408. Moon Spirit

While all that was happening in the capital. Zuko had infiltrated and abducted the Avatar whose soul was in the spirit world.


[In The Spirit World]

Avatar was trying to find the location of the Moon spirit and Ocean spirit so he could find a way to stop the Fire navy.

While searching for these two spirits he was visited by the previous Avatar Roku's spirit.

"Roku, I need to find the ocean and the moon spirit. The northern water tribe is under attack," Aang said worriedly.

"The moon and ocean are ancient spirits. They crossed over from the spirit realm to the mortal realm very near the beginning. There is one spirit I know of, old enough to remember." Roku said.

Aang quickly asked who it was.

"The spirit's name is Koh. But he is very dangerous. They call him the face stealer. When you speak to him, you must be very careful to show no emotions at all. Not the slightest expression or he will steal your face." Roku explained to him.

However, he continued, "But, there is another way, Aang. Do you remember what I told you about the Spirit God? He is like a father to many spirits, good or bad. He is near you, you just have to find him. He can teach you everything and also help you save the water tribe."

"But I don't have time to find him, I need to quickly get the power to save the people," Aang argued.

"Then you must take the risk of meeting Koh, but keep my words in your mind. No expression," Roku warned him and dissolved into the water.

Aang firmly looked around and made his way towards Koh. Koh was born to the Mother of Faces thousands of years before the Hundred Year War. Over time, he increasingly interacted with the human world and started to carry out punishments against perceived wrongdoers as well as answer questions to those mortals brave enough to face him.

The latter behavior resulted in some discontent among more ancient spirits, who believed that Koh set a bad example by allowing any human to approach him.

After looking for a while, Aang finally reached the cave.

"You can do this, Aang," He encouraged himself and put on a plain face before entering.

"Hello! Anyone here? I am looking for a spirit named Koh." He spoke even though he did not see anyone around.

Just then he sensed something behind him. Then suddenly a clown-ish face appeared in front of him. It had the body of a centipede.


Koh tried to get a reaction from Aang but Aang stayed strong.

Instead, Koh received a plain thank you from Aang.

"My Old friend, the Avatar. It's been a long time." Koh said in a creepy hoarse tone.

Aang innocently asked, "You know me?"

"How could I forget you? One of your previous incarnations tried to slay me. Maybe eight or nine hundred years ago." Koh said in a vengeful voice while changing to his multiple faces one after another to spook Aang to give him an expression.

"I didn't know that. Why did he... or I tried to kill you?" Aang asked.

Koh started speaking like he was enjoying it, "Oh, It was something about stealing the face of someone you loved."

Koh changed his face to a woman whose face he stole and looked at Aang deeply. Then suddenly he moved close to his face and turned his face into a baboon's trying to give Aang a jump scare.

But, his tactics didn't work.

He continued speaking, "Of course, that is all behind us. Why should I hold a grudge against you for something in the past life? After all, you're a different person now. You've come to me with a new face."

He got very close to Aang's ears. "It's been a long time since I've added a child's face to my collection. But again, I wouldn't try to do that either. I still remember the harsh lesson the Spirit God gave me for stealing Avatar Kuruk's wife's face. He even made me give the face back."

Koh sounded sad for a bit. "But he's a very nice being. He gave me a thousand unique faces that he made just for me. They are my special occasion collection. Ah, we are getting off-topic, so, how may I help you?"

Avatar took a short breath and spoke, "I need to find the Moon and the Ocean."

Koh started making circles around Aang creepily with his centipede body. "Their names are Tui and La. Push and pull, and that has been the nature of their relationship for all time."

Aang requested Koh to tell him about their location so he could save the water tribe.

Koh mockingly looked at Aang, "Oh, you think you need their help? Actually, It's quite the other way around."


He gave Aang another jump scare just for the heck of it. But Aang didn't show any expressions.

"SOMEONE IS GOING TO KILL THEM! Of course, Spirit God is close by and might save them, who knows," Koh said.

"What do you mean?" Aang asked.

Aang asked Koh how he could find them and protect them. In return, he received clues from Koh that he had already met them.

After a few seconds, Aang connected the dots and suddenly the image of the Koi fish back in the capital appeared in his mind. "THE KOI FISH!" He exclaimed.

Avatar's face became excited and Koh quickly turned around to look at his face. However, Aang had changed it back to normal. Unknown to Aang that Koh had seen him but he was just letting him go. He didn't want to receive the Spirit realm's infamous Fist of love again.

"I must go now," Aang plainly said.

"We'll meet again," Koh replied and receded into darkness.

Aang exited the cave and asked Roku for help to return to the physical world. Soon his soul was back in the physical realm but he couldn't find his body where it was the last time.

Then his soul flew in the air on its own and returned to the body captured by Zuko. Soon his friends, Sokka and Katara also reached him and they were on their way back to the capital's Spirit Oasis where the two spirits resided.


Back in the capital, Ragnarok decided he wanted to join the fight and jumped down and started using fire.

His attire and power shocked many as he was using fire and attacking the army of the fire nation. His fire was also immensely potent and destroyed whatever came in his path.

From the air, Alexander and Dobby were making sure that no innocent died in the war. Whenever necessary he will throw his powers.

The water tribe was winning quite easily. But then suddenly. It seemed the moon got covered in blood. Spreading an ominous red light all around the place.

Alexander then noticed all the water benders losing their water bending powers. Quickly all the Fire nation soldiers launched an attack on defenseless retreating water tribesmen.

"Goddamit, what have they done now? Ragnarok and Dobby, you two stop this army. I will look for the reason behind this. I sense an imbalance in the forces of nature." He seriously said and flew away.


General Zhao had caught the moon spirit that had taken the physical body of a fish, along with the Ocean spirit in a piece of cloth, and planned to kill it to make his name famous.

But Aang came in time and told him not to kill the moon spirit as it would ensue chaos around the world for everyone. But Zhao was still defiant.

Then Iroh came and angrily shouted, "He is right, Zhao. The Fire nation needs the moon too, we all depend on that balance."

He then took an even harsher tone and got ready to fight, "Whatever you do to that spirit, I'll unleash tenfold! LET IT GO NOW!"

Zhao, finding himself cornered, kneeled, and put the moon spirit back into the pound. But then his face twisted in anger and rage.

He lifted his hand and sent a fire blast at the moon spirit. The moon spirit died on the spot and the moon in the sky lost its light. Everything went dark at that moment and the faces of Aang and Iroh turned horrified.

Iroh jumped to fight the guards of Zaho while he tried to escape but a loud noise came from the sky.


A fiery human figure fell close to them as if it was a comet, but dust covered everything and nobody could see the person. However, soon they heard calm yet anger-filled words that would scare even the most seasoned fighters of all.


[You can see Zuko stealing Aang, Aang meeting Koh, Moon Spirit attacked and darkness on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


30 Advance chapters are available on -patreon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *Chessur* *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif*

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