508. Return of Golden Grandpa

All Might was brushing his teeth calmly with his eyes closed. He was an easygoing man and didn't think much about what happened yesterday. He was a man who lived in the present.


He rinsed his mouth and stood straight to check his teeth in the mirror.

With a wide grin, he looked at his face.

"WHAT?!" He was shocked to see his face in All Might form.

He then looked down and found out that he was really in his All Might form. Thinking he must have done this in his sleep, he tried to return to his small body. All he needed was to stop utilizing the energy in his body that pushes his powers.

But, he couldn't. He stayed tall and broad no matter how much energy he lessened in his muscles.

"How is this possible? I-I don't feel pain either." He exclaimed in shock and quickly lifted his shirt to check himself.

Nothing. There was nothing on the left side of his stomach. It was all normal as if he was never injured. He touched that part and tried to see if he felt pain.

Still nothing. He could only feel his ribs and muscles.

"Was... my whole life a dream and this is the reality? Did I ever fight All for One and get injured? Is this a dream?" He questioned himself.

He could not come up with a plausible reason for this miracle.

"Wait, that old man made me drink something. Then I... fell asleep? Did he do something?" he was confused. He decided to go and ask him personally but for now, he had to go to the U.A as something important was happening there.

No matter what had happened to his body, he was still very happy. He had missed feeling powerful without the accompanying pain.

"Hahaha... I look handsome," he gloated looking at himself.


It was a special day at U.A High School. But the students only knew that something was happening and the teachers were excited for some reason. They weren't told that a legendary hero would be coming to their school.

However, the school would run as normal and the event would only start at the end of their school session.

In the class 1-A. All the students were discussing what the event was.

"Maybe some big hero will be coming here," Ida suggested.

"All Might is already a staff member of the school and he's the No.1 hero. Who else can it be then? And even if it was a hero, why would they make him give a speech instead of teaching us something." Momo Yaoyorozu guessed.

Minoru, who was just looking at the legs of Momo, walked to her and tried to put his hand on her waist haughtily, "I agree with you,"

*Bam* He received a slap and was thrown away, His existence was as worthless as a stone stuck under a tire. His perversion was disliked by all.

"Maybe there is going to be a test," Uraraka suggested.

But none of them knew it and those who knew it weren't saying anything.


Soon it was time for Alexander to appear. The students were told to gather at the assembly. Many reporters, officials, and heroes had also come. Students noticed only one thing on people's faces. Excitement.

After a while, all the mics were on and teachers were standing on the stage. Even All Might was there who had not shown his face till now at the academy.

Principal Nezu started speaking. "Students and all other guests. Our world has come very far since the discovery of the first person with Quirk. In the beginning, people were confused. In some cultures, people with Quirk were treated as gods and in some, burned on stakes.

"But, with the changing era, we adapted to the reality of Quirk. However, a tyrant used his Quirk of Convincing Speech to amass an army and take over countries. He engulfed the world in a war.

"Then came the greatest Quirk user ever. He defeated that dictator and stopped the war. He changed the world with his mysterious quirk, he seemed to be able to omnipotent and do anything.

"He didn't just save the world from villains, he helped the world by helping the poor and hungry with his money. He showed that to be a hero. Quirk was not always needed.

"But then he disappeared, until, a few days ago. I am happy and proud to announce to you that he has come out of retirement due to the current bad condition of the world. Welcome, Golden Grandpa, the eternal No.1 Global Hero."

People gawked along with his words. Most of the adults there had understood whom he was talking about before he even announced the name. The majority of the students were clueless. They were not interested in knowing about a supposed dead Hero who lived even before their parents were born.

Alexander then walked from behind the curtains.


All the old people in the hall awed. He was wearing his golden Shinigami dress with his golden sword. This was his hero dress.

His shining white hair gave a feeling of majesty and godliness.

He walked up to the mic and started speaking.

"Hello, ladies, gentlemen, and children. My real name is Alexander Maxim Universe. This is probably the first time you have found out about this.

"60 years ago, I had retired from my Hero job because I felt that I had made the world good enough. I wanted to give the world a chance to sort itself out. However, that didn't happen. I was only disappointed and the world has become corrupt. Now, we don't get big wars, we see secret wars, one country trying to suppress the growth of another, one person assassinating the other. Instead of getting better, the world has become more brutal and dishonest.

"I am disappointed even more now because I found out such a big name in the Hero business was abusing his powers.

"I had to return. I had to do something. So, I came back. I have been authorized by the Hero Public Safety Commission to audit all the Heroes in Japan. I will be investigating all deeds good or bad done by Heroes. I will also be prosecuting them if I find enough evidence.

"Children, you are the future Heroes, I hope you will walk the right path. Also, those two are my grandkids, take care of them." Alexander shamelessly announced.

The cameras and all the heads turned towards Yalo and Ajax. Yalo had no idea why they were looking at him while Ajax was hiding his face.

Alexander laughed, "Haha, you too, Katsuki Bakugo, control your anger and You Shoto, just have some fun. Hey you, stop looking at the girl's skirt."

He embarrassed all the kids from the stage. Once he was done, he gave the final message.

"I will end this with a few words. Civilians, Heroes, and Villains are all the same under the law. If you commit a crime, I will come for you." He said. He was looking directly into the camera as he said this. Many villains and wrongdoers felt goosebumps appearing on their bodies because of this.

Behind Alexander, a distance from him, All Might sat on the chair.

His face had a shocked and excited expression. ~So he was the old man who came to my home yesterday. Of course, only he could have treated me.~



Eraser Head elbowed his side and whispered, "Stop gloating, you are being noisy and disturbing everyone."

All Might got embarrassed and shut up. He was much happier now.

[A/N: Hey guys. I am currently helping my brother with his upcoming engagement and will have to write from outside my home. I will try my best to keep up with the 2 chapters a day schedule. However, I might not be able to upload them on the regular timings. Things will most probably resume to normal in a week or so. I was not able to edit these chapters to the best of my ability because I had less time, so you might find some extra mistakes. Sorry for them in advance.]


30 Advance chapters are available on -patreon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif*

Thank you for your support!