419. Wan Shi Tong's Library

Alexander continued his journey from there to the next village. Most of the Earth Kingdom looked desolate and poor. It seemed that the king in the capital wasn't doing his job correctly. All the farmlands he saw in his way were empty and even those that had something growing in were drying up.

The people looked sick and malnourished. The children's eyes looked hopeless. Even birds didn't appear in the sky during the day due to the heat. It was truly hell living there. Usually, these villages relied on the travelers but now, no one traveled thanks to the fire nation's attacks.

He saw many small villages and left lots of food everywhere he went. He also made rainfall in many villages who were hit by drought.

After traveling for a day, they appeared in a ghost town. "What happened here?" Zuko wondered loudly.

"People most probably migrated to the capital for refuge." Alexander guessed.

"Look, there is a horse carriage there," Zuko pointed.

"Hmm, let's check it. Maybe they need our help." Alexander decided and went out. Behind him, Zuko followed.

The closer they went they started hearing a song in an old man's voice.

♫It's a long, long way to Ba Sing Se

But the girls in the city they look so pretty

And they kiss so sweet that you've really got to meet

The girls from Ba Sing Se! ♫

"Hahaha, I never knew you were a man of such taste, Iroh," Alexander laughed seeing Iroh singing while slowly dancing by the campfire. Dobby, Shukaku, and Kurama were also there.

"Oh, Alex and Zuko too? Well, my days have been surprising. Come, the tea is warm. Dobby here gave me his special tea leaves." Iroh invited him.


"Give me some too," Hats appeared.

Alexander didn't know that Hats was out in the open, "When did you come out?"

"Since the day these two have been on the run. I must say, I have started enjoying tea more than my catnip now." Hats said.

"Hahaha, yes, tea is better than drugs, or maybe it is a better drug." Alexander laughed.

Alexander then noticed a brown teddy bear just beside Hats, "I never knew you liked playing with teddy bears."

"Oh, this is not my teddy bear. This is my friend, his name is..." Hats stopped speaking as the teddy bear moved.

"AAAArgh.... Goddamn, last night was the best. That shit you brought to smoke took me to a different dimension." The teddy bear cursed.

"You 'ARE' in a different dimension." Hats told him.

"Ahhh... yeah, I remember. Those chicks were crazy. We had to run away." the teddy bear said.

Alexander was looking at the teddy bear with an ominous hunch, "What's your name?"

"Oh, I'm Ted, who are you? Some kind of guru? Sorry, not interested in your religion, I only follow weed and booties." Ted brashly stated.

Alexander now remembered the crude, foul-mouthed, alcoholic teddy bear from the movie called Ted.

"Hats, send him back. He will be a bad influence on everyone here." Alexander ordered.

"Already on it, I don't even know why I hung out with him." Hats muttered and made a portal and threw Ted in it.

"Nooooo... I sti..." Ted shouted but he still disappeared.

"Okay, now to the tea, and how is your work going on Dobby?" Alexander asked.

"It is going okay, I have started lots of food kitchens around the world. I simply bought many farm fields and gave people work thereafter upgrading the field to give a high yield. Now, people are also earning and eating to their heart's content.

"The water tribe is small so I didn't have to do much but Earth nation is huge. So, I am traveling to Ba Sing Se to make the king bring new reforms." Dobby briefed.

"Yeah, I also want to meet the king. How incompetent do you have to be to not know the situation of your own country." Alexander commented.

"Well, I have heard rumors that the Earth King does not run the country. Instead, it is the Dai Li. Dai Li is the secretive and elite police force of Ba Sing Se who works to capture, interrogate, and imprison political dissidents. The organization was founded by Avatar Kyoshi. But it has degraded a lot and now has too much power." Iroh revealed.

"Hmm, this would explain why this country is so mismanaged," Alexander thought.


Back on Appa.

"Have you ever wondered why the Fire Nation wants to catch you?" Sokka asked Aang.

Aang wasn't sure, "I don't know. When I woke up from the ice my whole tribe was gone due to the war and since then they are after me."

"I think I know but why not just ask the Fire princess." Amy proposed.

They all looked at Azula.

"I'm not saying anything." Azula huffed.

Chomei quickly brought out his tickle feathers, "Are you sure?"

Azula's face instantly started sweating. She then started speaking, "It is not a very hard thing to guess. My father wants to rule the world and the Avatar exists to keep peace around the world. So, he knows that one day he will have to fight you. It is just a matter of when. So, he wants to deal with you. But you all are obviously too dumb to realize that"

"So you are accepting that what your father is doing is wrong?" Amy asked.

"I never said that," Azula said and looked away but Amy could see the frustration on her face. She had started to question.

"Oh, look, a tower in the desert," Chomei shouted excitedly.

They all looked at it amusingly. For all they could see around them there was only desert and just out of nowhere there was a big stone tower. It looked like it came out from the ground.

"Weird, let's go and check it out," Ragnarok suggested.

"Oh yes, I like adventures, let's go and slay some beasts," Sokka tried to boast to impress Amy. But he was just making a fool out of himself.

Soon, they all went inside except Toph as she was not interested in exploring. They entered the building and found it to be huge. It went deep too underground.

"This looks like a library," Ragnarok remarked.

Suddenly a heavy voice came, "Indeed, this is my library. People call this place Wan Shi Ton's library. And I am Wan Shi Tong, he who knows ten thousand things, and you are obviously humans; which, by the way, are no longer permitted in my study. But because you have come with Lord Ragnarok, I will allow you to have any knowledge here as long as you add to the knowledge."

They all looked at the origin of the voice and it was a huge owl. Wan Shi Tong was an ancient, wise, and powerful spirit who collected information for his Spirit Library. He was the most knowledgeable being among humans and spirits, never missing an opportunity to learn new facts or boast about his vast intelligence.

Although his regular shape was that of a huge black-and-white barn owl, when angered he could assume much more frightening, stronger forms. So, he was more of a shape-shifting spirit.

"Bwahaha... in that case, here take my special whiskey." Ragnarok handed the big

"Thank you, Lord Ragnarok, though you didn't have to give me anything, songs of your mightiness are still famous in the spirit world." Wan Shi Tong said.

"Hahaha, thanks. Well, you all contribute something too." Ragnarok told everyone behind him.

Then came Katara's donations, an authentic waterbending scroll. Then came Aang and Sokka's turn, which were a wanted poster of himself and a knot. Wan Shi Tong was less impressed with it, though nonetheless accepted the offerings

"What about you?" the owl asked Azula.

Azula was flustered and didn't know what she could give. But an unlikely savior appeared.

Chomei flew in front of Azula, "I will give you the lyrics of one of my songs."

"Fair enough." The owl said and accepted it.

"You may look at my library now," he said and started to leave.

"What about Chomei and Amy's contribution?" Katara asked.

Wan Shi Tong turned around, "Children of the great spirit god are always welcome to my library. The vast amount of knowledge he has given me is unquantifiable, I will always be indebted to him. Enjoy your stay, and don't break anything, lest you might find me not so pleasing"

He warned them and left as he came.

[You can see Ted, Library, and Wan Shi Tong on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


30 Advance chapters are available on -patreon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *Chessur* *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif*

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