360. An Elf appears


Olivia was having a picnic with Yalo and Amy by the lake. Around them, many Unicorns and Phoenixes were roaming.

"This is why I like to live in Phixheim. It is quiet and peaceful." Amy said as she drank some tea.

"Yes, not to mention, no pollution," Olivia added.


They all heard a loud sound of something falling in the lake. They turned their heads and saw the tailed beasts falling one by one into it. A red fox also fell right beside Amy.

Then on top of the fox, Chomei fell.

"Oh, thank you for being my soft cushion, Kurama," Chomei said and started to look around.

"GRANDMA!" He shouted and ran to give compulsory hugs.

One by one all the tailed beasts came out of the lake and Olivia and Amy helped them dry up with towels.

This was Kurama's first time meeting Olivia and Amy so he was a bit reserved but seeing all his siblings acting close to them he realized he could trust these humans... and the small weird baby.

"How did you arrive here?" Amy asked.

"Oh, it was a tentacle monster. It attacked us." Chomei explained with lots of dramatic pauses.

Without their knowing Alexander also arrived "Haha, it was not a tentacle monster, it was a Zetsu. Just like the black one."

"He tried to take control of your body which is why you all got teleported to here because it was dangerous." He added.

"Okay, you all stay here and have fun, I will go out. you can come to me whenever you want. I also need to find Hats. God knows what he's up to."


Alexander returned to Konoha and started repairing the whole village. He wasn't just repairing the destroyed part but also the old out of shape parts.

With lots of shock filled awes in the background. He made the village look like it was newly made just a moment ago.

"They think you are some kind of old god." Jiraiya came to him.

"Not the first time. This is the first instinct of humans. If they see another human being extremely strong, beyond any imagination. They are quick to label them an Angel or a Demon." Alexander replied.

"Yeah, you are right about that. Well, I just came to inform you that Hokage has invited you to the Village meeting tomorrow evening." Jiraiya informed.

Alexander nodded, "Okay, I'll be there. What about your crush? Why don't you go and bring her here? If she argues then just tell her that she owes the Sage of Beasts and it's time she pays up."

"What are you going to do?" Jiraiya asked.

"Boy, I am doing you a favor. If she's here then you will have more chances to strike up a conversation. This is called being a wingman." He explained.

Jiraiya smiled, "In that case, I am leaving."

With that, the old pervert vanished.

~Sigh, I should find Itachi and Shisui, might as well just teach them.~


During the nine-tails attack. Danzo didn't come out. He already knew he couldn't fight the tailed beast. So, he decided it was okay to let the village be destroyed for now.

But he also felt the need to get that Mangekyo Sharingan now. He knew that the tailed beast was not the only threat. This time the tailed beast appeared, next time the sage will. And that was exactly what happened.

So, the moment everything calmed down and he saw the Sage repairing the village with his powers never seen before. He told his Root ninjas to tell Shisui to come and meet with him regarding a very important mission for the village.

Shisui, who only saw Danzo as a close friend of the third Hokage and didn't see him as a person who would do any harm to him, decided to go.

He appeared near the Root hideout and was escorted into it.

"Welcome to Root, Shisui Uchiha," Danzo appeared in front of him.

"How can I help you lord Danzo?" Shisui greeted with a bow.

"You can help me safeguard this village from all the threats. You have the key to do it." Danzo stated.

"I-I don't understand what you are saying," Shisui blurted, although he had an idea what he was pointing at.

"Shisui, your Uchiha clan has always had the potential to rise up to become great. But sadly, after Madara, no one was able to achieve that greatness. They all dissolved themselves in their self-pity and hatred.

"If we had that power, then forget just Nine-tails, Konoha could have taken many more Tailed beasts around the world. But, at last, someone appeared in your worthless clan, thank you for your sacrifices, Shisui Uchiha, you will not be forgotten... by me."

The moment Danzo stopped speaking a Root ninja appeared beside Shisui and injected something into his neck.

In an instant, Shisui started feeling weak, like his chakra was being drained.

"Don't worry, it won't be painful. Now, I need those eyes of yours. As you have no idea what a Mangekyo Sharingan can do. You are so foolish, trying to act all good and smart." Danzo evily said and walked closer to him.

"Shisui Uchiha, I can proudly say that you are one of the most talented members the Uchiha ever produced. You are so strong and already have sufficient strength to be called a powerful Jounin. You could have easily reached a higher Kage level in the future. But you are too soft..."

Danzo went ahead and used his blade to rip out one eye.

~Why is this happening? Just when things were looking great,~ Shisui thought. He had started enjoying life now as there were no wars and he was also receiving training from the old man.

~No, I will not die here,~ He resolutely made up his mind.

"NO, DANZO, IT IS YOU WHO WILL DIE SOON," He shouted and suddenly a green-colored skeleton started forming around his body. His eyes started bleeding but he didn't stop.

Soon, he was standing in the middle of a translucent green giant body with a spiral sword.

He first launched himself towards Danzo, who couldn't handle his strike and fell down. But Shisui felt the poison in his body acting weird and decided to leave. He used the body flicker technique and left the Root base.

He appeared a good amount of distance away in the jungle.

"Shisui, what happened?" An alarmed voice came.

He saw Itachi coming to him, "Ah, you must have been training here."

"It was Danzo, Itachi. He poisoned me and took one eye." Shisui weakly muttered.


He coughed up some blood. Itachi worriedly grabbed his hand and took out a card from his pocket.

"Grandpa said if I break this he will instantly come to us or we will come to him." He explained.



Alexander was looking for Hats all around Konoha.

"Berry, do you smell where he is?" He asked the Phoenix in the sky.

"Dad, I'm not a dog, I can't smell that far," Berry complained.

"Oh, wait, I see something. I see a tail. coming out of a Ramen stall. It's gotta be him. Only he has such thick fat fur." He exclaimed.

"Good, lead the way," Alexander instructed.

He followed Berry and came to a shop called Ichiraku Ramen.

They lifted the curtain and took seats. And sure enough, they saw Hats slurping on Ramen.

"Ah, Old man, this fish Ramen is tasty, try some." Hats spoke with his mouth full.

Alexander took a seat and decided to try some. It had been a while since he ate some food. But he was surprised that the shop was open even after such mayhem.

"Oh, we have a customer, Ayame-chan, come and help." The shop owner called for his daughter.

"Well, give me your best Ramen as I don't know which one to try." Alexander made an order.

Just then a little girl came from inside the shop and started helping her father while giggling.

"Hoh, what has happened that you are smiling, little one?" He asked.

"Hehe, nothing, grandpa," she said while trying not to laugh.

Soon the order was done and the little girl put a napkin under the bowl and gave it to him.

While eating, Alexander noticed that the napkin was not normal. He lifted the bowl and saw something printed on it.

It was his own photo from a time he wanted to forget. The only one who had such a photograph of this was Dobby.

The image was taken when he ran from the lady-men on Momoiro Island in One Piece World.

Seeing his annoyed face, the little girl started laughing loudly. Then a tall Dobby came from inside the shop, lifted Ayame in his arms, and came to Alexander.

"Yo, how are you, boss?"

Alexander's eyes twitched and only two words came out of his mouth, "Pineapple Pizza,"

Just those words were enough to make the smug look from Dobby's face vanish.

[You can see Shisui, Ichiraku Ramen and Little Ayame on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


30 Advance chapters are available on -patreon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *Chessur* *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif*

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