448. Strictly Professional

In the busy hall, suddenly a pink door appeared out of nowhere. It opened and people started coming out.

"Woah, what magic is that?" A man standing with Iroh and drinking tea, asked.

"Haha, it is the Spirit God, he has arrived," Iroh stated.

The man gasped and kept on looking. Soon, the people came out and the door vanished.

It was Alexander with Ajax and Yalo in his arms, Olivia, Amy, Douglas, Hats, Berry with his son, and all the tailed beasts.

"AMYYYY!" Toph shouted from a distance and jumped into Amy's arms.

Amy was like a big sister to Toph, even though they had polar opposite personalities. Amy was calm and caring while Toph was brash and easygoing.

Amy caressed Toph's hair, "How have you been, Toph?"

"Awesome, what about you? I was just thinking about you and you came," Toph excitedly said.

"Hehe, I've been fine. Look, I got a new brother, his name is Ajax," Amy took Ajax in her arms and showed him to Toph.

"Aww... he's so cute. Hey there, little Ajax," Toph fawned over him. She went on to touch his cheeks but was stopped.

"NO! Don't. He will break your finger otherwise," Amy warned her.

"What? You are joking right?" Toph asked.

Amy looked around and saw her favorite person in the current world. "Uncle Iroh, can you pass me that spoon?"

"Sure, child," He quickly picked the spoon from the table and gave it to her.

"Okay, Ajax, show me your power," Amy muttered and handed the spoon to him.

Then right in front of their eyes, Ajax grabbed it and under his fist, the spoon got bent. Then he tried to eat it even though he didn't have any teeth. But still, the spoon got disfigured beyond recognition.

Amy took the spoon away fearing that he would eat it and put a milk bottle in his mouth. Even the bottle was made by Alexander because normal ones would get destroyed.

"Eaaa Buwooo..." Ajax made noises and laughed. His big blue eyes looking at people around, melting the hearts of everyone.

"Ah, I used to hate babies but if they are like this, I want them," Toph firmly decided.

"Well, let's go and find a match for you, Toph. I can't let my sister not have a date." Amy said.

"Haha, yes yes, go on." Alexander chuckled and took Ajax back.

Amy dragged Toph away to have fun.

"Iroh, my friend. What are you doing?" Alexander asked.

"Nothing, just drinking tea," Iroh replied heartily.

"And who is this?" Alexander asked, thinking that the man sharing tea with Iroh must be important.

"I don't know. He's a stranger. But, my friend, sharing tea with a fascinating stranger is one of life's true delights." Iroh quoted.

"Oh, if that is the case. Young man, what do you do for a living?" Alexander asked the man who was drinking his tea nervously.

"I-I don't do much. I just sing in a dancing trope." The man answered.

"Oh, that is a wonderful profession. Do you know any romantic songs?" Alexander asked.

"Yes, Spirit God, I do know a few." He answered.

"Good, then there is going to be a dancing event today. I want you to sing for all of us. Of course, you will be paid handsomely for it." He proposed.

And so, the world's first mainstream singer was made.


After all the guests had arrived. The coronation of Zuko was on the way. It was the start of a new era for the fire nation. Also for the words because the fire was finally going low.

Soon Zuko and Aang came out in their newer dresses. All the people cheered seeing that.

Zuko raised his hand, "Today, this war is finally over."

People cheered at that. Finally, their oppressors grew a conscience.

"I promised my uncle that I would restore the honor of the fire nation. And I WILL. The road ahead of us is challenging. A hundred years of fighting has left the world scarred and divided, but with the Avatar's help. We can get it back on the right path and begin a new era of love and peace."

"And tea," Iroh muttered beside Alexander, making him laugh.

Zuko continued. "And thankfully, Spirit God is with us to support us. He has done more for the world in just a year than anyone else. As I have my full trust in him, I am making him the eternal ruler of the Fire Nation. If I or my future generation again chooses the path of war and expansionism, then Spirit God can legally dethrone them and rule himself."

People madly cheered at that.

"Also, my Uncle, he believed in me when the world turned its back on me. Without him, I wouldn't even be alive. He taught me how to be a good human before being a good king.

"So, I am honored to announce that he will be my second in command and if something ever happened to me, He will become the Fire Lord. Don't worry, Uncle, you can still have your tea shop." Zuko announced.

Iroh teared up hearing that. Zuko was like a son to him and this was a big honor for him. He was really proud of Zuko.

Then Zuko kneeled on the ground for the Grand Sage to continue the coronation and put the Fire Nation royal hairpin on his head.

"ALL HAIL, FIRE LORD, ZUKO!" The fire sage shouted.

With that, the ceremony came to an end and the great feast started. The whole palace and its grounds were lit up in lights, making it look very beautiful. Unlimited food for all was also a major attraction for some.

"Haha... Iroh, you lost to me again," Douglas laughed. They were playing Pai Sho.

Dobby, who was walking by, saw the whole ordeal, "Don't trust him, Iroh. He's using divination to predict your next move. In short, he is CHEATING,"

Douglas scratched his head, "No, that is not cheating. I am using a biological part of my body."

"Oh, is that so? Then let me play with you too." Dobby joined them and used advanced Observation Haki to beat everyone.

At a table across from there, Ragnarok sat with lots of fire nation children surrounding him because he was showing them fire tricks.

Many Airbenders, Waterbenders, Firebenders, and Earth Benders were also there sharing tables and laughing together.

This was a sight around the world. Even though differences and stereotypes were still there, people still got together.

"Grandpa, I will be going to Yu Dao next," Aang informed him. Fire Lord, his family, Avatar, and Alexander, were sitting at a larger table.

"I will disband the colonies too," Zuko decided.

"No, you should not do that. That would do more harm than good. Don't forget that those colonies are older than you. Now, if you were able to become such a good friend of Aang in a year, imagine how inclusive the people will be in that city.

"There are firebenders married to Water benders, Earth benders married to Fire benders, so, you can't decide their nationality," Alexander suggested.


"Ah, yes yes Ajax, milk is tasty, but this is yours. Drink it whole," Alexander got distracted as Ajax tried to make Alexander drink milk from his bottle.

"Then what should we do about all the colonies? I can't let them be colonies as they will continuously be a mark of shame to us." Zuko asked.

"Umm, why not make it a neutral territory? Where people from all nations can come together and live in peace. It will not be controlled by any nation but will be protected by all of them." Alexander suggested.

Aang and Zuko looked at each other's faces and nodded, "That is an amazing idea. This way we can improve the image of fire nation if we try to put funds in improving the city." Zuko said.

"Yes, hey, where is Azula? Haven't seen her in a while," Alexander asked.

He searched the whole hall that was too big for a normal eye to scan. But he found her. Azula was sitting with Saitama. Saitama was just eating his food while she just stared at him, being love-struck.

"Spirit God, I was going to..."

"Grandpa," Alexander corrected Zuko.

"Grandpa, I was going to see Ozai. I was wondering if you'd come with me?" Zuko asked.

"Yes, why not? That man has still not paid for his crimes. I will do that now. Ursa, you should come too." He advised

The mother and son looked at each other and nodded in an encouraging gaze.

"Good, now it is time to Dance... HIT IT!" He loudly shouted and waved his hand. The tables moved on their own with people and made a huge space for everyone to dance. This was the first time a dance event like this was taking place in the world.

Suddenly, Dobby started the music, acting as the DJ and Berry flew around with his son, singing and making the mood amazing.

He was quickly joined by everyone from Phixheim. Sokka and Toph were not reserved and joined in. Iroh went to his nephew and dragged him too. Zuko also dragged Aang and Aang dragged Katara.

Due to the chain reaction, everyone was on the dance floor, dancing to disco music from the 80s. These beats were new to everyone and they felt like they were made for people to dance to it.

In the middle of the dance, Toph came up with a newfound camera given to her by Amy and clicked pictures of Team Avatar and all her favorite people.

Alexander noticed that all the couples were slowly coming closer.

Then, suddenly the music changed and now romantic beats started with slow disco lights. Alexander caught Olivia closer. But he also had Yalo on his back and Ajax in his arms, playing with Alexander and Olivia while being stuck between them.

Zuko and Mai also followed the lead, Iroh grabbed a random stranger who looked familiar. Alexander thought of cabbages by seeing that man for some reason.

Ragnarok and Douglas were dancing together. Dobby was dancing with little Kiyi. Amy was with Toph and Sokka was with Suki. Even in the air, Appa had a partner now. There was also a scream from a corner of the hall but Alexander only laughed when he saw what happened there.

"This is so exciting. There are more than a thousand people in this hall, Oli." Alexander muttered while dancing.

"Yes, this is mesmerizing." Olivia agreed.

"Oh, look, Aang." She pointed with her head.

Alexander looked and saw Aang and Katara close to each other's faces. But still not kissing as both were hesitant about what the other might think.

~Berry, giver a little push to Aang and Katara,~ Alexander told his Phoenix son.

Berry dutifully went closer and sang loudly his romance songs. Affecting the mood of the place.

Then, as if something struck their minds, both of them moved closer and kissed. It was romantic and innocent. Alexander couldn't be happier.

"I guess this marks the beginning of a new era. I will make sure to make this world the best," Alexander said and pointed his fingers at the sky.

Soon, heart-shaped fireworks started to appear in the sky.



"Haha, hey Suki. Want to dance?" Sokka asked when the dance had just started.

"Oh yeah, why wouldn't I dance with my boyfriend who has promised to marry someone else." Suki sarcastically said.

They started dancing soon after.

"AAAAA! Don't step on my feet Suki," Sokka cried in pain.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot you had feet, just like you forgot I existed." Suki apologized.


"Why are you doing this?" Sokka pleadingly asked.

"That wasn't on purpose, Sokka. I love you the most. Just like you said to me yesterday," Suki said with an emotionless face.

~F*CK... She's going to kill me~ Sokka scaredly thought, looking into her calm eyes.

"No Sokka, I am going to skin you alive,"

This time Sokka screamed like a little girl. He was genuinely scared. He regretted cheating on this Kyoshi Warrior.

A distance from them, another 'couple' were standing face to face. But they were not dancing.

Azula kept on looking at Saitama's face. "Come one, dance with me. Put your hand on my waist. Don't be shy, I will teach you if you don't know."

Saitama scratched his head. He was 25 years old and Azula was 14. He knew about it and also understood that it wasn't love but infatuation because of what happened in Ba Sing Se. He was not an idiot to not understand this. He also liked her but not as a romantic partner.

"Okay... little sister," he said, putting his hand on her waist and started dancing.

But, now it was Azula who had a plain face. It was critical damage to her young, slightly psychotic heart.

"Oh, AZULAAAA!... How are you, my patient?" Chomei appeared out of nowhere with a big cake in his hand.

Azula looked at him with teary eyes. "CHOMEI? CHOMEIIIII..."

She jumped and hugged him. "You are the only one who truly cares for me."

"Hehe, I am your doctor, silly, I am supposed to take care of you and tickle treat you," Chomei said. But Azula failed to realize that in Chomei's head, their relationship was strictly professional. It was just that he was good-natured to everyone.

He patted Azula's back while eating his favorite orange-flavored cake with only one thought in mind.

~This cake is so good. But, fatty Saiken ate the rest of it. I'll ask G-Chan for more,~

[A/N: I was going to end this arc in these chapters but there was so much left to be explained and done that I wrote too much. I didn't want the ending to be too rushed. So, three more chapters until this is complete.]

[You can see coronation, Palace, Group Shot, and Sad Azula on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


30 Advance chapters are available on -patreon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif*

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