385. Gate Of Death

Alexander admired Duy. Duy spent his entire career as a genin, causing many to look down upon him and earned him the epithet of the "Eternal Genin" Despite this, after twenty years of tireless training, Duy perfected how to use all Eight Gates.

"Yes, Lord Hokage, What can I do for you?" Duy asked seriously.

"I want you to show me your Eighth Gate technique," Alexander asked him.

Duy was taken aback a bit, "Lord Hokage, I would love to show it but you do know that the eighth gate causes the body to continuously heat up until it's been cooked from the inside-out, reducing the user to ash. Even the power of my youth can't save me after that."

"Hmm, I do know about this. But I am not an ordinary man, maybe I will be able to find a way to make it so you can use the Eighth gate without side effects. My knowledge is vast. And, I can guarantee you that no matter what happens you will not die." Alexander assured him.

Without waiting, Might Duy stood up, "If that's the case, I will show you the Gate of Death. AAAAAA"

"Wait wait, not here, let's go to the forest of death. Kakashi, go and inform all the clan heads and Konoha advisors to come to the Forest of death." Alexander ordered.

Kakashi quickly ran out. Might Guy, on the other hand, was a bit worried about his father.

"Father, are you sure about this?" He asked.

Might Duy showed a toothy smile, "Hahaha, I never back down from a challenge, Guy. And didn't Lord Hokage assure me I wouldn't die? I trust him."


It didn't take long and soon a small crowd gathered in the forest of death.

"So, who is going to be my opponent?" Might Duy asked.

Alexander looked at the small crowd, "Ah, there he is. Jiraiya will fight you."

Jiraiya came forward while scratching his hand. He didn't know what he was supposed to do with an adult Genin.

"Are you sure, old man?" He asked.

"Yes, I am. Get ready, you two." Alexander told them and stepped back a bit.

Jiraiya looked at the mustached man. ~Let's wait for him to start~

Duy first greeted Jiraiya as he was a respected Sennin, "Thank you for agreeing to do this, Lord Jiraiya."

In front of Jiraiya, Duy stood still and started shouting. Soon Duy's skin turned red as he opened the third gate, Gate of Life. There were more changes like pupils disappearing, the hair standing on end, and bulging veins all over the body.

Then he opened the Gate of Wonder. His body started sweating some blue liquid. The sweat immediately evaporated, creating an aura around Duy that can be mistaken for chakra. Duy's muscles started to rupture.

Alexander noticed it and sent some Natural energy nourishment to him. This had a positive effect and the aura increased so much that a few trees got ripped off near them.

"GATE OF DEATH" Duy shouted.

The Gate of Death, the eighth gate, was located at the heart. Duy opened this gate by puncturing his chest with his thumb in order to direct the chakra there.

In this Gate, while open, the user's heart pumps at maximum speed, granting them power a hundred times greater than they are usually capable of. A "Steam of Blood" gets emitted from the user's pores and hair, resembling a flaming red aura.

Opening this gate allows the user to perform the Evening Elephant and Night Guy. It causes the body to continually heat up until it's been burned from inside out and reduces the user to ash.

The burning was obvious on Duy's body as it was already looking like degrading.

"NOW!" Duy shouted.

Jiraiya had instantly realized that this was not going to be easy. He got serious and waited for the strike.


~What was that? I didn't even see him coming.~ Jiraiya though as his body was thrown away.

He collided with a few trees before stopping.

Alexander was honestly surprised by this. The power boost was immense. He doubted that Jiraiya would be able to deal with this alone.

"Hashi, Tobi, and Minato, you three join too." He told them.

The three quickly jumped towards Might Duy. Hasirama and Tobirama's strength was already a legend. Adding Minato's speedy attacks was difficult for Might Duy to handle.

Not to mention, Duy's body was constantly in pain and getting destroyed so he would get worse with time. But Duy was still beating each of them every once in a while.

The area of the forest of death was now deformed beyond recognition. It looked like a wasteland.

The moment three minutes passed, Alexander told them to stop. More than this would surely kill Duy. Even though he could revive him, he'd rather not let Duy's son see him dying.

"STOP NOW, BOYS!" He shouted.

Everyone stopped whatever attack they were preparing. Alexander appeared before the still reddened body of Duy. It was thoroughly burned and he was surprised the man was still standing and showing a smile.

"Did you like my power of Youth, Lord Hokage?" He asked.

Alexander smiled and put his left hand on his shoulder.

"AAAAA..." Duy screamed in pain. His body from inside was burnt so even a slight touch was immensely painful.

"Easy now, you will be healed in a jiffy," Alexander assured him.

He used the healing technique on him but it was not enough. So he took out a few healing potions and poured them over his body.

"Here, drink this." He gave him a bottle.

In a few minutes, his normal skin color returned and his pain vanished.

"Might Duy, being able to hold your ground against this many Kage and beyond Kage level ninjas is a feat that not many can do. You are a great fighter, Might Duy. This is why I am promoting you to the rank of Jonin. Congratulations." He announced.

Guy ran to his father excitedly. Finally, the eternal Genin tag will be removed from his father.

"I invited all the clan heads and other important people of the village to witness this. So that they won't question me later. I hope they are satisfied with your performance." He said. Everyone else understood that his words were directed at them.

They all nodded their heads strongly. "Good, now to the next matter. Many of you must be wondering why the Uchiha clan head is not here.

"Well, I have bad news. Before I came here, Fugaku came to my office. He didn't want my meddling in the clan matters according to the new constitution. He wanted to change it. I rejected his request.

"Then, surprisingly he activated his Sharingan which turned out to be Mangekyo Sharingan. He tried to put me in Tsukuyomi and control the tailed beasts playing in the office. Of course, I was able to easily deflect his attack. But his crime was grave. I had him arrested.

"Now, I will judge him for his crime in front of you. I don't want this to go public as it would destroy the image of the Uchiha clan which I am trying to improve. So, I hope you all will keep your lips tight."

None of them wanted to anger him so they nodded. Mikoto Uchiha and Itachi also came to witness the trial. Fugaku would also be given a chance to defend himself.

After that, Alexander brought Fugaku.

"Fugaku Uchiha, you are charged with attempt to murder, treason, and attempt to cause unrest in the village. Also, misuse of Sharingan and Genjutsu. Do you have anything to say?" He asked.

Fugaku scoffed, "What does it matter? You have already decided what you will do with me. Just kill me and get over it."

Alexander shook his head, "No, you are wrong. Fugaku, you need to understand something. You must be feeling like, this old man who came out of nowhere and took over the world is now trying to tell you what's right and wrong.

"But maybe you should sit down and think for once about the level of different reality we both live in.

"To me, the whole world is important, I don't want wars, orphans to be sad, murders, or any other crime. I want to establish forever peace. On the other hand, you. Your eyes are only looking at the village. You want to be the Hokage and control this village. You don't care about anything else.

"Tell me, since the day I became the Hokage, did any murder happen in Konoha? Uchihas runs the police force so you should know that.

"Simply said, I am an ancient, thousands of years old man. I have lots of experience with different things. My power is beyond what you can imagine. I don't care about your little schemes and powerplay. All I care about is that people stay happy.

"Open your eyes, Fugaku Uchiha. Your existence is like a grain of sand in the vast universe. Wait, you probably don't even know what the universe is. Let me show you, wait, I'll show you all"

[You can see Might Duy on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


30 Advance chapters are available on -patreon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *Chessur* *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif*

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