439. Easiest Siege in History

After dealing with Aang's problems, Alexander appeared in Ba Sing Se's royal palace. The moment he arrived he saw a huge buffed guy roaming around with the Earth King's bear.

He was wearing the normal earth kingdom's clothes but the fact he was in the palace proved that he was someone important. But Alexander ignored that and went to Dobby.

"So, how is it going, Dobby?" Alexander asked.

"Well, everything is going fine. I have called the White lotus to prepare for an attack on the fire nation. I have also upgraded the king." Dobby said.

"Wait, upgraded? Don't tell me the guy outside was the king, Kuei?" Alexander asked in disbelief.

"Yes, I gave him some potions and good old military training. Initially, he was nearing his death due to exhaustion. He had not worked out a single day in his life so he had developed asthma. But it was easily solved by our medicine. Then I made him go through training under Archangel Michael. He taught him everything about ruling a nation correctly." Dobby clarified.

"But how did a thin small guy turn into a mini hulk? And does he even know how to use his strength?" Alexander inquired,

"Yes, he can. I have been teaching him that for a while now. I think he will become a good king soon." Dobby assured him.

"Well if that's the case then you did a good job, I guess, by the way, I just checked the city outside, how the hell did it change so much in such a short time. There are so many cars and modern vehicles." Alexander asked. He saw everything outside. It didn't feel like Ba Sing Se at all now. All the foul smell in the outer rings had gone away. There were many modern transportations too.

"Oh, it was Blue Fang's doing. He is the richest man in the world right now. He started various companies around the world and gave jobs to anyone. He and Haku have done a splendid job," Dobby explained.

Alexander's chest rose in pride, "Yes, I am proud of him, I am happy he's spending quality time with his son whole teaching him good moral values.

"Okay, prepare to launch the assault now. Our time is coming soon. Where is Saitama?"

Dobby scratched his head, "Ah, boss. Azula has gotten lovestruck and she is after Saitama. The poor guy is running and hiding around the city. But Azula still finds him."

"Haha... well, at least she is not making trouble. Does she know what we are about to do?" Alexander asked.

"Yes, and she said she doesn't care about the fire nation or any other nation now. She is fed up with the life she has led so far and wants freedom," Dobby narrated her words.

"Well, that's good, she has changed a lot for the good. See you tomorrow now. Take care." Alexander said goodbye and returned to team Avatar.

Once he returned he saw all of them sitting together with worried faces and anxiety apparent in the air around them.

"Don't worry. Aang is safe. He will return tomorrow. Zuko, I've told you the plan. Be prepared for it now. Toph, you will accompany Zuko with Katara.

"Sokka and Suki, you will be outer support, distracting everyone from Zuko's presence." Alexander decided.

"Wait, outer? What exactly are we planning?" Sokka asked.

Just then Alexander unrolled a sheet with plan data made on it. It was the tunnel boring machine of the fire nation. The machine was currently deep underground under the palace of the Fire Lord.

"For the past whole week, I had my people digging deep under the royal palace of Fire Lord. I know what you must be thinking. How did the machine reach the top of a dormant volcano? Magic, as simple as that.

"Now, we already have a passage ready to go directly inside the royal palace. Zuko, you just need to take over. You will most probably not face any hindrance this time so your part will be pretty easy." He briefed.

"What about Aang? Who's going to be with him?" Katara worriedly asked.

~Girl, do you like him or not?~ Alexander thought in his mind, seeing her worry so much sometimes.

"Well, I will be around him so don't worry. As long as nothing out of the ordinary happens, the Fire Lord will be defeated."

"You all head to your positions. I will be keeping an eye on everything so don't worry and be confident." Alexander assured them.

"Iroh, where will you be going?" Alexander asked.

"My brother has sowed the seeds of hatred in many people. I am going to take those seeds out. I am heading to the colonies and free them." Iroh sternly said.

"Okay. I will be waiting for your return. We will have special tea then. I just invented it a few days ago." Alexander suggested.

Iroh happily nodded, "Haha, my friend. After this war, I am just going to spend my time in my tea shop and play Pai Sho all day."

"Yea, we all want a holiday now. Okay then, march out," he ordered.

In a minute, various Sky Bisons lifted off from the ground. the largest part went with Zuko, while Iroh took the lift to the fire nation colonies.


The next day,

It was the day of the Black Sun. A recurring celestial event during which the sun was entirely blocked out by the moon, rendering all firebenders powerless.

Aang was prepared for this day. The Lion turtle brought him to the mainland and dropped him there. Though he didn't know where he was.

Aang looked back at the tailed beasts still on the Lion Turtle, "Aren't you coming with me?"

"Oh, we've got to go back to G-Chan or he'll be worried. You go get him, champ." Chomei motivated him.

"Thanks," Aang said and walked into the jungle behind him. He was feeling much more confident now as he learned Energybending from the Lion turtle and also the stories the tailed beasts told him motivated him to be like Alexander but in his own way.

He still didn't want to kill people but he wanted to be as selfless and helpful as Alexander.

~When will the fire lord show up?~ Aang asked himself loudly and just jumped to the top of a tree to look where he was to look around and get a clue of where he was. What he saw shocked him.

"Wait, isn't this the..."


Slowly the sun had started to lose its shine. It was just a matter of a few more minutes for the sun to get fully covered and making all Firebenders lose their power.

Zuko, Katara, and Toph had entered the palace from the underground. They all rushed to the main chamber where Ozai usually sat and gloated over his power.

Zuko broke in by kicking the door, "FATHER!"

He was expecting that he would at least face his father if he had not left to fight the Avatar. But again, fighting the Avatar that day would have been foolish, so he was expecting to meet him here.

But, the place was empty. The fire that usually stayed ignited behind the throne wasn't there and the throne was empty.

"Where did he go?" Zuko asked himself.

He loudly shouted for anyone to come and answer his questions. After a while, five men entered. They all were wearing fire priests' uniforms.

Zuko recognized the eldest of them, "Grand Sage,"

"Prince Zuko, we have grave news to tell. Your father has deserted the palace. The Army is unsupervised and there is no one ruling right now. You must take responsibility," the Grand Sage informed him.

"What?!... but why would he run away? He is no coward." Zuko refuted them. He knew his father far too well.

But the Grand Sage shook his head, "No, Prince Zuko. We are telling the truth. Something has gotten hold of your father. We sensed instability and darkness within him when we last saw him. We fear he has done something no one should do to gain power."

"Yes, that is something he would do. If he has deserted then that means this foolish war is over. Relay my message, tell all the troops to stop. Anyone who tells me where my father is hiding will be rewarded too." Zuko announced.

He himself was very confused by the situation but he did what he had to.

"I will be taking over as the Fire Lord, Great Sage. Start preparing for the ceremony," he ordered.

The priests bowed and respectfully left.

"Well, that was easy," Toph spoke.


"Where are they? Tell me, I will beat the Fire Lord," Sokka entered while shouting.

After entering, he was greeted by the plain faces of everyone else, "What? Why do you guys look like the fire lord stole your food?"

"The Fire Lord ran away," Katara told him.

[You can see Fire Palace on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


30 Advance chapters are available on -patreon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif*

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