500. Slightly Angry Ajax

The masked man looked at Alexander. At least Alexander felt like he was being watched. He was in constant vigilance at the moment. He knew that he was in enemy territory and didn't want to do anything to attract the final boss yet.

"Who are you?" Alexander asked.

"Who I am is of no importance. What I am about to give you is what matters." The man said. The voice was muffled as well so Alexander could not use it later to identify the person.

"What are you going to give me?" Alexander inquired with caution.

But this time, instead of replying, the man vanished from his place and appeared beside Alexander.


The man punched Alexander. Alexander blocked it with his arm. His eyes widened in shock a little.

After so long, he felt pain. His arms felt numb from the impact. ~He's strong.~

But it was the man who praised him. "You are strong, but still not enough to challenge him head-on. Be careful, God-son. He has started preparing for the last stand. He will try to break you, from mind, heart, and body, be prepared."

Then he lifted his palm on which a vial was resting. "This is Zulrak's blood. Use this wisely."

Alexander was shocked. Even if he could not kill the man, he could learn so much about him and his powers from this blood.

"Why are you helping me?" Alexander asked.

Alexander heard a sigh from the man before he spoke. "My journey started eons ago due to my hatred, but I was never evil. And I refuse to be evil or serve evil, but I have sinned far too much. I am looking for my salvation through you, God-son. I wish you luck."

"I guess I will be seeing you in the future then," Alexander said.

The man nodded, "Yes. Leave now or else he will sense you."

Alexander used his power to jump back to his dimension where he was currently residing. Everyone was anxiously waiting there for him.

"Hah... who would have thought that even Zulrak's camp would have some people with a spine and dignity," Alexander said to himself. But he also understood that this unexpected ally was someone very high up in Zulrak's camp. Getting Zulrak's blood must have been a very difficult task.

"What happened, boss? What was there?" Dobby asked.

He showed them the blood. "Zulrak's blood."

"This... who gave it to you?" Archangel Michael exclaimed in shock.

"I don't know. He had some kind of cloak that hid his face no matter how much I tried to see. Anyway, that isn't important. I will be trying to decode Zulrak's power and weakness from this. Ah, we need to start to purify this world. Dobby, Blue Fang, make a plan and start implementing it." Alexander instructed them.

"Yes, boss." They nodded and got to work.

"I will be in my lab in Phixheim. If you guys need anything, call me up." He said and left.

"It seems he has gotten serious," Ragnarok muttered.

"He was always serious... he just never shows it," Olivia replied.


A few days later,

It was the 1st day of school for Yalo and Ajax. They were very excited to finally experience school life.

"Hey, where are you going, Ajax?" Chomei asked.

"Chomei, I am going to school. I will make friends there." Ajax chirped.

Chomei paused for a second and then gawked, "WAH! Can I come too?"

Ajax scratched his head and thought for a second, "Umm... can you stay hidden in my bag?"

Chomei cheered up, "YES! I will stay quiet and be sneaky."

So, he put Chomei in his bag and went out. Yalo was already sitting by the door waiting for him. Ajax held his hand and left.

Natasha and Leonidas were also there when they saw their son acting so responsibly. They smiled warmly.

"He's growing so fast," Natasha said.

Olivia chimed in, "You are lucky, Natasha, that you are getting to see him grow up. Leo here had already started writing scholarly books when he was 4 years old. I sometimes used to forget that he was still a child."

Leonidas rubbed his head, "Mom, it's not my fault that I got a fast brain. Complain to dad, why is he so smart? He's the one who passed those genes."

Olivia pulled his ear, "Maybe you can get me another grandchild. More is always better."

"Come on, mom, you already spend all your time on Thea and other kids. If I give you another one then I'm afraid you will forget us. I can't see dad being jealous of his own grandkids." Leonidas joked.

"Ah, yes. I can already imagine him being jealous. He's like a big baby... haha." Olivia laughed.

Leonidas chuckled and looked at Natasha, "On second thoughts, maybe we can try. Let's go, Nat, let's make some babies."

"SHAMELESS" Natasha reprimanded him but still left with him.

Olivia laughed alone, "Ah, youth."


"Bro Ajax, are we there yet?" Chomei whispered from the bag.

"No, we are near the entrance. You stay inside." Ajax said. But Chomei was moving too much in the bag.

Ajax looked at which class he was sorted. It was Class 1-A. So, he went in. The moment he entered, everyone went silent. They had not forgotten what had happened in the entrance exam. Ajax and Yalo were too powerful.

But still, a few of the students came to greet him.

"Hey there, Ajax. I am Tenya Ida. If you ever need help, ask me." Ida introduced himself.

Ajax looked at the relatively tall and muscular young man with glasses. "Haha, thanks. I'll remember that."

Then the girl who treated him like a kid came, "Hey, remember me?"

"Ah, Miss Uraraka." Ajax nodded.

"Just call me Uraraka, we are going to be classmates after all." She kindly said,

Although Uraraka was a pretty girl, her charm didn't affect Ajax much because he was just 4 years old and had a long way to reach puberty.

"Elo." Yalo voiced.

Everyone looked at the green child. Uraraka looked at Yalo with a smile and reached out to shake his hand. Yalo shook it with his tiny hand.

"So cute," Uraraka exclaimed.

"Haha, he said hello. Because of his advanced telekinetic abilities, his mind gets too stressed when it comes to speaking normally. He is also my beloved brother." Ajax proudly introduced him.

No one asked why he looked different as it was normal for people to develop quirks that would change their outer body.

"HAH! What's so special? He looks like a frog." An unpleasant cocky voice came from the benches.

Ajax turned to look and saw the ash-blond haired kid. But Ajax ignored him. He was a calm person and didn't go to people to find trouble. Although he never shies away from a conflict.

"I...I... I am Izuku Midoriya... t-thanks for saving me that d-day," Izuku spoke meekly. It seems he had developed some kind of inferiority complex to Ajax after seeing how stronger Ajax was. His and Ajax's quirks were somewhat alike, so he felt like a failure.

Ajax politely shook hands, "Dude, get some confidence. I'm not going to eat you... well, unless you are made of chocolate then that's a different case."

His joke made them chuckle and they realized that maybe this overpowered kid was not like other pampered and arrogant ones.

"CHOCOLATE? WHERE? WHERE?" Chomei peaked his head out of Ajax's bag.

Ajax facepalmed himself. He let Chomei come out as the cat was already out.

"Hey guys, meet Chomei. Chomei, you already heard everything so you know their names." Ajax said. But then he noticed and found out why Chomei was moving so much in his bag.

"Dammit, Chomei, you ate Grandma's packed sandwiches. You know I love them." He complained.

Chomei guiltily chuckled, "Sorry bro, I will later go back and ask grandma to make more. Don't worry."

Everyone was looking at the flying thing. But they didn't dare to say something bad as it was clear that the thing was intelligent. They guessed that he was like Principal Nezu.

"Hey, everyone. Nice to meet you. I just wanted to see what a school looks like." Chomei waved at everyone in the class.

"Since when did our school allow pets?" the ash-blond haired kid spoke again.

Midoriya walked up to him and tried to stop him, "Don't be mean Kacchan."

"SHUT UP, Deku. Don't talk to me. I will speak whatever I want, who are you to stop me? It's an INSECT, what can he be other than a pet?"

Chomei quieted down when he heard that. Ajax knew that Chomei never showed it but he was conscious of his looks.

Ajax was also someone who loved his family dearly. He coldly spoke, "Grandpa has told me not to get angry and control my power. But he also said that I should never compromise when someone disrespects me or my family. Because if you can't even protect your and your family's honor, how will you save others'?

"Now, you called my brothers insect and Frog? Chomei and Yalo have names and you should call them by that. They are my brothers and by calling them an insect or frog, you are disrespecting my whole family. I hope you learn some manners"

"Name him whatever you want, he still looks like an insect." the boy replied to him arrogantly.


Ajax started walking up to him, he had no idea why this guy was being so annoying. There was still a cute radiating smile on Ajax's face. But it looked scary right now.

[A/N: F*CK YEAH! 500 Chapters!!! Time for Banana party.]

[You can see the mysterious man and the annoying kid on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


30 Advance chapters are available on -patreon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif*

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