364. List of Crimes

Alexander stood on the roof of the Hokage building. Beside him were Minato, Dobby, and Douglas. Below, everyone was gathered, they all could see what was going on the roof as Alexander had tilted the building a little.

He raised his hands to signal everyone to stop making noise and listen to him. Then he amplified his voice through magic.

"People of Konoha, do you love the little beasts?" He asked.

"YEAHHHHH!!!" Loud cheers came from the crowd.

"Then how would you feel if someone wanted to enslave them and use them to make war?" He asked next.

Everyone angrily roared this time. Some older children who were allowed to come even ran up to the tailed beasts and hugged them.

"As much as you all hate it, there is one man who has been living in this village with the highest level of freedom who planned to do this.

"This man killed many men, women children, and started wars between countries for his lust for power. His ambitions knew no bounds. He made many big mistakes in his life, but because he was a close friend of the third Hokage, every time he was pardoned.

"He had his own army called the root and a secret underground base. All right here in Konoha, built from your tax money. He used your money to harm you. He allied with the criminal Orochimaru, he even stole Sharingan from a living Uchiha Clan member. I caught him yesterday, trying to threaten the Konoha Orphernage's warden to work for him or else he would cut the funding. The vile man's name is Danzo Shimura."

Just as he announced the name, Dobby brought Danzo and made him kneel and face the crowd. Alexander had removed the bandage from his head and it was now showing the Sharingan in one of his eye sockets.

People gasped at the sight.

"He did not just target the Uchiha Clan, he also targeted the Senju Clan, he got a hold of Hashirama's cells and combined them to his right arm. His deeds didn't end there, he then used various methods to kill members of Uchiha clans who were on missions outside to get their eyes and implanted them onto his hand." Alexander ripped Danzo's sleeves, showing his arm filled with a few Sharingans.

Most of the Uchiha Clan members clenched their fists in anger.

"Now, I will let Danzo confess to all his major crimes." He announced and stepped back. Danzo was already given the truth spitter potion.

Alexander asked the first question, "What did you do during the third Shinobi war?"

"I-I... I" He tried to fight the potion but no one could do that.

"I-I manipulated Hanzō of Ame into joining forces with me against Akatsuki, having brought him corpses of Ame shinobi claiming they were killed by Akatsuki. In truth, they were Root members disguised as Iwa shinobi, originally being used to disrupt a peace treaty between Konohagakure and Iwagakure but were killed.

"B-But you appeared and destroyed my plans." He confessed.

Alexander nodded and spoke, "Were you authorized to do this by Hiruzen?"

"No, he only found out later, but he saw my actions were for the benefit of the village and pardoned me. However, I lost my position at the Council." Danzo said.

Alexander looked at the people whose faces were showing the sign of someone feeling betrayed, "People, he is a warmongering opportunistic man. When Hiruzen decided to end the war with a peace treaty, Danzo objected because war meant he could do things and gain strength. Even when Hiruzen stepped down and the next Hokage was being chosen at a meeting with the Land of Fire Council and the Daimyo, Danzō strongly suggested that Orochimaru be made Fourth Hokage. Danzo was already sharing the bed with the snake at that time."

"Now Danzo, tell us why did you attack Hiruzen that day?" Alexander asked, shocking everyone.

Danzo started answering, "I wanted to become the Hokage, Hiruzen had grown too soft, so I planned his assassination. But he survived."

"So, what did Hiruzen do when he found out?" Alexander asked.

"He warned me that it shouldn't happen again," Danzo replied.


"Hiruzen Sarutobi is as much responsible for what Danzo did after that day as much as Danzo. If Hiruzen had executed Danzo for treason that day, maybe many bad things could have been avoided." Alexander loudly stated.

Then he asked many more questions. Danzo confessed to selling children to Orochimaru to experiment on, trying to kill Kakashi Hatake for his Sharingan, intentionally not letting the Uchiha clan assist in Kurama's attack on Konoha, to then later blame them for not helping in order to get a spy on the clan legally.

Ordering Anbu to protect the escaping Orochimaru. More attempts to kill Hiruzen, blunt treason, planning the extermination of the Uchiha Clan, and then finally the recent one.

"Tell us all, what did you do to Shisui Uchiha yesterday," he asked.

"I... I called him to my base and had him poisoned, I wanted his Mangekyo Sharingan. But I was only able to get one before he escaped." He confessed again.

Alexander disappointedly shook his head and continued, "My People, this man was sheltered by Hiruzen Sarutobi all his way. Without support from the Third Hokage, this man would have long been labeled as the traitor and executed. But thanks to the most incompetent Hokage in history, we received backstabbing one after another. Now, Hiruzen Sarutobi will confess to all his crimes."

Soon, a pale-faced Hiruzen Sarutobi was brought to the front. His face had lost its color after reading the list of crimes Danzo and Orochimaru committed.

"Hiruzen, tell us about how you helped eradicate the Uzumaki Clan and Why," he asked, again shocking everyone.

His question caught everyone off guard. Dobby's research was very thorough so Alexander was obviously going to bring this up.

Hiruzen accepted his fate and started speaking while looking down at his feet. He didn't dare to look people in the eye.

"It was a plan the Konoha Council and I came up with. When Mito Uzumaki died and the Nine-Tails was transferred to Kushina, we believed that Konoha should have a tailed beast as its back up security to deter all other villages who had their own tailed beasts. We feared the Uzumaki clan would ask Kushina to come back as she was an Uzumaki.

"When many nations banded together to destroy Uzushiogakure due to their feared Fuinjutsu, the Uzumaki clan sent words to Konoha for help. To keep the tailed beast in Konoha, we let them die." He revealed.

Alexander looked at him in disgust. Even the people of Konoha looked at him in disgust. Hiruzen may have done many great deeds in his life but they were not enough to forgive what he just confessed to.

Both Danzo and Hiruzen felt no remorse in destroying whole clans for their twisted definition of keeping the village safe. Even when the Uzumaki clan and Konoha were said to be so close that following the founding of Konohagakure at the end of the Warring States Period, the Senju chose to symbolize their clans' friendship by adding the Uzumaki's emblem to Konoha's flak jackets.

Konoha and the Uzumaki's Uzushiogakure remained close allies over the following decades, with the Uzumaki providing Fuinjutsu to Konoha whenever there was a need.

Hiruzen saw no problem in letting such allies be destroyed.

"Hiruzen Sarutobi, even though you attempted to bring peace to Konoha many times, you failed to recognize the one sabotaging those attempts was your friend Danzo. And even after realizing, you let him rein free."

"Do you have anything to say?" He asked.

Hiruzen finally looked at the people, "I did what was necessary to keep the village alive. But I agree that letting Danzo go again and again was my biggest crime. I agree that my favoritism for Orochimaru let him do many bad deeds.

"But, I do not regret letting the Uzumaki Clan be destroyed. It was necessary. If we had declined to give Kushina back to them, they would have waged war on us. I did it all for the village."

He looked down and saw anger and tears in Kushina's eyes.

"You are a disgrace, Hiruzen, disgrace to Konoha," Dobby interjected. Dobby was still very angry after what he saw in Orochimaru's lab and it was indirectly Hiruzen's fault.

"You have no right to judge me, you don't know anything. I believe anyone would have done the same if they were in my situation. This is the will of fire," Hiruzen argued back.

"Huh, says the man who has let countless men and women die for personnel agenda. Will of Fire was an ideal rooting from Sage of Six Path's son, Asura Ōtsutsuki's belief that love is the key to peace. But people of Konoha seem to have a wrong understanding of it.

"According to you, it states that the entire village is like a large family unit, and every Konoha shinobi with the Will of Fire loves, believes, cherishes, and fights to protect the village.

"You all are wrong, Will of Fire is not meant to be only applicable just within the boundary of this village. Because when Asura Otsutsuki stated it, there were no countries or villages, all people were his people. The Will of Fire is to treat every person with love and respect and help them if necessary." He stated. Alexander truly believed this because otherwise, it doesn't make sense, after all, the majority of the world's shinobi clans originated from the Otsutsuki family.

Alexander disdainfully looked at Hiruzen "Hashirama and Tobirama must be so disappointed in you right now. Defying all their expectations, you turned out to be a failure,"


"Yes, we are. We are disappointed in everything that has transpired,"

Hiruzen turned around and saw two men, one in red armor and one in blue armor standing beside Alexander.

His eyes widened in shock. Other villagers standing on the ground were stupified too, as if they had seen a ghost.

"Sensei?!" Hiruzen fell down on his knees as if he had lost his strength. In his heart, he knew his crimes were big and he was just trying to keep up a strong front until he was executed, but now, he didn't have the strength to directly face the people he knew he disappointed.

[You can see Danzo, Uzumaki and Senji clan on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


30 Advance chapters are available on -patreon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *Chessur* *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif*

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