr-eon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *Chessur* *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif*

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