362. Danzo's Nightmare Starts

Everyone looked at where the noise came from, they saw a cat with a huge grin hovering in the air by the window.

"You were just going to die before, but messing with an orphanage was the worst you could do. Now, I think he will give you a punishment worse than death." Hats muttered in a mocking tone.

Danzo got up as he was alerted. He felt immeasurable strength leaking from the cat.

"I also hate scum like you who harm kids, but too bad, I can't punish you."

"Who are you? Show your true self," Danzo shouted.


The roof of the room got ripped out and Alexander, Dobby, Ragnarok, and Douglas flew in.

"We are your worst nightmare, Danzo Shimura. That is our true selves," Alexander said with zero expression on his face. There was only a plain look, which in itself was scary.

"And the sun hasn't even set yet, so it is just going to get worse," Dobby added.

"Haha, man, you fu*ked up big time," Ragnarok laughed.

"Badman dies," Berry flew in and sat on Nono Yakusi's shoulder.

Douglas walked up to Danzo and just tapped his finger on his chest. Danzo fell to the ground like a lifeless doll. But his eyes were still open and he could still speak.

"WHO ARE YOU?" he shouted from the ground. Other than Alexander and Ragnarok he couldn't recognize anyone. The most confusing thing to him was why the Daimyo of Wind Country was with Alexander.

Nono Yakushi had run to a corner to save herself from the fight. Danzo's two men were also given the same fate and were paralyzed from the neck down.

Alexander looked at Nono, "Child, you are doing a very good deed. There is a special and beautiful place in heaven for people like you. I will increase the funds to the orphanage by a hundredfold, so you just have to worry about keeping the kids happy and full. Oh, your eyes seem to be suffering, here, you have my blessing"

Alexander raised his palm towards her for a second. Instantly she realized she could see crystal clear now. She only had the courage to nod. She already knew who Alexander was, plus, the aura from other beings who arrived with Alexander wasn't any less overbearing.

"Y-Yes, Lord Sage,"

"Haha, good, now, forgive my blunt intrusion. I will repair the roof." He said and waved his hand. In a matter of seconds, the roof assembled itself.

They then left with Danzo and his men being flown with them.

As they left, all the kids came back running to Nono. "Mother!"

"Are you okay?" Kabuto asked worriedly.

She caressed their faces and smiled, "Yes, I think there are happy days ahead. Kabuto, you will not have to worry about Orphenage's funds now."

Kabuto embarrassingly reddened, he was secretly trying to learn medical jutsu so he could help Nono and also make some money for the Orphanage. He wanted to repay Nono for giving him her own glasses so he could see better. He silently looked at the disappearing figure of Alexander.


The day was a happy day for the village because no one died in the Nine-tails attack and the village was repaired to a brand new state.

On top of that, Alexander had sponsored a village-wide festival to be held. It was officially being called the Bijuu festival. As the name suggests, the main attraction were the tailed beasts. They will be hopping around the village, playing with people, acting in a play. There were also many Bijuu plushie toys.

All this so that the image of the tailed beasts could be made better and the people start loving them, something they should have done from the beginning. Honestly, Sage of six paths had told the tailed beasts to help the people before he left. And they would have truly helped the world if humans weren't so dumb as to fear them, fight them or outright enslave them.

The decorations were being handled by Amy all around the village. He had also invited the whole Akatsuki, Blue Fang, and Brian.

Blue Fang had successfully uprooted Kirigakure's Mizukage and his government and now Brian had become the Mizukage.

In all honesty, the festival was going to be a big event because Ragnarok was also there, who was officially the Daimyo of the Wind Country. Alexander had also invited the third Raikage of Kumogakure because he considered him a good man. Though he didn't invite Onoki as he didn't know the guy.

But before all that, a meeting was taking place in the Hokage office. All the clan heads, Shinobi commander, Jiraiya, the elders, the Hokage, and Alexander were gathered there.

Surprisingly, Alexander was given a seat just beside the Hokage, instead of the elders. In fact, no elder was there and on the other side of Minato, Jiraiya sat.

"Thank you for coming here on such short notice, I have a grave matter to discuss with you. Last night, I fought a masked man outside the village.

"He turned out to be Obito Uchiha...," He told them everything that Obito had told them.

Fugaku Uchiha was the first to ask, "So Lord Madara is still alive?"

Alexander didn't miss the sudden respect on the man's tongue for Madara.

"Possibly, Obito said that Madara was an old withered man the last time he saw him. He was in the last stages of his life." Minato added.

"Then we must go there and see what happened to him," Fugaku excitedly said.


Alexander coughed and started, "Head of the Uchiha clan, why does it seem like you respect this terrorist who just orchestrated an attack on this village? The same attack that has deteriorated the image of the Uchiha clan in Konoha.

"We all know the kind of man Madara was, he liked war because the war was the easiest way to gain power. And what do you think would happen if your clan was to be continuously seen with a doubt? Wouldn't you feel like simply revolting or starting a coup?

"Remember one thing, Madara is nothing but a terrorist, in fact, he wasn't even the one who truly orchestrated the attack. Even he was being manipulated."

Everyone digested his words, "What do you mean, Lord Sage?" Hiashi Hyūga, head of the Huga clan asked.

"How many of you know about the true history of Ninshu? How did it start?" Alexander asked.

None of them had an answer as it was never mentioned in any book how Ninja's came to be.

Alexander waved his hand and all the chairs disappeared from under everyone's asses and a cushioned mattress appeared. Alexander waved his hand and Minato and Jiraiya were flown to sit with everyone. Only he remained in his side.

He was sitting in a crossed legged position and also hovering in the air to give a feeling like he was a sage. He needed everyone in the room to take him seriously.

"Then let me tell you everything, from the start to right now. How Ninshu came to be, how the Senju, Uchiha, Hyuga, and many more clans came into existence. But first, I need you all to answer me, do you know how old I am?" Alexander asked.

"Older than the tailed beasts?" Jiraiya said, but he was unsure.

"Yes, a lot older than them. That is why they call me grandpa. Now, how many of you know about the sage of the six paths?" He asked further.

Now everyone had their utmost focus. Sage of Six paths was a legend to them all and it was said that he started Ninshu, which wasn't very far fetched as Kaguya was the origin and her sons were the spreader.

"We all know about him but he's just a legend," Harake Sakumo spoke.

"Not long ago, I was considered a legend too," Alexander replied.

His words made a lot of sense. Not long ago, they scoffed at the idea of Sage of Beasts existing.

"Okay, the name of the Sage of the Six Paths was Hagoromo Otsutsuki, elder brother of Hamura Otsutsuki and son of Kaguya Otsutsuki." Alexander started.

He went on to tell them the whole story of Kaguya, how she came from space, ate the forbidden fruit, had sons, went crazy, and was defeated. He didn't tell them where she was sealed.

Then he continued and told them how Hagoromo stayed on Earth and Hamura decided to leave to Moon with his small clan from where he would keep an eye on Earth. Though his main purpose was to safeguard his mother's remains, he didn't tell this to them.

Alexander told them how the Indra Otsutsuki was the originator of the Uchiha clan and his brother Asura Otsutsuka was the originator of the Senju and Uzumaki Clans. Then there was Hamura Otsutsuki, the originator of the Hyuga Clan.

He told them about the reincarnation cycle of Indra and Asura.

He also told them about the Black Zetsu and his attempts to revive his mother, for which he didn't leave any stones unturned and even used Madara and started many conflicts.

By the time he was done speaking, it was already turning night.

"That is how this world came to be as we know it today. You are all connected to each other. Hyuga, Uzumaki, Senju, and Uchiha clan are like cousin clans to each other. This history should be known by the world so I will publish a book and circulate it around the world." He announced.

Many sitting in the room were feeling conflicted. The grand history they just learned was so hard to digest. The thought of there being a species somewhere in space that destroys worlds to get stronger was overwhelming and terrifying.

Many still had their doubts but decided to accept what Alexander said, not as if it mattered to Alexander. Soon enough, he was going to be changing things so much that whatever happened in the past will not be able to hurt the world.

"Thank you for your guidance, Lord Sage," They all bowed their heads lightly.

Just then Minato stood up and came beside Alexander. His mind was already made up.

"Everyone, I have decided to resign from the post of Hokage and give it to Lord Sage, there can be no one better for this job, a true sage who understands the world more than we can ever hope for." He announced.

Many had their jaws falling from the sudden announcement and others were left speechless.

[You can see Hats and Kabuto on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


30 Advance chapters are available on -patreon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *Chessur* *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif*

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