337. Deliberate Misunderstanding

Jiraiya reached Iwagakure in disguise. Surprisingly, he rendezvoused with Sakumo and his team there.

"Why are you here?" Jiraiya confusedly asked. Iwa was enemy territory, not many ninjas are sent to missions here because of it.

"We couldn't complete our mission in Takigakure. The man you are after was faster than us and somehow took away the tailed beast. We are after him, Jiraiya-sama." Sakumo told him.

Jiraiya was surprised by the news. If the man could control a tailed beast then he was surely a huge danger to not just Konoha but the whole world.

"Okay, let's work together. If he has a tailed beast with him then fighting him may not be very easy. I can maybe capture the tailed beast for a while but I will be open for attacks at that time." Jiraiya told him.

"But we have no idea where he is," Sakumo said.

"Hmm, where can a man with a tailed beast hide?" Jiraiya thought.


Loud enemy attack bells started sounding throughout the village. Shinobis started running around and people ran into their homes.

"What happened now? I haven't even peeked in the bath yet" Jiraiya annoyingly complained.


Inside the Tsuchikage's office,

"Lord Tsuchikage, the Jinchuriki. They were found unconscious in the underground arena." The Shinobi commander of Iwagakure informed.

"Someone dared to attack. How were they able to defeat two Jinchuriki? Are Han and Roshi okay? Can they still fight?" The old stubborn Onoki asked.

The Shinobi Commander hesitated to tell further. "L-Lord Tsuchikage, Han and Roshi are in good health b-but the tailed beasts. They are missing from their bodies."


Onoki instinctively grabbed the commander's collar "WHAT? ARE YOU JOKING WITH ME?"

"No, Lord Tsuchikage, the medical ninja confirmed it. Han and Roshi had passed out because of the depletion of chakra."

Tsuchikage didn't wait a bit and flew out of his building straight to the medical building. He checked Han and Roshi himself and confirmed what was told to him.

"H-How is this possible? No one can live after getting a tailed beast pulled out of them." Onoki loudly frowned.

The medical ninja quickly told him what he understood, "Lord Tsuchikage, it seems all the seals on them were expertly undone before releasing the tailed beasts. Han and Roshi should have died but someone gave them chakra which sustained them."

"You mean someone deliberately let them live?" Onoki asked.

"Yes, other than that. I can't think of any reason why they are still alive."

Onoki returned to his office and called for a meeting with all the Jonin and the elders of the village.

"Any idea who did this? And where have our men reached, the attacker shouldn't have gone too far away." Onoki angrily roared.

Then the head of the Kamizuru Clan spoke. They were a clan of bee users and they used those bees to spy.

"Lord Tsuchikage, some suspicious men had entered the village a few hours ago. I suspect one of them is the legendary sennin Jiraiya and the other is Sakumo Hatake. There was also an old man, but we don't think he had anything to do with it. He looked weak and was just selling some unique cats and birds." He reported.


Onoki punched the table, destroying it with it. "Now you tell me that? If Jiraiya was here then we should have tackled him as soon as he came in. Now not only were they able to attack but also took away two tailed beasts."

"Lord Tsuchikage, we still have time. They are still in Iwagakure. We can surround them and catch them." The Shinobi commander revealed.

Onoki's eye lit up, "Let's go. We were going to wait to start this war but it seems we will be doing it sooner. Recall all Shinobi to get ready for the attack on Konoha, and where the hell is my granddaughter?"


Alexander had no idea what had happened because of him. At the moment he was very close to the Wind Country so he decided to deal with it next. There was supposed to be another tailed beast enslaved there. But there was no confirmation as nobody had seen the Jinchuriki.

"Son-Chan, Kokuo-chan, do you know who is captured in Sunagakure?" He asked the two tailed beasts sitting on his shoulders.

Behind them, Hats was hovering in the air and sleeping while somehow following them. Berry was teaching Chomei some flying techniques. Douglas was cursing at someone in an online game on his phone. Though he didn't know with whom he was playing as most of the people in Phixheim were adults.

Kokuo cutely nodded, "Yes, the first one of us to get caught was Shukaku. He was caught by Sunagakure's Kazekage even before the first Hokage caught us all and sold us to other villages."

Alexander caressed Kokuo hearing him getting sadder when he mentioned getting sold.

"Why do humans hate us, G-Chan? We never tried to harm them, it was they who always attacked us." Kokuo asked.

Son Goku was silently listening to the exchange from the other shoulder.

"Kokuo-Chan, tell me If I wasn't nice to you when I first met you and you saw me destroying human villages as easily as lifting a finger. How would you feel?" He asked.

"Scared... maybe" Kokuo replied.

Alexander nodded, "Correct, just like that, humans don't see you just as you. But they see the things you are capable of doing, which makes them scared. But believe me, there are good people in this world too."

Kokuo rubbed his head on his beard, "Yes, like G-Chan, right?"

"Hahaha, yes. In fact, there are two more old men that would shower you with love and care. One of them is a Dragon as big as the whole earth and the other is a magical elf who likes nature." He told them.

"Hoh, I would like to spar with this Dragon someday." Son Goku chimed in.

"Hahaha, sure, Son-Chan. But don't expect a victory." Alexander laughed.

They walked into the huge desert country and headed to Sunagakure. But on their way, they came across Daimyo's castle and the small town around it.

Alexander, Berry, Hats, and Douglas looked at each other.

"Soooo, are we gonna go in?" Berry asked.

"Isn't this like the biggest guy in Wind Country. We should bust him." Hats gave his opinion.

"Yeah, let's mind control him and use him as our puppet for world domination," Douglas added.

Everyone looked at Douglas's face to see if he was serious. But he did look serious.

Realizing their gaze on him, he spoke, "What?! Isn't this what we've been doing in every world we go to? Taking over the world and stuff."

"Yeah, but you sounded like I was the bad guy," Alexander said in a hurtful tone.

"Sooo, are we going to do it?" Hats asked with stars in his eyes.

Alexander doubtfully looked at him, "I can't trust you with this. You are probably brewing something chaotic in that furry head of yours. We will go in together."

Hats' shoulders fell in disappointment. He looked pretty cute at the moment and Alexander's heart was soft. "All right, you can go in. But you can't hurt anyone."

Hats happily jumped and disappeared.

~Ah, I hope I don't regret this.~


Hats popped inside Daimyo's castle. It was filled with his personal guards and Sunagakure's shinobi.

~This is my new invention, the beach gas.~

Hats in his ninja dress jumped around and threw all the beach gas bombs around the castle.

In a matter of seconds, it looked like the castle was on fire from afar.

Hats then proceeded to go to the Daimyo. He came across a room on whose other side, various female giggle noises were coming.

~Okay, this is my moment. Chaos is power.~

He broke into the room and was ready to throw the beach bombs. But he then saw a white-haired man, sitting on a big chair. Around him, many women were cutting fruits and feeding him, some were giving him shoulder massages.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Hats loudly asked.

The man only lifted one eye to see Hats, "Ah, it's you. So you were the one creating the ruckus."

"Where is the Daimyo?" Hats asked.

"I am the Daimyo." The man replied.

[You can see Onoki and Hats on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


30 Advance chapters are available on - patr-eon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *Chessur* *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif*

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