302. Madness in Sand

It was now round 2. Saitama decided to go all out from now on. Alexander did the same.


Another punch collided. The two were continuously increasing their powers. But no winner came out of the match.

Saitama's face looked like he was having an orgasm. After so long he had finally found a worthy opponent.

Alexander was also enjoying fighting him. It was unbelievable to him that a human can get so strong. He was also utilizing this opportunity to grow stronger because his flesh body was meant to grow stronger the more he fought.

"Haha, you're pretty strong, kid," he praised.

"You aren't bad either, old man," Saitama replied.

Soon their punches became so strong that the mountains started to dissipate each time they clashed.

Sensing that they might end up destroying the planet, Alexander decided to use a bit more power. He channeled his power into his fish and prepared to punch.

"This is going to be my serious punch kid, block it if you can." He warned.

Saitama excitedly smiled, "Come on ahead,"

Then their fists collided. This time, unlike before, Alexander's punch was too strong. The punch broke Saitama's fist and he was sent flying away out of the Earth's atmosphere and struck the moon.

But it didn't end there. Saitama was thrown with so much force that his body destroyed the moon and still kept on going.


Alexander cursed and quickly repaired the moon with his magic and then caught Saitama who was on his way to Jupiter.

He came back and put injured Saitama on the ground. Alexander knew he overused his power but he was more shocked by the fact that Saitama only had a broken fist. He decided to make this kid his ally, because if he can grow stronger then he may be helpful later in the war.

"You are pretty strong, kid. Show me your fist, I will heal it." He offered.

Saitama was lying on the ground with a smile on his face. He showed him his fist, Alexander just reversed the time of his fist and it returned to being as it was.

Saitama was still smiling and... crying?

~Was being this strong so frustrating?~ Alexander asked himself.

"Saitama, let's go and beat some monsters. I will give you some training tips to grow stronger and then we will have another match in a few years." Alexander proposed.

Saitama instantly agreed, "Yes teacher. Let's go."

After that, he, Dobby, and Saitama traveled the whole world killing monsters and bonding in general. Alexander learned the whole story of Saitama.

He could honestly feel his pain. Being so strong that no one can give you competition. It would surely be a pain in the ass. He imagined this would be his case when he reaches the pinnacle.

He also taught Saitama a few breathing techniques to strengthen his internal organs. He also taught him Haki and Rokushiki. It turns out, Saitama also had conqueror haki. But it was dormant because he never felt a need to use it.

In their travels, they saw many different creatures. There was even a Gorilla that had grown too sentient and ran away from the Zoo. He was always mistaken for being a monster and was hunted. So Alexander taught him how to fight and cleared up the misunderstanding. Now, the Gorilla was an S-class Hero.

Saitama also opened up with him and started calling him 'old man'. They currently sat on the roof of the Hero association tower. The Hero association's world division had already ranked them as the strongest beings on the planet and both were awarded SSS+ class. SSS was already the highest in the World division but because their power was unquantifiable they just added a plus.

"Old man, when are you leaving?" Saitama asked. Alexander had told him that he was a demi-god and was on the job. But he also asked him if he would like to join him in the War of Gods in the future. Saitama instantly agreed to it.

Alexander looked at world purity. "In about 15 minutes. We have already defeated most of the monsters. Saitama, I have a proposal. You will not be able to grow strong as long as you stay here. So I was planning to send you to a place where the Universe is filled with bad strong people who can even destroy the universe. After you conquer that you can go to other worlds."

"Woah, that strong? I would love to go there." Saitama exclaimed.

"Haha, okay. Get ready then. You have my expansion pouch. It has lots of gold we earned in all this time. There are some other helpful things in it too, have a look after you reach the place. Take care, kid." Alexander patted his back.

Saitama stood up in his yellow suit and gave a big smile, "See you later, old man"

Then a golden light fell and took him away. Alexander had sent him to Marvel Universe. which was filled with overpowered universe destroying beings.

"All right, Dobby, go back into Phixheim. I should be leaving soon," he told him. Then just like Saitama, he also disappeared but in white light.


White light disappeared and Alexander appeared in space near a planet. Soon Dobby and Ragnarok also came out of Phixheim.

"I was expecting a nice city but it's the cold dark space," Dobby exclaimed. This was the first time they appeared like this directly in space.

Ragnarok smirked, "Hah, just like a woman's heart for you, Dobby"

"I'm still better than you though. You are a lot older than me." Dobby japed back.

Alexander laughed, "Hahaha, you two should stop talking like you are an expert in women."

Dobby and Ragnarok looked at him with shrunken eyes, "Says the man who's been simping on a woman for thousands of years."

*Cough* *Cough*

"Simping is allowed if it is your beautiful wife. Now, let's go and see where we are." Alexander flew towards the planet leaving the two behind to laugh.

While going down to the planet, Alexander checked the phone to see his identity. It just vaguely said, 'Master of Force' and showed the Galactic purity at 50%.

~What does this mean?~ he asked himself.

They landed on the planet. They looked for any sign of civilization but all they saw was ruins upon ruins of buildings and a deserted planet. It was literally all deserts and mountains.

"It seems we are too late," Ragnarok exclaimed.

Dobby raised his hand to tell them to stop speaking. Dobby was always sensitive to life, "No, I sense a lot of people in that direction."

"Let's go then" Alexander stated and they flew towards the direction. Soon they came upon a huge dome.

"This looks like a biodome. There must be people inside as this planet's environment doesn't seem very suitable." Alexander pondered.

The three walked up to it without any thought and knocked on something that looked like a door.

Soon a camera-like thing moved on top of it and a voice came from a speaker. Alexander had no idea what they were saying and he had no way of letting Ghost lear...

"Boss, do you want their language pack?" Ghost suddenly voiced.

"Yes, but how?" Alexander exclaimed.

"I hacked into their system. They aren't very advanced. I learned their language. Look," he projected everything for him.

Alexander's million times comprehension gave him instant learning of it. He then passed it on to Dobby and Ragnarok in the form of memory.

Then finally they understood what the speaker was saying, "Who are you? I will only ask one more time."

Alexander quickly spoke, "Oh, I am Alexander Maxim Universe, this is Dobby and that is Ragnarok. We are lost."

"Oh, you re lost... WHAT?! HOW ARE YOU OUT THERE?" the voice asked. The planet was surely breathable but it was inhospitable.

Suddenly Ragnarok moved forward and plastered his face on camera, "We ain't normal people, kid. Just open the door and let us in. we need to meet your leader."

The guard on the other side panicked because they had not sensed any aircraft landing on their planet, so how did these humans appear?

"Oh, let me ask the Duchess. Please wait." The man was about to leave when Alexander asked where they were.

"You are outside Sundari, the domed capital city of the planet Mandalore. I will go and inform the Duchess." The voice left.

Outside, Alexander and Dobby had sudden enlightenment about where they were.

"We are in Star Wars. Okay boys, change your clothes to Jedi robes like old times and tie lightsabres on your waists." Alexander advised them.

"Boss, are you able to feel the force?" Dobby asked while pointing his hand towards the mountains in the distance.


A huge chunk of it broke off and started flying.

Alexander also tried and just pointed his hand towards the desert and willed the sand grains to move. In an instant, a 1-kilometer meter tall and 800 meters wide pyramid was formed.

"Yeah, I think I can use it, but it kinda tickles all over my body," Alexander said, looking at his hand.

Then Ragnarok tried, "Yeah, I also felt ticklish. Let's try this"

Ragnarok was not able to make it as big as the pyramid but he was able to make a female dragon sculpture from the sand.

Dobby nearly choked in laughter, "Are you in heat, you old dragon?"

Ragnarok embarrassingly stopped controlling the sand and let it fall down, "Ah, that was just a mistake"

"Hahaha... Your focus determines your reality, Raggy." Alexander quoted.

"Boss, don't steal other people's quotes." Dobby retorted, he surely recognized Qui-Gon Jinn's quote.

"Alex, my sculpture fell but why is your pyramid still not falling?" Ragnarok inquired.

"Hah, that's strange. I'm not even using the force. Well, maybe I'm just too good." Alexander shrugged smugly.

While they were goofing around, the guard had brought Duchess Satine Kryze to the surveillance area. The Duchess herself saw all the madness happening outside and nearly died of a heart attack seeing the inhuman powers. She could already see from their clothing and powers that they were Jedi but even Jedi Grandmasters didn't have the powers they displayed.

"Call them in, RESPECTFULLY!," she ordered.


21 BBY

Jedi Temple, Coruscant

Yoda was meditating on a meditation balcony when suddenly his eyes shook open.

Jedi Master Mace Windu was nearby him and noticed the movement.

"What happened, Grandmaster?" He asked.

Yoda looked out of the balcony at the sky. "A change in force I sense. Imminent it is."

[You can see Mandalore, Coruscant, Jedi Temple and Yoda on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


30 Advance chapters are available on - patr-eon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *Chessur* *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif*

Thank you for your support!