305. A Mystery Baby

Alexander left 50 Terminator droids on the planet to run it and told Brian and Blue Fang to start setting up a Galactic Federal Empire.

Then he left to Hutt Space, an autonomous region of the galaxy on the border between the Mid Rim and the Outer Rim Territories that was located to the galactic east of the Core Worlds, and was under the control of the Hutt Clan. Largely noted as being a haven to the disreputable denizens of the galaxy.

Alexander had stopped any emergency transmission from getting out of Tatooine. He had instead used Jabba's identity to call for an emergency meeting of the Grand Hutt Council, which ruled the Hutt crime family.

"Boss, look. The pod is moving." Dobby pointed.

Alexander went to the small white pod he brought with him. "Let's open it and see what's inside."

Alexander used the force to open it. For some reason, he had a feeling that it would open that way.

As expected it opened with a hush. Some smoke came out of it. Once it was fully opened, they saw what was inside.

Alexander instantly recognized it. "Baby Yoda?"

"You mean Yoda's baby?" Dobby asked.

"Could be, I only know him and Yaddle to belong to the same species. This kid looks very young. Let's take him to Yoda, he'll know what to do." Alexander decided.

"Aaaooooo..." The baby woke up.


Alexander picked him up, "Hey there, little goblin. You're gonna be traveling with us now."

Baby Yoda must have felt the connection of the force in Alexander so he suddenly hugged him with his tiny body.

"Haha, you like me? Well, I like you too. Now, I gotta work. You Sleep," he put him back in his now half-open pod.

He called Berry and Hats to babysit the child while they went to Nal Hutta and deal with the council.

"Keep an eye on him. He can be very sneaky sometimes." Alexander warned the two nannies.

"Yes boss, Berry will not disappoint you." Berry firmly saluted. Huts on the other hand just lazily lay on the side.

"Ghost, keep your eyes on the planet, I want you to stop any hostile ship from leaving this planet." He instructed and again flew down to the planet.



After Alexander left and organized the planet, things started to look better. The Terminator droids were too good and had nearly wiped out the whole Tuskan raider population who tried to take advantage and take over the planet's various cities.

But then a ship landed on the planet and a young man came out of it. He went to find his mother. He was also very shocked by the ongoing changes on the planet.

He couldn't find Watto, who owned his mother as a slave. After a long time of gathering some info, he found out that Watto died at the hands of an unknown force user. But he also found out about his mother through there.

He went to the moister farm where she was supposed to be living.

"Anakin?" The boy heard the voice he had been craving for so long.

He looked back and saw his mother standing with a basket full of various vegetables and other things.

Anakin ran up to her and hugged her, he was happy that the vision he had seen didn't come true.

"I have come to take you, mother," Anakin said.

"Oh, my Anakin. Look at you, you've grown so big and handsome." Shmi caressed his face.

Then Shmi told him about how she was sold and thankfully a good man bought her and freed her.

Initially, Anakin was a bit angry about her marrying someone but understood that things could have been much worse if she was bought by someone bad.

"I will pay them back for their kindness, mother. But you must come with me." Anakin insisted.

Shmi denied, "You are a Jedi, Anakin. I know about your oaths. Even your coming here goes against it. And I can't leave this place. I have a family here and recently this place had started to become much better thanks to the new government under Grandmaster Universe."

"To hell with being a Jedi. What's the point if I can't even help my mother? I was naive to believe in Jedi ways for this long." He blurted and unknowingly affected the force around him.

Shmi sensed him being in distress, "Easy, my child. My living here doesn't mean I don't love you. Maybe you also have someone you like. What if you were asked to leave them?"

Anakin instantly thought about Padme. The woman he loved and was thinking of marrying.

Shmi caressed his face, "If you don't like the Jedi order then go and find the ones who freed this planet from its misery. They are not like other Jedi. They seemed... freer."

Anakin got interested in knowing who the mysterious Jedi were. It was his dream when he was small to free all the slaves on the planet but as he grew he forgot his dream. "Do you know where they went?"

"Yes, Grandmaster had announced before leaving that he was going to destroy the Hutt clan in Hutt space. He should be there right now." She revealed.

Anakin's eyes widened in shock. He knew how powerful the Hutt crime family was and going to attack them all alone was like courting death. But he needed to go and meet them. He had already seen the Dark and Light side of the force, he wanted to see this one too.

"Thank you, mother. I will return here after meeting them."

~And maybe get you to meet my Padme~

He got up and left for Hutt's space.



Alexander, Dobby, and Ragnarok were wreaking havoc on the planet. It was a den of all the bad people in the galaxy.

Ghost was also busy dealing with any fleeing criminals in the space. It was amazing what one Super Star Destroyer could do. Alexander couldn't imagine the dread his whole fleet and Ironheim would bring.

"Let's go and kill the Grand Hutt Council. they are the big boss of this whole crime syndicate." Alexander ordered.

So they ran straight into their headquarters. It was filled with soldiers but passing through them was very easy.

Soon they reached the place all the council members were hiding.

But when he entered he found Hats and Berry already sitting on a high chair in the room. Baby Yoda was strapped into a baby carrier on the back of Hats.

All the big fat Hutts were kneeling in front of him.

"Hats, why?" Alexander asked.

"Because this little guy was screaming nonstop. We had no option but to bring him here. So I decided I might as well just help you. These are the big crime lords right, so I just made your work easier." Hats clarified.

Alexander just shook his head. That's just how Hats was. Unpredictable and very powerful.

Alexander looked at the Hutts and lifted all of them with the force. He looked into their minds for all the information about their businesses and how they ran them.

It would later be sent to Brian and Blue Fang so they could take over the economy of the Hutt space and their whole businesses.

"Okay, you all are nearly the same. Each of you deserves to die for destroying so many lives and also playing with them like nothing." He threw them towards a corner where Ragnarok would deal with them with his Fire Force ability.

Alexander clapped his hands clean and went to help all the locked slaves get out.

But then he heard a message from Ghost, "Sir, there seems to be a new ship that just appeared in the space nearby."

"Let it come in. I'll see if it's friendly or hostile." He ordered.

Then he went to the underground prison where he freed everyone. Then his eyes fell on a woman he knew. It was a Togruta and he knew her.

He freed her and asked, "I really want to know how a Jedi got caught here."

She was surprised that he saw through her but then she also felt him being soaked in force like he was made from it.

"W-Who are you?" she questioned.

[You can see Baby Yoda, Nal Hutta, Hutt Council and the Togruta on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


30 Advance chapters are available on - patr-eon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *Chessur* *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif*

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