445. Reunited

After a few minutes of chatting and lots of quotes and jokes from Iroh, the man of the house arrived. He was shocked seeing so many people inside but the moment he saw Zuko his face fell.

The reaction didn't go unnoticed by Alexander and Iroh.

"Dear, look. The Spirit God has come to our home. This is such a wonderful occasion." Noriko excitedly told him everything.

Just one look at the man's face proved to Alexander what he wanted to know.

"Hello there, young man, come, drink some tea with us old boys." Alexander invited him.

"Thank you, Spirit God. I am Noren, I run the Hira'a Acting Troupe." Noren introduced himself.

"Oh, an actor. Well, it's a nice profession. Entertaining people is hard. Not everyone is born a joker like our boy Sokka here." Alexander joked.

"Hey, that was a personal attack. I will remember it old man, I will strike when you least expect it." Sokka warned him.

"Heh, what can you even do? You can't even bend, Boomerboy," Toph scoffed at him.

"Woah, that is discrimination, Toph. Bad girl," Sokka complained.

"Hey, Toph, you have given everyone names except the old man and his two old friends, why such difference?" Sokka asked, trying to get back at Alexander.

Toph huffed, "Huh, I don't want to anger the gods. You are welcome to try,"

Alexander laughed hearing that, "It's all right, child, call me whatever you want. Like I have nicknamed them. Raggy is Heat man and Dobby is Pretty boy."

"Oh, then I will call you Twinkle star," Toph exclaimed.

"Why is that?" Alexander asked.

"Because you always look perfect, shiny with your white beard and always in clean clothes. Also, your whole aura screams 'I AM A GOD, MORTALS'" Toph made fun of him.

Alexander heartily laughed, "Well, If this is what my name is going to be then I have no problem. Okay, let's get back to the main topic, come, Noren, this is my special drink called firewhiskey,"

"Ah, thank you," Noren took the cup and drank it. His heart was racing in nervousness.

"Do you have something to tell us, Noren?" Alexander asked.

"What are you talking about, Grandpa?" Aang inquired.

"Does she not know?" Alexander asked Noren.

~Of course he would know everything. He's a god.~ Noren thought and nodded.

"She doesn't remember anything," Noren answered.

Noriko confusedly looked at her husband, "What are you talking about, dear? What do I not remember?"

"Noriko, your real name is Ursa, you are the mother of Fire Lord Zuko," Noren announced, looking at Zuko.

Zuko was shocked. Noriko's face didn't match his mother's at all. "But how? She doesn't look like her at all."

Noren then started telling everything, "It was the Mother of Faces, She... after Ursa was taken away, I thought life couldn't get any worse than that. But I was wrong, in days to come I was attacked by assassins multiple times, I knew they were hired by Prince Ozai of that time.

"Deciding that there was no point in living in the village anymore, In despair, I moved to the forgetful valley. I lived there for a while and eventually, I encountered the Mother of Faces, who granted me a new face and I returned to Hira'a under the name Noren.

"Back here, I again joined the Acting Troupe to make a living. I had no idea about what had happened with Ursa at that time. But one day, she came back to the village. I found her sitting alone outside the theater, crying.

"I was shocked to see her there. I quickly talked to her but she didn't recognize me. Then I remembered that I looked different.

"Eventually, I offered Ursa a chance to make up for our lost time as lovers, to have Ursa have her face be changed as well to continue our love. So we went to the Forgetful Valley and waited for the next season to come to meet the Mother of Faces.

"The Mother of Faces did arrive but was puzzled by Ursa's decision to change her face because she was already very beautiful. To test her sincerity, Mother of Faces offered her a new, much plainer face, which Ursa accepted without hesitation.

"Sensing Ursa's pain, the Mother of Faces also asked her if she would want a new mind that did not remember her old life. After much deliberation, she agreed to forget her past life, even though it meant for her to forget the children she left back in the palace. With a new face and identity, Ursa, now Noriko, married me and we had our lovely child, Kiyi."

"Goddamn, so much damage that man has caused. Not just to the world but every single person around him."Ragnarok cursed at Ozai.

But Noriko was still shocked. "T-Then, are these two my children?"

Noren nodded, "Yes,"

Noriko looked at the conflicted faces of Zuko and Azula, she teared up. She dashed to them and hugged both of them at the same time.

"I am sorry, for being so selfish. I was not a good mother to you." She cried. Although she didn't remember anything, she still felt bad. Maybe it was just a mother's unconscious love.

Zuko's tough face melted away and a silent drop of tear fell down from his eyes, "No, It wasn't your fault, mother. Ozai is the cause. He was cruel to every single person around."

"Indeed, he was kind of an asshole," Azula agreed. She wasn't angry at her mother anymore after finding all this.

"Azula, language," Dobby was quick to point out. She rolled her eyes and tightly hugged her mother.

After a few minutes Noriko looked back at Alexander, "Great Spirit God, is there a way to get my memories back?"

"Sure, that is very easy. However, when it comes to your face, we will need to tell Mother of Faces to give it back as she literally took it. I can make you another one but would you really want that? Because then there will be two faces resembling you in the world." Alexander said.

"Thank you. We will go to Mother of Faces to ask her then." Noriko bowed.

"Haha, no need, let's go to the spirit realm instead. I know the mother of faces. I once taught a good lesson to her kid, Koh." Alexander remembered.

"Oh, I know Koh. I met him once," Aang spoke up.

"Yes, let me guess, he tried to jump scare you. He used to do that a lot before. But he stopped after I taught him a good lesson when he stole Avatar Kuruk's wife's face." Alexander revealed.

He took out his anywhere door and entered it. They had already reached a pond. Mother of Faces resided there.

Sensing Alexander, she came out on her own, "Spirit God, have you decided to take my offer?"

Alexander looked at the spirit and shook his head, "For the last time lady, I am happily married, I won't impregnate you. We are here for another reason instead."

"Ah, this human. I remember you. So, you have come back to get your face back?" Mother of faces voiced.

Noriko nodded profusely. She was a bit scared by the huge spirit though.

"Hmm, you can have it. When you requested me the last time for a new face I already knew that this day would come." The spirit said and did her magic.

In a few seconds, Noriko's face changed and she became just like she used to be. From Noriko to back to Ursa,

"Do you want your memories too?" The spirit asked.

Alexander quickly intervened, "Ah, no need for that. I got this. Your mental manipulation methods are at a very low level. It's just a simple memory block."

Alexander did his own magic by putting his hand on her head. He used his mind arts and removed the memory block.

She suddenly lost balance as memories rushed into her mind. Zuko was quick to jump and catch.

"Mother, are you okay?" he asked.

But there were only tears in her eyes. Tears and regret of leaving him behind because if she had taken him with her then he wouldn't have received the burn mark.

"I am sorry, Zuko," She cried while caressing his burnt face.

She then quickly called for Azula, "Come here, Azula, my beautiful daughter."

"Mom, why didn't you take us with you?" Azula finally asked.

"I wanted to, my children. But Ozai threatened that he would kill us all if I did that and I was sure he would have really done it." Ursa reveled. Making Azula find a new reason to hate Ozai.

Alexander let them have their moment. In the background, the mother of faces was trying to seduce Alexander when he refused continuously.

"What about him? This dragon god?" Alexander put Ragnarok forward.

"Dammit, Alex, don't burn me in your fire. Save your ass on your own." Ragnarok complained and jumped away.

Alexander then looked at Dobby. But Dobby was quick to speak, "Don't even think about it, boss. Or else I will give your Momoiro island photos to Olivia."

"WHAT! This is Blackmail. You hurt my feelings, Dobby," Alexander made a sad face.

"Little Kiyi, what do you think, isn't uncle Dobby perfect for her?" Alexander asked.

Kiyi looked at all of them first and then at Alexander, "NO! Grandpa is the best,"

Alexander facepalmed himself.

"Spirit God, my offer still sta..." Mother of Faces tried to speak.

"Nope, the answer is still no." Alexander confidently denied.

[You can see Ursa's past and Mother of faces on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


30 Advance chapters are available on -patreon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif*

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