329. Aliens

"Well, I think we are on Mars right now. But there should be a reason why we are here." Alexander concluded.

"Boss, look, there's a man." Dobby pointed at a distance. Normal eyes could not see that far away but they could.

"Yeah, that looks like a pretty advanced rover there. Let's follow him and see if there is a colony of humans that has been established." Alexander said.

"Looks like he's digging something," Ragnarok added.

Soon the human did whatever he was doing and left. Alexander followed him to his dwellings.

"Okay, I was wrong, humans have not advanced enough. It's just a small housing unit. Let's go and give him a visit." Alexander said. Alexander also had a slight idea now about where he was.


Inside the housing unit, a man was listening to some disco songs and digging potatoes that he grew with his big brain knowledge and some poop.

*Knock Knock*

Mark Watney was just minding his business when he heard the knocking on the entry hatch. He ignored it initially, thinking it was sand as the wind was quite strong outside.

*Knock Knock Knock*

Now, it felt more like knocking. Knocks of equal intensity and an equal gap in between. He knew he was alone on Mars and no mission was currently ongoing either.

So, he decided to check what it was that was making such noise. There was no window to see outside so he had to wear his suit back and then open the door.

After a few minutes, he went and opened it. There he saw 3 people standing in robes and they weren't even wearing spacesuits.

So, one thought came to his mind, ~Ah, I am hallucinating?~

But the next moment the 3 people talked, "Hey, kid. I am Alexander. Mind if we come in?"

"I mean, you are just hallucination so I don't see any problem with that." Mark shrugged and let them in and closed the hatch. He was now worried about his mental health.

Once Alexander was inside, he saw Mark's makeshift farm. He knew he was in the Martian movie world right now. He then took out his phone and searched for what his mission was. After all, it couldn't just be saving the man who was already going to get saved.

He read the message and it said the earth was normal earth and needed normal cleaning. Meaning that there was no supervillain this time. Just normal earth.

Ragnarok and Dobby went ahead and sat by the table and started taking food out from Phixheim. They were having a nice steak. Soon the mouth-watering smell shrouded the whole place.

Mark was still dismissing it all as hallucination and cooked his potatoes for himself.

Alexander also went and joined Dobby. Mark came to him and asked,

"You want some of my potatoes?"

"You mean the poopy potatoes? I appreciate it but I'd rather not eat that. Here, you try some steak too." Alexander said and gave him a plate filled with meat. Alexander was still surprised how easily Mark had accepted then, without even asking any questions.

Mark felt like eating the steak because of its aroma but he knew it was a hallucination so it was not going to fill his stomach. He still took a bite and his eyes widened.

"This... this is real!" He exclaimed.

"Of course it is, it is fresh out of a meat tree." Ragnarok scoffed.

"No, I mean... you three are mere hallucinations. How can this thing have a real taste?" Mark clarified.

"Woah, we are as real as you, kid," Dobby said.

"B-but this is Mars," Mark pointed out.

"When did we say we were humans," Alexander added.

The steak got stuck in Mark's throat, *COUGH COUGH*

"What?! A-are you, aliens?" He asked. His face had lost all colors.

"Yes, we are." Alexander nodded.

"But you look just like humans." Mark pointed.

Alexander pointed his finger at the bite Ragnarok was eating and it turned into a live cockroach.

Ragnarok still ate his but threw it out when it started moving in his mouth, "What the fuck was that for, I need to gargle now."

Alexander again pointed at the cockroach and turned it into a gold coin. "Can humans do this?"

Mark shook his head, "Who knew aliens lived on mars."

"We are not from Mars, we are not even from this Galaxy." Dobby clarified.

"You mean intergalactic? I need to inform Nasa. This will be a huge discovery." Mark excitedly got up to go to the probe and talk to Nasa.

"Sure, go ahead, like they are going to believe you. They will just say you are hallucinating." Alexander told him.

"Wait, aren't you going to introduce yourself to earth?" He asked.

"Why would we? Imagine what devastating effect Earth would have if they suddenly found superpowered intergalactic travelers. It will be total chaos with people questioning everything. I'm sure one or two cults will even start calling me god or something. Your species is not ready yet, kid." Alexander explained.

Mark stayed silent for a while. He could imagine all that happening on earth. Earth was too divided and dumb. It was not ready to meet aliens and venture into space, it would only bring technology that could bring more destruction to them.

"Then why are you here?" Mark asked.

"Honestly, we don't know. What about you? Why are you here?" Alexander asked back.

"I am stranded. My crew left due to a storm. They think I'm dead." Mark told them his story.

"Hah, don't worry. I'm sure they will come to get you." Alexander consoled him.

"I'm not so sure about that," Mark muttered.

Alexander then looked at Dobby, "You and Ragnok should go and take care of the business."

The two nodded and apparated to earth to bring its purity to 90 percent. It was already at 75%. It seems this version of the earth was better than his own.

Mark was spooked, "Where did they go? How?"

"Ah, ignore the little details," Alexander shrugged.

"But they just disappeared." He argued.

"Yeah, that's called being an advanced species. Now, I'll teach you some stuff. Maybe you can help your planet when you go back." He offered. Alexander was going to make Mark the hope for humanity's future.


On Earth, Dobby and Ragnarok were moving from country to country and solving all the problems in its government's administrations. They always start from the top and slowly solve things down.

It didn't take them long to bring that 10 percent in and they returned to Mars. The Hermes spacecraft was also near Mars and ready to grab Mark.


"So, this is goodbye then," Mark said to Alexander as he strapped himself into the launch vehicle.

Alexander stood beside him and helped him put the safety straps on, "Yeah, this is it. The last time you will be seeing me. Don't forget all the things I taught you and be wary of those evil capitalists, they'd rather kill you than let you change humanity. I have already made preparations for you on earth on how you can change things."

"Yeah, I got all that. Hey, wait. if you are an alien, how can your name be Alexander?" Mark asked.

Alexander decided to mess with him, "Who do you think invented names on Earth? It all came from aliens like me. Even Mark is a very common name in aliens."

"Haha, nice joke... All right, I am receiving signals from Hermes. Bye-bye." Mark alerted.

Alexander left him there and got out of the launch vehicle. He went to Ragnarok and Dobby. "So, how was your trip?"

"This version of the earth is much better than the Wizarding world," Dobby remarked.

"You seem to be having fun," Alexander said to Ragnarok who was eating some dumplings.

"Ah, I found this nice shop and couldn't help but buy some," Ragnarok said.

"You didn't have any earth money." Alexander pointed, interested in knowing this.

"I bought it in black."

Alexander raised an eyebrow, "How does one buy dumplings in black?"

"I told the guy I'd pay in gold. He immediately agreed. Though the gold was of low quality it was still worth more than these dumplings, so no harm is done." Ragnarok replied.


"Let's go then. Our time here is over." Dobby reminded him. Then Ragnarok and Dobby went to Phixheim.

After a few seconds, a white light fell on Alexander. He flew in the sky at a very high speed.

But in his way, he saw Mark not being able to reach the rescuer. Mark had gone too far from the Hermes ship.

Alexander used his magic and moved him directly into the rescuer's arms. Mark felt the unnatural movement like he was tied to hard wire and was being moved around with it. He looked from where the force originated and caught a slight glimpse of Alexander before it disappeared faster than he had seen anything move.

He was having an adrenaline rush so he couldn't think of anything except reaching the safe space of the spacecraft first.

"Thanks, old man," he muttered.

"Who are you talking to, Mark?" his commander asked.

"Ah, nothing. It's finally good to be back."

[You can see Screenshots from the movie on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


30 Advance chapters are available on - patr-eon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *Chessur* *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif*

Thank you for your support!