285. A Man of Honor

All the people stopped playing on their tables and came to see them play. 500 Billion was a crazy amount no matter who you were. However there was still an exception, Brian, Blue Fang, and Douglas were still playing on their table. They knew that no matter what, the old man would be the winner.

Meanwhile, Guild Tesoro gestured to everyone he had to with his eyes.

Alexander looked at the blind man sitting beside him, "Are you playing too?"

The man laughed, "Haha, even if I want to, I can't. I don't have that kind of money."

The people in the audience nodded, no one normally had that kind of money.

"Haha, then sit back and watch me win." Alexander confidently said.

Then suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder. It was an executive at the casino working for the Guild. She tried to woo him with her questionable clothing but Alexander just ignored her.

However, he already knew that she had done something to him as he had felt some kind of energy coming out of her hand. He didn't know what it was so he just reversed his body's time to before she touched him.

Soon the cards were given. Alexander got a face card and a 3, which made his total was 13. Now he needed an 8 to win. He was constantly monitoring the Dealer and Guild. Alexander noted that Guild had a 2 and an ace, which gave him a 3 or 13 and he also needed an 8 to win.

It was Alexander's turn. He saw through whatever the Dealer was doing and asked for another card, "Hit me"

The card that came to Alexander was surely a 2 but just as the dealer was picking it up, it got swapped with another card that was a 10. It was not the card that got changed but the print on it.

So Alexander froze time for a sec and reversed the time of the card. The time resumed and the Dealer put down the original 2. It made him start sweating even more. The pressure was just too much.

Alexander now had 15. Guild also took another card, making his total 20. He now just had to sit and wait for Alexander to lose.

Alexander sighed loudly, "Ah, this is boring. Guild, I'm wondering if I can double down. I know it's not allowed at this stage but it's your casino so your rules."

The heartbeats of many people nearly stopped at that moment. Guild's eyes clearly showed his greed. Without even thinking he allowed it. Now he just needed to make sure that one final card was the right one for him and he would win a trillion Berries.

"Haha, okay then. Double down." Alexander said laughingly. He suddenly noticed the blind man sitting beside him smile, as if he knew what was going to happen.

The dealer gave Alexander a card. It needed to be 6 for Alexander to win. But the dealer was too nervous, he made a mistake and the card slipped down.

"Ah man, you ruined the fun. Now reshuffle it and give me another card." Alexander nearly shouted, making the man more nervous. Guild sitting beside him was so nervous that he even forgot to get angry.

The dealer quickly let the machine shuffle them and then took out a card. It was a 6 this time and Alexander had really done nothing. He had seen all this happening with his Observation Haki.

This time also, the 6 turned into a 9 but then it again changed back to 6 as the dealer put the card down.

For a whole minute, people didn't move. It was as if everyone forgot to breathe. Then someone shouted, "HE WON!"

The dealer finished his hand which didn't matter anymore.

"Haha, that's blackjack. I won, which means I take 1.5 times. So, how are you going to give me 1.5 trillion Berries, Guild-boy?" Alexander asked.

Nerves popped on Guild's head. He angrily stood up. "How? How could you win? Y-you had no luck. I made sure..."

People around him started to talk that he had fixed the game, then the realization hit him soon that this time he cannot use his underhanded means and get away.

Dobby and Alexander came closer to Guild. "So, you had somehow made my luck go away? Let me guess, it is this girl?"

He pointed at the girl who had come to him before the start of the match.

"Whether you like it or not. I own this whole ship now. And the first command of mine is that all slaves must be freed. Their debt is forgiven and they can peacefully leave to their homes." He announced.

Many people acting as waiters and cleaners started shouting in happiness.

"Why did you even invite me here?" Alexander finally asked him.

"I wanted to ally with you and destroy the world government. That was the purpose of my life for the past many years but I saw no hope in really achieving this dream, so I started gaining as much wealth as possible.

"In this world, only the rich and powerful could ever dream. Poor ones just end up becoming a tool for fulfilling the dreams of those rich and powerful.

"But even after reaching this level, I can not do anything to them, but you... you brought hope. Now, even the poor can dream because they know that even if they don't succeed, no one will exploit them so I sought you, to fulfill my dream" Guild explained with a defeated face.

"I know your past, I know what they did to you. But I also know what you did to others. You became what you hated the most and made more people have the same past as you. You used your money to put others in misery. Yet you dare talk about revenge? Boy, if that is the case then all these people you enslaved should be allowed to kill you for revenge." Alexander reprimanded him.

"Dobby, strip the ship down and turn it into a moving Golden Justice Army Command headquarters. It's already gold enough. Guild, I am giving you a chance. You were able to get this rich in such a short time so this means you obviously have some brain. use it in a better place. Sign this and become an auditor of my army. Don't sign and I will leave you in their care." He offered him.

It was a magical contract. If he breaks it then he will surrender himself forcefully and Alexander will be notified.

Guild read it and gulped, "I-I will sign it and do whatever you say but I want a promise from you."

"What?" Alexander asked.

"When you take over. I want to kill that celestial dragon who killed my Stella with my hands. Please." He prostrated in front of him.

"Well, I can let you have that but I am not sure if he is even alive. I killed quite a few of them in my past rampage, they died under the collapsing segments of the Pangaea castle." Alexander clarified.

Alexander then let Dobby handle everything and he went to the blind man who was silently drinking.

"Haha, someone said it right, you don't always need eyes to see," Alexander commented.

Meanwhile, Issho was internally fangirling inside, because he got to meet his biggest idol. Since he was small he had heard stories of the great man called Alexander Maxim D Universe.

When he grew up and found out that his idol was going against the World Government, he started to investigate the reason. In the end, he found out that the world was much darker than it appeared. Slavery, Murder, and other horrible crimes were too common and went unpunished.

So, hurt by those things, he blinded himself as he didn't want to see such a world and started to work to make a difference. He just kept on following his role model's footprints and finally, it brought him to his meeting.

He kept his calm, "Haha, it is an honor to meet a legendary man like you."

"Ah, the pleasure is all mine. For a man with your abilities, what are you doing in this place?" Alexander asked.

Issho wasn't surprised that his strength was evaluated in seconds by him. "I heard that people were being enslaved here. So I came to check."

"Haha, a man of honor then. What is your name?" Alexander asked.

"My name is Issho, people who know me call me Fujitora," he replied.

"Fujitora, would you like to become a commander in my Golden Justice Army? The post of Commander is just like an Admiral in Marines. It's just that I had too many strong people so I had to normalize the ranks." Alexander proposed.

Issho didn't make him wait long, "I Accept!"

[You can see Fujitora on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


30 Advance chapters are available on - patr-eon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *Chessur* *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif*

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