559. Boz

"Who is this General Universe and why am I just being notified about this? Is he the one who killed Gluttony?" Father asked Wrath.

"He is the man who brought in Creta and Aerugo under our occupation. He is the reason why we will be able to make a bigger transmutation circle than before. However, when I saw him, he seemed to know too much. He knew your name too, but I doubt he knows our plan." Wrath explained.

"And how is it that he found out about us? Also, how is he strong enough to kill one of you and even overpower you?" Father asked.

"We don't know, Father," Lust spoke. She didn't think that Alexander had really seen Gluttony's memory. If he had, then he'd have attacked Father by now. She also didn't want to tell Father anything as it would win her punishment.

She continued, "I believe he has also seen the truth. I never saw him using a transmutation matrix. However, what I found more intriguing is that he also does not use hand movements. Just like you."

"Interesting. Let him be, we don't want to make unnecessary enemies. Not when we are this close to the completion of our plan. When the promised day comes, he will prove to be a fine addition." Father ordered everyone. Unknown to him, it didn't matter if he pursued Alexander or not. Alexander would still come after him. after all, this was his job.

"Let's deal with Greed then."


Central City,

Colonel Mustang had been turning every possible stone in his search for the murderer of Hughes. But he didn't know that Hughes was closer to him than he could ever imagine.

Hughes was also working from the same building that had Alexander's office. By now, Alexander had replaced the whole staff of the building with his own men or trusted people who had more honor than a desire to become immortal.

Hughes didn't wear a military dress anymore and also had a big beard. He had also stopped wearing glasses and his hairstyle was new. So, it was very hard for anyone to recognize him. Plus, Alexander had also put magic on him.

His department was called resource allocation and had his eyes on every single Cens spent by the military. He was also the mysterious owner of Esrev Industries. Alexander couldn't use Universe so he just used the 5 letters of the reverse of his last name.

They had already launched their new car and tractors. They were also very cheap. Even the military had ordered thousands of them. But, Hughes' main job was to spy over the government while not even letting anyone know that he was spying.

This was the advantage of being a billionaire. All kinds of powerful people would come to you as if you were a light bulb at the center of a horde of moths.

"Boss sent you this." A Seraph gave Hughes a packet.

He opened it in his office and read it. The materials inside shocked him, to say the least.

~So the fuhrer is really one of them and most likely the whole central command is compromised. Well, no wonder they tried to kill me.~ He thought and got up. It was time for him to start making Mustang and a few other honest soldiers see the truth.

He needed to set some things up in order to put the right things in the right place and then report to Alexander to get permission to move forward with the plan.



"Where is Hats?" Alexander asked.

Ajax and Olivia looked around themselves. "That's weird, he was with me at the pub."

Alexander took out his phone and called Hats.

"Where are you?" He asked.

Hats took his phone out of his thick fur and answered, "Ah, it's you. I am coming home. I got lost looking for Ajax. Is he okay?"

"Yeah, he's fine. We are at the Curtis house." Alexander informed him and hung up.

"Okay, he will be coming soon. Now, Edward and Alphonse Elric. Come here, I have something to tell you two." Alexander spoke. Making the two brothers nervous. He was a big General now, the second in command of Amestris, so they felt a bit overwhelmed.

The two walked towards Alexander and stood up stiffly. Alexander was told by Truth not to meddle in the destiny of these boys for a while. He was going to wait now. But he was still going to help the two.

"You two don't need to worry about anything. I have transferred you two to my office. I am giving you full freedom to pursue your goal of getting your body back. Also, you can ask me for any help at any time. You two are at the age of what my grandkids would be. So, just call me grandpa." Alexander advised them.

If the two were to meet Truth right now, they'd simply get their bodies back. However, Alexander was more worried about Alphonse as his thin metal armor was his lifeline. If the simple tattoo made of blood were to be destroyed, Alphonse would be gone too.

"Alphonse, come forward," Alexander called him.

Alphonse walked closer to him. "Yes, General?"

"It's Grandpa for you. Now, I know that soon you will be getting your body back, I have trust. But, until then, your suit of armor needs to be kept safe. For this, I am going to reinforce your armor with a better metal that is nearly indestructible." Alexander declared.

"Really?" Alphonse asked in disbelief. He also knew his own handicap and if what Alexander said really happened then it would really be helpful to him.

"Yes," Alexander snapped his fingers and an alchemical reaction happened all over the surface of Alphonse's armor. There was no need for any reaction but he made it happen to make it feel like he used alchemy.

"Good, Edward, you come too. I will upgrade your arm and leg." Alexander offered.

Edward didn't shy away and got himself a vibranium arm and leg too.

"Woah... This feels so good to walk on. It's lightweight too." Edward exclaimed and tried various moves.

"Hahaha... Yes yes... Okay, now I need to head back. I got some work to do. You two, meanwhile, should go and meet Colonel Mustang. He may have some new clues for you two. He has also transferred to Central." Alexander advised them and got up.

But Elric brothers made annoyed faces when they heard Mustang's name.


*Door Opens*

Hats walked in quietly. He looked tired for some reason. Then, to everyone's shock, a cute little puppy also came in, most likely following Hats.

"Bow bow... Woof..."

Alexander understood the words, unlike others. From what it was, he could feel why Hats looked tired.

"Where are we, Boz?"

"Why are we here, Boz?"

"Oh, who is that? And that one, Boz?"

"Woah, this place is cool, Boz."

"I'm hungry, Boz."

All these were questions asked by the puppy in a span of seconds. The puppy looked at everything around him excitedly and with starry eyes. Everyone couldn't help but already like him because he was just too cute.

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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora*

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