471. Caught and Punished

Dobby put Aizen in handcuffs specifically made to hold strong beings. Aizen was just a superhuman with some magical powers without his Zanpakuto.

"Let's go to the execution hill, Captain Unohana. Ah, Iroh, bring that boy too," Dobby said, pointing at the unconscious Gin.

Unohana knew who he was but didn't know that he was this strong. After all, until a few seconds ago, he was known to be just a ramen seller. She had obviously eaten the ramen and particularly enjoyed the jasmine and rose tea from the shop.

She had her doubts about the sudden rise of the mysterious shop since the day one but she stayed quiet as many noble families were involved in the business. Now she understood how the shop expanded so fast. With such strength, nothing was impossible. Though she was still wondering who the two really were.



Alexander was speaking from the top of the execution platform.

"Hello, everyone, you all are shinigami so there is no need for me to hide my identity. I am a being who is called God's Advocate. Now, I am not talking about your soul king, but the one who made the soul king.

"My job is simple. I travel to different worlds, cleanse them of sins, and make them better for all. Any questions till now?" He asked.

"Which god are you talking about?" Sajin loudly asked.

Alexander looked at the familiar Wolf-headed man, "The highest one. There is no 'which' because there is just one at the top."

It was obviously not easy accepting that their Soul King was not the one true god. Many of them had been believing that for decades.

"Then what will you be doing now?" Yamamoto asked.

"What I always do. Punish the sinners, and help the innocent. You all lie somewhere in the middle. I'm not going to bother with you all but I will be taking over the academy to teach them new values about being a Shinigami. How you all operate is neither effective nor safe. You all didn't even know and such a big conspiracy was going on in Soul Society," Alexander said in a scolding tone.

"Conspiracy? What conspiracy?" Shunsui Kyoraku asked. He had a hunch that he was not going to like what was going to happen next.

"THIS! Conspiracy," Dobby came with Aizen's body on his shoulder.

He threw the body in front of everyone. Then Iroh came and threw Gin's body too. Soon, all of the captains and many more members of Gotei 13 arrived there as the fight had already stopped.

"Wait a minute, Blue Fang must be coming soon. He went to catch the third one," Dobby told and stood beside Alexander.

As expected, soon Blue Fang brought captain Kaname Tousen with him.

"OKAY! The trial of traitor Aizen and his henchmen will take place here. Take seats," Alexander announced and transfigured the dirt into seats.

"TRAITOR?!" Rukia Kuchiki exclaimed.

They were not kept waiting as Toushirou came with Captain Unohana.

"He is right, Aizen was the traitor. He set everything up. He killed the Central 46 too. I found their bodies and went to investigate. He even tried to kill Hinamori. But Mister Dobby came and stopped him. Aizen is behind everything, Captain-commander, we must interrogate him and get all the information out." Toushirou sternly requested.

Unohana nodded, "Yes, he confessed to his crimes. He even told me that he had lied about his Zanpakuto's ability. It was actually the ability to put someone in perfect hypnosis. That is how he fooled us all.

"The initiation condition for the hypnosis was for the enemy to see Kyōka Suigetsu at the exact moment it was released. After seeing it just once, the person would completely succumb to the hypnosis every time it is released, regardless of how long ago they saw it"

Yamamoto was in deep thoughts for a minute, "They have committed grave sins. For so many years we were fooled by them, who knows what other crimes he committed or made us commit."

"That is why I am doing this trial, to clarify everything," Alexander interjected.

"How will you find out about his past deeds?" Yamamoto asked.

"Simple, I will read their minds," Alexander replied and started walking up to them.

Aizen had woken up by then. "Captain-Commander, I've been framed, all these are baseless accusations"

"Then you should not have any problem with your mind getting read," Yamamoto ignored his claim.

"Why do you believe in a stranger more than me?" Aizen asked angrily.

"Because I know who he is," Yamamoto answered.

Alexander didn't let him waste more time and put his palm on his head. "Let's look at your dark desires,"

Alexander retracted his arm after a few minutes, "Oh, he certainly isn't innocent. This one wanted to assassinate your soul king and take the throne for himself.

"Not just that, he was the one who orchestrated all the hollowfication incidents and disappearances of souls from Rukongai a hundred years ago. You all foolishly sentenced Urahara and Tessai guilty for crimes they didn't commit.

"Right now, Aizen was intending to run away from here to Hueco Mundo with the Hōgyoku that he had planted inside Rukia's soul. The simplest way to get it out of her was to let her soul get burned away by Sōkyoku's fire. He was behind everything.

"Even that orange-haired kid has his whole life manipulated by this man here. He has already established power inside Hueco Mundo and planned to launch an invasion on the Soul Society in due time. He had planned all this since years ago, planned to perfection, but bad for him, he couldn't guess that I'd be here." Alexander announced everything. Aizen simply sat there, probably planning something. Then Alexander walked up to Gin.

"Stop smiling, boy," Alexander told him and read his thoughts. Soon, he started revealing everything to the people. He was a little bit sympathetic to him but not enough to ignore his crime.

"Oh, this one is a love story, Gin here when he was small, met a small Rangiku Matsumoto. They became friends and started living together.

"Gin also encountered Aizen while he and Rangiku still lived in Rukongai. While gathering firewood in a forest, he spotted Aizen and three other Shinigami, through a clearing in the brush, he saw Aizen take a ball of pink energy from one of the Shinigami's hands and put it in a glass that contained the Hōgyoku.

"Gin had seen those three Shinigami earlier, leaving the area where Rangiku had collapsed, carrying a said ball of pink energy that he saw earlier. Realizing that Aizen must be the leader, Gin resolved to kill Aizen.

"With a childlike passion, he decided he would make Aizen pay. So he deceived him for over a century, making him think he was on his side, until the day he had his chance to destroy him. For this, he was ready to go to any length." He revealed.

This time Aizen was shocked a bit. He looked at Gin, "For a hundred years? You wasted so many years on something so worthless? You wouldn't have been able to kill me even if you had planned for a thousand more years,"

Gin plainly looked at him, "It was worth it,"

Alexander then read the memory of Kaname Tōsen and announced, "Well, he's blind and he was still following Aizen, which means he was with him from the start. But the reason why he became like this is because of the incompetence of Gotei 13 and Central 46. They did not punish the man who killed his friend when he was young, since then, the seeds of dissatisfaction grew"

"I will leave Gin's punishment on you, Yamamoto, let's see how you deal with this," Alexander decided.

Yamamoto suddenly felt like this was more of a test for him than anything else.

Alexander then walked up to Aizen and read his sins,

||Sosuke Aizen - Category 4

Murder - 120,123

Indirect Murder - 234,435

Soul Sacrifice - 50,456

Sin Percentage - 75%||

"You will die," he said and simply disintegrated him. There was no point in making him go through time torture.

Then he walked up to Kaname Tōsen.

||Kaname Tōsen - Category 3

Murder - 30,908

Sin Percentage - 55%||

Alexander contemplated for a long moment and finally decided not to kill him. Category 3 and 55 percent of sins were still curable.

So, he put him in time torture, in which, he would feel the emotions of everyone he killed. He would see the relatives of everyone he killed. The motive was to make him realize that in his path to bring peace he caused so much sorrow.


30 Advance chapters are available on -patreon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif*

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