515. Saving a little girl

5 days later,

The locket on Thea's neck had been filled with her magic. She was cheerful and smiling all the time so it didn't take that much time. Alexander also tempted the tailed beasts on the promise of getting their favorite food. They made sure that Thea was always happy and giggling.

But, when Alexander went to take the locket from her, she protested and even tried to bite his finger, though she didn't have teeth yet and it only felt like someone was tickling. It seemed she liked it a lot. So, he had to trick her and changed the locket with another one.

"Alfred, here. Make the pills." He instructed.

Alfred took the stone and put it in a small chamber where more than 100 pills were kept. He put the stone at the center and closed the chamber.

"It will take some time, boss," Alfred said.

"Okay, I will come later. I still have something to do." Alexander replied and headed out.

"Hats, come with me. I will give you a tasty treat." Alexander told him.

Hats looked at him with suspicion. "What are you planning to do to this good kitty?"

Alexander's brows twitched, "Nothing, I just want to give you a new pill I made. It will make you stronger."

Hats took a few seconds to understand his words.


He suddenly started running away, "You think I'm a fool? NO! I will not be your guinea pig.

"No Hats, you are misunderstanding." Alexander ran after him.


Iroh had reached a place he did not know. He was hungry so he had dropped in here. It was a city he had not come to before.

He started walking around in the new city, in search of a shop worth his taste buds.

While walking past a tall wall, suddenly something fell on his head. He was not injured any bit but he looked to his side.

Shocking to him, it was a little girl. "Child, are you okay?"

The girl scaredly got up. Iroh saw that she was small and her arms were covered in bandages.

"What is your name, child?" Iroh asked nicely.

The girl felt positive vibes from him so she unknowingly gave out her name. "I'm Eri... oh no..."

Eri was a small girl with bluish, off-white hair, messy and unkempt, which were parted in the middle of her forehead, almost reaching down to her waist. She had very wide, innocent-looking eyes, which were bright red in color. Poking out from the right side of her forehead was also a small, brown horn.

She was wearing a plain, short-sleeved dress, which was dirty, pale tan-colored. Bandages were wrapped around both her arms and legs, stopping at her wrists and ankles, underneath which she is had numerous scars.

At a glance, Iroh knew that she was in trouble. Suddenly the sound of many footsteps came from a distance. He saw the fear on the girl's face. "Quick, hide behind me."

In fact, Iroh used his magic and made her unnoticeable. He had been learning it from Berry while working on the farm.

"Hey, did you see a girl passing by?" The man asked him.

"Oh, the one with a little horn? Yeah, she went that way." Iroh answered. He had pointed towards the highway. This way, when they don't find her, they would think that she boarded some vehicle.

Once the area was clear, he called her out, "Come out now, they are gone."

Eri meekly peaked out from behind him. "Thank you, grandpa."

"Haha, it was fate that brought me here. What was the probability that you would fall on me at the exact time I was passing by? Child, you look troubled. Come, we will eat something and talk." He invited her and started walking away.

Eri considered her options and soon started following him as she felt compelled for some reason.

Iroh put his hand in his bag and took out an apple, "Do you want an apple, little Eri?" He asked.

Her favorite fruit was apple and she quickly took it. "Thank you."

"Haha... it's okay. How old are you and why were they looking for you? Did they hurt you?" Iroh inquired.

She bit her lips. She didn't want to tell him. She was still not sure if he was a good man or not. If he would send her back to the lab. She had enough of the treatment she was receiving there.

Iroh patted her head, "It is okay if you don't want to tell. I will still help you. Come, this shop looks good, they also sell tea."

They entered the shop and took seats. Iroh ordered lots of dishes and tea.

"Eat whatever you want, it's grandpa's treat," Iroh told her.

She didn't show many expressions on her face. But in her heart, she felt comfortable and warm.

"I'm not hung..."

*Brr..* Her stomach made sounds. She was surely hungry.

"Haha, don't lie to yourself, child. Eat." Iroh laughed and picked the dumpling and ate it with his tea.

But soon he stopped drinking the tea from the shop and poured his own homemade tea to himself and Eri. "I have spoiled myself. No tea except the one grown in my fields tastes good."

Eri sipped and was shocked. It really tasted much better. She slowly started trusting him and opening up.

"So, where will you be going now, Eri?" Iroh asked.

"I don't know, I have no family left. I was locked up in that building so I don't want to go back." She replied.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that and for your troubles. Well, I am travelling around. Would you like to tag along? We will eat lots of different food. Then I will take you to my friend who can help you with anything." He proposed.

She thought for a few seconds and then agreed. She understood that she could not survive alone. She was just 6 years old after all and knew no one who would take her in.

"Good, then let's go shopping and buy some clothes for you. A child at your age should wear colorful clothes and should look cheerful." Iroh said. He put the money on the table and started to leave.

But then he looked back and held his hand out. Eri understood and ran to his side. She held his hand in hers and walked with him.

As Iroh was a firebender, his body was constantly warm. So, when she touched his hand, her cold weak hand felt the warmth. For some reason, she felt she could fully trust him.

Finally, a small unnoticeable smile appeared on her face with that.


Shie Hassaikai was a Yakuza organization. Originally, Eri's grandfather was the boss of it but when he fell ill his protege took over.

But, because of Eri's special quirk, he locked her up and did tests on her blood.

The name of the man was Kai Chisaki. He was going crazy over the disappearance of Eri right now and had launched a full-scale search.

Eri had tried to run away many times in the past but it was never hard to find her. This was the first time they couldn't find her and it worried him a little.

"Chronostasis, no matter what you must do, find her. Go." He shouted orders at his aide.

He himself went out too. After all, all his plans were resting on Eri.

[You can see Eri on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


30 Advance chapters are available on -patreon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif*

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