325. Reforms

As the months went by, Alexander was mostly busy setting up a new and better administrative branch of the Galactic Free Republic. He added the word 'free' to emphasize how seriously any kind of enslavement was to be taken.

He had the whole Galaxy under him at the moment but nobody knew that. Everyone expected the Separatist worlds to show dissatisfaction in joining the republic again but nothing like that happened.

Under the careful eyes of Alexander's droids, every planet would conduct fair elections to choose their representative to sit in the Senate.

Alexander was setting up the same system as on earth but on a bigger scale. Currently, all the Senators were elected through 3 stages. Planetary governments appoint delegates to subsector assemblies. Subsector assemblies elected the members of regional sector assemblies, which in turn elected the actual senators who would serve on Coruscant.

But this was a very confusing and complex method. People had no choice on who would become their representative in the senate.

So, he started dividing the whole galaxy into various sectors. No planet was left alone. Because many planets had colonies, those sectors were divided to keep the people of the same species together.

Then they would have a planetary election and then from the elected members in all planets in the whole sector, another member will be elected to represent the sector in the senate.

There will be a Galactic Senate based in the Coruscant and Sector Senate, which will be based in each sector. Elections will be held every 5 years so if people wanted to continue being in their position then they would need to win the grace of the people in their sector, this would motivate them to work for the betterment of the sectors.

Then there were the minor departments. Mainly Finance, Defence, and Livelihood. Their heads will be selected by 5 heads senators.

Keeping a private planetary army was illegal now(Not Police). All of the Army belonged to the republic as a whole. People could still own weapons though. It would be the Galactic Free Republic's responsibility to keep the space safe.

Alexander was the current acting Supreme Chancellor. In a few years, this post would be abolished when all the members of the Senate were elected. Until then, he could do whatever he wanted. All the Core worlds had already shown support for him. They didn't want to anger the old Jedi now.


The next day, a Galaxy wide open broadcast was made from Alexander's office. It was meant to tell the Galaxy about the new laws and the punishments surrounding it.

"People of the Galactic Free Republic, I am the temporary supreme Chancellor. I am also the Supreme Grandmaster of the Jedi Order.

"After going through all the records about the various happenings in the Galaxy, I came to the conclusion that we need some base reforms.

"First, the Grand Republic Fleet and Army will root out all the criminal organizations in the Galaxy. Second, from now on, the Bounty Hunter Guild can only issue Bounties approved by the Republic. Any bounty hunter taking bounty from a non-republic source will be seen as a common criminal.

"Third, slavery is officially banned. Whoever deals with slaves will be shot on sight from now on. Enslaving someone is now added to the highest category of heinous crimes.

"Fourth, a new law has been passed. It is called the Droid Rights Act. In this, all droids are considered sentient species but with a catch. I understand that droids are used in many businesses and are a very important part of the world.

"This is why, by law, even if the Droid is unusable, you cannot destroy its memory chip. You can buy a new body for it which is much cheaper than buying a new droid.

"You will also pay the droids a salary, but in a virtual currency called Republic Droid Credits. It is a currency only usable by droids who can then use it to buy body parts or upgrades for themselves.

"All these laws will be valid the moment I end this broadcast. Thank you,"

The moment the broadcast ended, suddenly many planets were ambushed by Battle Droids and Clone troopers. All the major criminal organizations were uprooted that day.


"Yes, attack again, little one." Alexander sparred with Ahsoka.

"How strong are you? We've been fighting for an hour now and you didn't even sweat." She complained.

"Patience, child. With time you will get strong enough to fight for days. Keep on practicing my methods and the Force will boost you." He taught her.

"Yes, I am much better now than before. I can even tie with Skyguy. Heheee... I will surpass him soon." She gleefully cheered.

"Who's gonna surpass me? You, Snips?" Anakin entered with his lightsaber in hand.

"Oh, are you challenging me, Skyguy?" She asked.

"Why don't you both fight me? Let's see how much you two have improved." Alexander proposed.

Both looked intrigued by this and lit up their lightsabers. "Let's do this."

Then Alexander proceeded to beat them. "Have you been slacking Anakin? I can understand you are married and want to spend time with your wife but don't stop training."

Anakin rolled his eyes, "It's not me who's gotten bad. It's you who has improved a lot."

"Hahaha, I think you are right." Alexander shamelessly accepted the praise.

Due to all the noise, many masters present in the Temple came to see them.

"Why don't you all join in? It'll be a good exercise for you all." Alexander called them.

Nobody denied it and jumped in with their lightsabers out. One after another more Jedi were joining in the fight.

Alexander was still flawlessly fighting them. After a while, a total of 1500 Jedi were fighting him at the same time.

"Haha, it's not that easy to bring me down. I can go on forever." Alexander loudly claimed.

All the Jedi were tired and gasping for breath by now. None of them were able to land even a single strike till now. One by one, they started to stop.

In the end, only Alexander and Yoda were left. They both looked at each other. Yoda was also out of breath.

"Very strong you are, Supreme Grandmaster, I am no match," Yoda said and retracted his lightsaber.

"You are still the strongest of the lot. Come, we have something to talk about." Alexander said. His time to leave again was coming. As much as he wanted to stay longer, his journey must continue.

He and Yoda went to the meeting room and sat down. "What worries you, Master?"

"Yoda, I will be honest with you. I will not be able to stay in the world for very long. My time is quickly coming closer." Alexander said.

Yoda's brows furrowed, "Has happened something to you?"

"No, I am too strong to live in this dimension. I will be sent to somewhere else by the Forces of Nature. But worry not, I will not leave you all behind without telling you.

"I am just giving you a heads up to start training the next generation Jedi Grandmasters so any trouble like Darth Sidious can be avoided."

"Expecting multiple Grandmasters are you?" Yoda asked.

Alexander nodded, "Yes, Anakin has the talent and Force sensitivity to one day go even beyond Grandmaster. Ahsoka, Obi-Wan, and Mace also have the talent to become Grandmasters. There could surely be more, we just have to find. Jango has been doing a good job. He has already brought us 10 Younglings. Maybe there are more like Anakin, strong in the Force,"

Yoda thoughtfully nodded, "Yes, possible it is."

"And you, Yoda, are going to come on a trip with me. I am going to train you to become the greatest Jedi the galaxy has ever seen. Pack up," he announced, leaving Yoda in shock.


30 Advance chapters are available on - patr-eon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *Chessur* *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif*

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