477. Janitor

All the Espada got alerted with the sudden intrusion.

"Little Nel, who else is a meanie here?" Alexander asked the little girl on his shoulder.

Nel looked at everyone scaredly and then pointed at a pink-haired one. "That one,"

Alexander looked at the person and looked into his sins. All of them had sinned but this one had a bit more sexual crimes. "Hmm, what is your name?"

Normal to say, all of them had their Zanpakuto out and were ready to fight him.

"Who are you?" One who resembles Aizen a bit asked.

"I am here to clean this place so I guess I am a janitor. Your leader, Aizen, is dead. Surrender and get purified. Go to the afterlife and stay there. Well, even if you don't surrender the result will still be the same," Alexander babbled.

"OR... you all can become my subordinates." Hats spoke suddenly. Alexander looked at him and immediately denied it.

"No, you alone are enough,"

Hats argued, "Come on, boss. I got myself a whole planet, but I am alone. These guys represent different aspects of human feeling. Rage, Solitude, Sacrifice, Despair, and more. They're perfect."

"Okay, but I will select who stays. Many of them are sadists who like killing and torturing. I don't want anyone like that." Alexander told him.

"Cool, at least it is a start." Hats cheered.

All the Espada were seeing the exchange happening between the man and the cat. Many were shocked that Aizen was dead. They all had started following him for the sole reason that he was stronger than any of them. So it was a bit too hard to believe.

"Hahaha... this means I am the God-King of Hueco Mundo again" An old man laughed.

Alexander looked at him with a raised eyebrow, "You must be Baraggan. Sorry to break your dreams but no. There won't be another king or any leader. I will be purifying the whole Hueco Mundo and then removing this dimension from existence. You all will be dealt with soon,"

"Grandpa, where will Nel go then?" Nel asked worriedly.

Alexander patted her head, "You will be coming with me and live with my family."

"Oh yes, you said this before. Hehe... I forgot..." She chuckled.

"Yes, Nel, you will stay with your big brother Saiken, I have lots of secret candy stash. I will give you some," Saiken acted as a proud big brother.

Alexander ignored their small talk and focused on the Espada. After seeing all their sins, he already knew who was going to survive and who was not.

By his checking. He found out that many of these Espadas were not inherently evil who wanted to kill and fight. Many of them even hated killing and only fought when ordered by Aizen or engaged by someone. Though these were in a minority.

However, there were some who enjoyed killing and torturing, even their own comrades were not safe from them. They'd be the ones to die.

Some time had passed since he had come there and yet they did not attack him. It was not that they didn't want to attack him, it was just that they weren't able to move even an inch all this time.

"What did you do to us?" A blue-haired one called Grimmjow shouted.

Alexander ignored him, "Okay, I will call all your names and then announce your punishment."

"Let's start with the first one, Yammy Llargo. You will be purified and sent to the afterlife, which is basically hell for you." Most of these Arrancars were in the middle or late 3rd category so they would get reincarnated after repenting in hell. So, he was not killing them but giving them a new chance at life.

Yammy was powerful, yet a dense Esparda often characterized with bouts of boredom except when going all out in battle. He takes joy and excitement from killing and crushing his weaker opposition.

As soon as he announced this, Alexander used his eye of judgment. He rarely used it but this time he didn't want to raise his sword and waste time. So he just burned him in the judgemental fire that burned his physical body and sent the soul to hell.

Apparently, there was also hell in this world so it would go to that hell instead of the bigger hell that the big God made.

"Next is Coyote Starrk, well, you are simply a person who is lonely and an introvert. I commend you for your belief against the notion of killing people. You get a pass, you will be Hats' people.

"Lilynette Gingerbuck, you get a pass too,"

Coyote Starrk and Lilynette were once part of the same being, who was always alone. This being tried to live with other Hollows, but they died just by being around it. Because of this, it became jealous of the weak and wanted to become weak itself. In an attempt to escape this loneliness, it split its soul into two. Starrk and Lilynette. They were unique and just wanted to live with the people around them. Alexander could give them this.

"Baraggan Louisenbairn, you get a pass but you will get taught anger management first," Alexander added.

"Tier Harribel, you oppose the notion of killing others, especially if done to gain power. So, you get a pass, go there and stand with the rest,"

"Ulquiorra Cifer, you lack emotions and I cannot give them to you. You are simply too ignorant towards living beings. So, it is better for you to go to the afterlife." He used his eyes and sent him away.

"Luppi Antenor, Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez, and Aaroniero Arruruerie you all will go to the afterlife too," he declared.

Then he looked at the pink-haired man, "Szayelaporro Granz, you backstabbed little Nel. Hell, it is,"

Once he was done, there were just 4 Espada remaining, not counting Nel. They were all handed to Hats, "Okay, take them now. I don't want to hear about any trouble coming from your planet."

Hats saluted, "Yes, boss. I will teach them in the ways of chaos... I mean being a good subordinate."

With that, Hats vanished with the four confused Arrancars who didn't even get to speak.

"Waaaa... they disappeared," Nel exclaimed.

"Haha, that is normal, little Nel. Now, let's go and find Kenpachi." He said and went out.


Douglas and Kenpachi were looking for opponents to beat but all they found were Hollows and more sand.

"Argh... this place is so boring. I am feeling sick by seeing the same scenery now," Douglas complained.

"Ken-Chan, look, the old man is coming here." Yachiru pointed her finger at the sky.

Alexander landed in front of them, "How's it going? Well, our work here is complete. Let's return now,"

"WHAT?! What about the Arrancars?" Kenpachi asked in amusement.

"I dealt with them. All of them are gone now. No one rules this place anymore. I will be destroying this dimension soon so let's return." He answered.

"FINALLY! Let's go, old man," Douglas cried.

"G-Chan, I worked so hard today... don't I deserve some reward?" Chomei sat down on the head of Nel and asked. Nel was curiously looking at the strange creature sitting on her head.

"Ah, what can it be that my Chomei wants?" Alexander asked.

"Oh... it is something I eat every day. It starts with R." Chomei replied.

Alexander acted as if thinking for too long, "Hmmm... is it... Rice?"

Chomei cutely pouted, "NO G-Chan, it is Ramen,"

"Haha, I know I know, I will make you some when we return," He patted his head.

"Cho...mei?" Nel spoke.

Chomei looked down at where he was sitting... "Oh... when did you sneak under me?"

"Haha, it was you who sat on her head, Chomei," Saiken told him.

Chomei acted shocked, "What? Am I turning dumb like Shukaku? This is a problem,"

[You can see Espada on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


30 Advance chapters are available on -patreon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif*

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