615. Meditation = Sleeping

The next day in the lake-side flower garden of Phixheim,

Everyone sat on the ground, by everyone it meant all the beings of Phixheim. From Alexander to Phoenixes and dragons. They sat in an orderly fashion that made a giant matrix.

At the front, facing the crowd sat Buddha. Everyone currently had their eyes closed and they were deep in meditation. Mostly all of them, because the tailed beasts and Chappy were actually sleeping. Surprisingly, Hats was also meditating with full concentration.

Alexander had already told everyone that if they want to leave then they must do it silently. But, it was fine as long as they slept silently as well.

Alexander was currently deep in meditation too. His mind was empty and his breathing had slowed down to a uniform rhythm. For everyone else, meditation ended at this point. But, Alexander was a God. He had a few things he needed to come over.

For example, he needed to get used to his omniscience. He needed to open up so he could listen to all of his followers. Their prayers and wishes. Their pain and feelings.

So, he opened up a little and let his mind drift around. He saw the past that had gone by, he saw the sleeping Saiken who was going to fall to his side onto Shukaku, creating a chain reaction and spoiling the meditation session for all. Alexander waved his hand and stopped Saiken from falling.

His head was not hurting as much now. Soon, voices started coming. With them came people's wishes and prayers.

"Please bless my family to be healthy,"

"God, I want him dead..."

"Great Cu-nt, thank you for everything."

"Oh god, yes, ah ah ah... yes yes, GOD YES! This is so good."

"God, please make my legs become good. I want to play with my friends."


"God, please help, my daughter is missing, I don't know how she is. Please, bless her to be safe."


There were countless wishes and prayers. Some were asking for happiness and some were asking for material desires. Alexander fulfilled a few wishes and ignored those that were just calling God to curse or in pleasure.

~I wonder if Jesus also has to tolerate all this.~ he thought.

Alexander was almost at 60% omniscience now. This was a lot more than before but he still had a long way to go. He was currently as strong as 70% of what the old man, God, was. He was confident that it wouldn't take him very long to attain true omniscience.

They continued to meditate for a while longer until the session ended and they all got up. Buddha knew that meditation was not easy for beginners so he planned the session accordingly.

"Waaaa... I really enjoyed meditation." Chomei said while yawning.

Alexander chuckled, "You just slept the whole time. Sleeping is not Meditating."

Chomei was shocked, "What? But I thought everyone was sleeping with their eyes closed."

*Pat Pat*

"It's okay, your version of meditation is fine too," Alexander said. He then turned to Olivia, "I will be going out now. Need to do my job as well."

After that, he, Ragnarok and Dobby left.


Dragon Ball world,

Whis had gone to Grand Priest to inform him about Alexander's demands. Grand Priest, obviously knew that a strong being had come to their reality. But he did not know who he was.

Now, Whis explained everything to him and he turned a bit extra serious. Because if Alexander was some kind of a judge who purifies universes then he surely had powers to wipe them out too.

So, he called all the angels to meet him right then. He was the father and creator of all of them so no one had the guts to deny him. They all rushed to meet him, wanting to know what had happened.

"Good, you all came on time. I need you all to take your universe's God of Destruction and Supreme Kai and head to planet earth of Universe 7. There, all of the universes will be judged." Grand Priest revealed.

"Will the Omni-King be judging?" Vados, sister of Whis asked.

The Grand Priest denied, "No, he won't. There is a god who came from beyond the multiverse. Just how the mortal level of universes are defined, our Multiverse also has a mortal level and it is possibly not very good. Which is why he is here to purify it."

All the angels murmured. This would mean that Alexander held authority over the Omni-King too.

Whis also spoke, "No need to worry. I know him. He is a very kind person. As long as you bring your God of Destruction and they hold a good decorum, I don't see him doing anything."

But this was easier said than done because many Gods of Destruction were stubborn.

"You may leave now. If your God of Destruction does not come then at the very least bring the Supreme Kai." Grand Priest advised and let them leave.

Only Whis was left and he asked, "Should we tell Omni-King?"

Grand Priest shook his head, "No, not yet. We will tell him later."


Iwan, the God of Destruction of Universe 1 quickly agreed to come. He was an efficient and successful God of Destruction as his work has lead to his universe having the highest mortal level. So, he had nothing to worry about.

The same was the case with Universe 12, 5 and 8. But, the problem came with Champa, Beerus's brother and God of Destruction of Universe 6 as he was asleep. The other problematic one was Quitela, God of Destruction of Universe 4. Quitela was rather lazy and seemed to instead prefer playing video games and eating junk food rather than doing his duty.

These two outright denied coming to the meeting with Alexander. Their attendant angels tried to warn them but they did not budge at all.

So, Vados and Cognac were only able to bring the Supreme Kai with them.


Universe 7, Earth, Lookout

Alexander had found out about the Earth's guardian. So he wanted to meet this person and also see where he lived. He was surprised to find such a huge place in the sky.

So, he decided that he was going to hold the meeting here. This way he can keep the planet's surface away from immediate harm if something were to happen.

"So, Dende, can you tell me how to make Dragon balls? I've been wondering, how strong would my Dragon balls would be." Alexander asked.

Dende was flustered. He had never been in the presence of such a high-level being. "Oh, yes yes... I can tell you."

Alexander then learned how to make dragon balls. He really had an urge to make them. He was supposed to make these balls and connect them to an Eternal Dragon. Eternal Dragons were a species of wish-granting dragons.

"Hmm, what if I get my own wish-granting dragon?" He muttered and turned to Ragnarok.

But Ragnarok immediately rejected, "Hell no, I have two balls and I'm happy with them."

[You can see Angels on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely*

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