373. Hats' Blunder

A few months later,

In the past months, many things changed, for example, a lot of ex-council members were gathered in public space and their crimes were read to everyone and then they all were sentenced. Their punishment was simple. Alexander took away their chakra and they were sentenced to a lifetime of community service. They will still be paid a little, just to stay alive and eat. In total, Sunagakure now had 20 new social workers.

Alexander also improved the living standard of the village a lot.

*Beep Beep*

It was a call from Dobby, "What is it, my friend?"

"Boss, I received a report that Iwagakure has again started a proxy war with us. They are trying to enter through Ame and Kusa this time. They disguise themselves as normal merchants and try to sabotage our bases with explosives." Dobby reported.

"Don't they know that I am practically controlling Konoha, Suna, Kiri, and Ame?" Alexander asked.

"No, at most they think you are friends with Mizukage, Raikage, and Akatsuki. They don't know much else. The mode of information transfer is not very good in this world and you have also not publicized it." Dobby said.


"Okay, I'll pay them a visit. Can't let one bad seed destroy the whole field." He muttered and ended the call.

"My potatoes, to Iwagakure we go. Pack up," he instructed. Soon the little tailed beasts rushed to pack all their toys and games in bags.

He went to Ragnarok's office, "Old Lizard, I'm going. Iwagakure is the next target."

"Heh, good riddance," Ragnarok muttered lightly.

"Did you say something?" Alexander asked him.

"Oh, no no, go and teach them a lesson, Alex. I will hold the fort here for you. By the way, Dobby and I are busy, whom are you going to appoint there?" He asked.

"Hmmmm, well, might as well let Douglas do it. He already has experience from the Goa Kingdom." He decided.

"Good luck then, you can only keep fingers crossed with that guy." Ragnarok scoffed at the idea.

"Olivia will come later to set some charitable things up. Help her. You are also the Daimyo so don't just think about this village but the whole Wind country." He instructed him and left on his trip.

Alexander walked out of the village and on his way checked out the Leftover District that was changed and now named second market district.

The security was increased there so people would venture into that market. He saw a few customers in that old man's restaurant too.

With a smile, he left Sunagakure. Iwagakure and Sunagakure didn't share a direct border with each other but instead had some smaller countries in between.

Like Ame, these countries were also on a path to destruction and poverty due to wars of Iwa and Suna in the Past. With him bringing peace, they will soon be back on their feet too.

He bypassed them and entered Iwa. First, he went to Daimyo's Palace as it was Daimyo's job to keep his country safe. The Hidden village was just very small when compared to the whole Country.

The Palace had the same old Japanese styled buildings. He barged in and saw a party going on. Lots of food was cooked for the Daimyo outside the castle.

The country was mostly comprised of desolate, rocky areas. The border of the Land of Earth runs along a rocky mountain range, blocking communication with other countries. So, it wasn't the richest but not the poorest either.

Alexander was surprised how Daimyo could have such feasts just after they lost a big war and lost so many resources and now they were using the resources they had left in a proxy war.

The Samurais stopped Alexander, "Lord Daimyo is busy right now if you want to sell him something, come later."

"Oh, will he buy these never seen before animals?" He asked, showing the grinning tailed beasts.

The Samurai nodded, "Lord Daimyo likes anything rare. He may like this for his entertainment, I will go inside and inform him about you."

"Sure, I will be waiting," Alexander shrugged.

After waiting for a few minutes, the samurai returned, "The new Lord Daimyo wants to see you,"

Alexander felt confused, ~New?~

He followed the Samurai in. Soon he started hearing lots of noises from inside the building. Then they entered and Alexander's jaw fell so low he could taste the floor.


Behind Alexander, all the tailed beasts covered each other's eyes to not get corrupted by the scene.

In front of them, there were men, all down on four limbs, nearly naked. On their backs, many animals were sitting and looking in a direction. The Daimyo was also down on his limbs like a horse. He was in a higher place than everyone else and on his back was a big fat furry cat with a large grin and a pipe in his mouth.

"My friends from various spectrums, I have taken over the country. Now, you all are free to do anything you want. This is now OUR kingdom.

"The last Daimyo lost Earth Country in a bet with me and I am the new Daimyo. I am the new KING, and you all are my lovely subjects." Hats shouted.

Alexander facepalmed himself and apparated beside Hats.

*BAM X5*

Five different bumps swole up on Hats' head. "You crazy cat. What the hell were you doing?"

Hats seem to have a very thick skull and wasn't injured at all, so he turned to him while still laying on the ground where he fell, "Ah, I was just minding my business. But then someone hit an arrow on my butt. I decided to investigate and found this degenerate Daimyo.

"He had forced the normal people of Earth country to pay heavy taxes and if they can't then they have to hunt and bring the tax in the form of food. I found thousands of caged animals here.

"This man wasn't just starving and harassing the people but was trying to single-handedly destroy the whole wildlife. It angered me a lot. He even eats cats and dogs. Though I don't mind dogs being eaten, I couldn't ignore them once I saw them." Hats explained.

"Then what is this naked man horse party? Is this some kind of fetish you developed?" Alexander asked.

"Oh, well, I thought I might as well just treat them like animals because their actions surely didn't suggest they were highly sentient humans." Hats replied as a matter of fact.


"Still, you could have been a little... subtle." He muttered while looking around the mess.

Hats scoffed, "Huh, I was born like this. Chaos is me, Chaos is my power, muhahahahaaaa..."


"Clean up all this," Alexander ordered him.

"Oki" The fat cat got up and magically fixed everything.

"G-Chan, can we looky now?" Chomei asked, his eyes were covered by the small paws of Matatabi standing behind him. They were all standing in a circle.

"Yes, you can now." He replied.

After a while, Alexander gathered Daimyo and all his retinues. They all were fat and looked exactly like how a typical corrupt lord in an aristocratic society would.

"You all are dumber than I thought you'd be. No wonder that Onoki is waging wars one after another. No one is there to stop him. Anyway, you lost your country in a bet fair and square. From now on, you will live a normal life as a small-time villager who has to earn rather than take." He punished them.

"NO! I am still the Daimyo, how can I lose the country in bet. That's absurd. Besides, what proof do you have about this?" The ex-Daimyo asked.

Hats then suddenly started laughing. He was behind Alexander cleaning the floor with a small broom.

"Haha, you fool. Did you forget you signed on that scroll? It was an agreement. It has your seal and fingerprints of all ten fingers of yours." Hats pointed out.

Ex-Daimyo paled at that, "I-I can still say you forced me to do it."

Hats again laughed, "Hahaha, did you forget your fingerprints were stamped with your own blood? It was a blood seal and can not be broken. If you break it now you will die."


Ex-Daimyo fell to the ground. Alexander called some guards and they were thrown out of Daimyo's palace with nothing but their clothes and a constant headache that they would have their lifetime. It was a punishment from Alexander. Whenever they would think of doing something bad now, the headache will increase, but it will never go away.

Seeing there was a need for a new Daimyo, Alexander called Douglas.

But the moment Douglas appeared, the whole room turned silent.


The sound of camera flash came and they all looked at Hats who now had a camera in his fluffy hands. They all looked back at Douglas in confusion.

"WHY?" Alexander asked.


30 Advance chapters are available on -patreon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *Chessur* *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif*

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