291. Captain and the First Mate

Alexander had gotten a message from Garp that he wanted to meet him somewhere. So he told him to come to Amazon Lily. Although its empress was gone it was still his territory and had special rights.

Once Garp came, they set up a nice camp on a cliff overlooking the sea. They drank for a while.

"Bwahaha... so much has changed in such a little time, Old man. Who could have thought that one day you'd have the whole world under your thumb." Garp blabbered. He was already drunk.

"Well, someone had to do it. Everyone knew that the World government is corrupt and unjust but were afraid of retaliation." Alexander reasoned.

"I know I know... you are the all-mighty old man. I'm sure you'll be successful in your ambition and create a new world. B-But before that. I have a request."

Alexander wasn't looking at him and was standing by the cliff. He felt the emotional distraughtness of Garp and turned around. Garp's face showed a frown, sadness, and anger at the same time.

Garp looked down and spoke, "Old man, can you save Ace? You are the only one I know who can do it. I don't want to break my promise with Roger. It was his last wish"

"Hahaha... You didn't really have to ask me that. I was going to save him anyway. And that public execution of Ace is nothing but a ploy by them to lure me in. So foolish of them to think it will work.

"But, I need something from you as well, Garp." He suddenly turned serious.

"What is it, old man?" Garp asked.

"Garp, I remember telling you to make me proud and you did just that with all the good things you've done. But if you keep supporting the World Government even now, then all your good work was for naught.

"I am giving you a choice. Leave the Marines and join me. You don't have to answer me right now. I will be revealing something in the Marineford soon. Decide your mind then. Tell this to Sengoku and Kuzan as well. I will be revealing the true ruler, ruling the world from the shadows." He revealed.

"You mean the five...I mean four elders?" Garp asked.

"Hahaha... you are still innocent Garp. No, four elders are just the face of the World Government. They work for someone who created all this 800 years ago. Now go or you'll be late for the execution." He finished and also went his own way.

Alexander took out his phone and called Dragon, "Boy, where did you reach?"

"We are near Sabaody. Justicefort is in camouflage and the ancient weapons are ready." Dragon reported.

"Good, go near Marineford and wait for my command. When I signal, I want you to start the bombardment." He instructed.


At the same time, a meeting of a certain captain and his first mate was going to take place.

Roger took his Oro Jackson to Sabaody. He had the flag of the Golden Justice Army so nobody stopped him. He knew where Rayleigh was living from Alexander.

He went straight to the Shakky's Rip-off Bar, at the counter he asked for a drink.

Shakuyaku initially didn't look at his face but once she did, her mind went blank.

"W-What...GHOST!" She screamed.

Rayleigh came in running from outside, "What happened?"

His eyes fell on Roger's back. He had seen that back thousands of times but his mind wasn't letting him believe this could be real, "Who are you? Why are you impersonating Roger?"

Roger started to laugh in his iconic way, "Bwahaha... why would I impersonate myself, Rayleigh? It's really me, your captain, Gol D. Roger. Did you forget what I told you when we first met? We were going to turn the world upside down."

Rayleigh walked up to him with a shocked face. He really couldn't believe this was the real Roger. Everything was the same, the laugh the talk the eyes. His eyes got a bit watery remembering the past.

"HOW?!" He asked.

"Haha... didn't I say, I'm not gonna die, partner," Roger spoke the last words he said to Rayleigh.

Rayleigh was now one hundred percent sure that this was the real Roger. He quickly gave a brotherly hug.

"Goddamit, why didn't you contact me for so long? What the hell were you doing?" Rayleigh questioned.

Behind them, Shakuyaku went and closed the doors of the bar so no one would disturb them.

"Haha, I was helping the Golden Justice Army and looking for Ancient Weapons. I did it, Rayleigh. I and Old man opened the secret chamber. We know the true history of the world now and soon the world will know." Roger revealed.

"Wait, what Old man?" Rayleigh asked confusedly.

"Oh, you don't know. I'm talking about the Old Man Universe. He saved me at the time of execution. Not just that, he saved my wife and son." Roger said, his voice showed deep respect for Alexander.

"Son? When did that happen?"

"Haha, a few months after my 'execution'. But my son is now in the custody of Marines and they are going to execute him in Marineford. I need the crew, Rayleigh. Tell me, you still wanna turn the world upside down?" Roger asked.

Rayleigh cracked his knuckles, "I just remembered the words of President Universe when he last came here. He asked me what would get me back in action and I told him that it was only possible if you appeared again. Hahaha... I guess I am back in action then, and I've been itching for that"

"Bwahaha, let's call the other guys too. Roger Adventurers are now back in action." Roger loudly.

"Adventurers?" Rayleigh asked.

"The old man is soon going to abolish Pirates. Those who still want to travel the seas and explore will need to register their groups as adventurers and they will be allowed to travel the seas for fun and also can take jobs given by the Adventurer guild. He has also said that he would hide lots of treasures all around the world and make secret and puzzling long quests for finding them. It will be really fun." Roger explained to him.

Alexander in fact hadn't told him everything. Alexander was going to make every big Adventurer make a T.V show as well, documenting their adventures and how they found the treasures, this would make people not see them as pirates and also bring in a profitable income form of entertainment. Luffy's Strawhat adventurers had already signed a contract.

"Okay, I can understand the need for that. Let me call the crew. Wait, what about Shanks and Buggy? One is a Shichibukai and the other is a Yonko." Rayleigh asked.

"Just call Buggy. Shanks is going to be there anyway. I'm gonna surprise him." Roger said excitedly.

Rayleigh called in Scopper Gaban, Nozdon, Kozuki Oden, Inuarashi, Nekomamushi, and all the others. He didn't tell them what was going on but he just told them that it was urgent.

Most of them were already coming towards Marineford so it wouldn't take them much time.


Marshall D. Teach and Big Mom had already left for Marineford a long time ago, leaving their home bases most vulnerable.

Alexander stood with Dobby, "It's time for you to start Dobby. Start taking over one by one. First, start with the New World and then North and West Blue."

"Okay, Boss. Best of luck to you as well. I hope all this ends here so we can really focus on changing the world." Dobby muttered and left for his mission.

"Oh, it will end today for sure. Im will have to come out no matter what." Alexander spoke alone and soon after he also left for Marineford. Though he wasn't going to interfere from the start.

The whole execution was going to be shown live to the world so he first needed to show how cruel the Marines under World Government were and then expose them at the right time.

He was sure that the World Government had something planned to deal with him, after all, it was common knowledge that the Admirals wouldn't be able to stop him on their own.


Impel Down,

Luffy foolishly attacked Impel Down and nearly died doing it. He soon found out that Ace had already been taken away for Marineford.

He was finally regretting being so dumb and not listening to his smarter friends.

"Calm down Luffy, Grandpa won't let anything happen to Ace," Rina told him.

"Yeah, Grandpa is very strong," Gali added.

Robin also agreed with them.

"Don't forget that he told us to go to Marineford from the start. We should have listened to him instead of wasting our time. Now let's go before we're too late." Law angrily said. He was a friend of Ace too and wanted to save him.

[You can see Garp and Old boys on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


30 Advance chapters are available on - patr-eon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *Chessur* *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif*

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