649. Not from this world

Ajax turned to see where Thea pointed. It was indeed a watermelon. But it had eyes on it. They moved closer to check it out. But as soon as they were a few inches away, the watermelon started to twitch.

"Brother, it's moving," Thea said excitedly.

"That is suspicious. Let me cut it in half with my throwing knife before going any closer." Ajax decided.


"Brother, watermelon speaks." Thea was even more excited now.

"I don't think it is the watermelon now. Whoever is hiding, come out." Ajax commanded in a serious voice.


Suddenly, legs come from under the watermelon. It was most likely a child. It got up and turned to them. The watermelon was like a helmet now.

"Woah, who are you?" Thea asked.

The watermelon kid looked at him, Thea and Hats. Then it spoke. "I am Suika, who are you?"

Ajax understood this was a girl. "I am Ajax, this is Thea and this fat cat is Hats. We are travellers. Do you know where more people live?"

"Of course, they live in my village... oh, I mean the Kingdom of Science." Suika answered.

"Kingdom of Science? What happened to this world? Can you take us there? I will give you this." Ajax showed her a lighter.


Suika looked at the flames that came from the top of it.

"Woah, another sorcerer... I mean scientist. Come with me. Everyone is welcome in the Kingdom of Science." She cheerfully ran away, leading the way.

"Well, she's dumb or this world is back to the stone age." Hats commented.

"Don't be mean, Uncle Hats. She's small." Thea argued. While in fact, she was even smaller than this Suika girl.


"EVERYONE... I FOUND MORE PEOPLE." Suika ran to her village, shouting.

Her voice attracted everyone there. Soon, Ajax and Thea were surrounded by people.

"They are kids,"

"Look at that cat."

"Can we eat it?"

They talked about them. Ajax's red and white dual-tone hair was a major topic too. But by far, the cat using the phone was the most talked about topic.

Seeing everyone's dresses and the huts behind them, Ajax guessed that either he was in the past of earth or world war happened and this is years in the future. He was mostly sure about it being earth because the girl talked in Japanese.

"Hello, my name is Thea." Thea politely introduced herself with her hands together and a slight bow.


"So cute..."

Everyone made noises because of that.

"What's going on here?" Soon a voice came from behind the crowd. Everyone made way to let this person come forward.

Ajax expected to see the leader of these people, but, unfortunately, it also turned out to be a kid. He had white hair though, much different from the rest of the people. However, Ajax did feel weird because there were too many blonde people and he was supposed to be in Japan.

Senku saw the new arrivals. Instinctively, he first looked at the little girl because she was radiating such happy vibes. But then he noticed the girl's clothes that were a skirt, a t-shirt, a belt and also a headband made of plastic. He didn't understand why someone would go through the trouble to make all of these.

Then he noticed Ajax. Who was wearing a shirt, pants, belt, leather shoes too. All of these didn't look crudely hand made. Instead, they looked well factory crafted.

After that, what he saw nearly had his eyes pop out. Not because of the Cat using a phone, but because of a phone existing in the first place. This was 3700 years after the petrification event. No such technology should have lasted this long.

"W-Where did you find that phone?" Senku asked loudly.

Ajax put his attention on this boy now. With his unique hair, he was either a villain or the main character of this world. Also, seeing how he behaved, it seemed he knows about modern things.

"My grandpa made it," Ajax replied.

"Where is he? How did you have all the stuff needed to make it?" Senku asked hastily.

Ajax shrugged, "It was easy for him. We had all the stuff available at ease. Wait, aren't you gonna ask why this cat is using a phone?"

Senku's eyes twitched, "Yeah, why is he doing that?"

"Because I'm no household cat, kid." Hats jumped from the back of Ajax. It shocked everyone there.

"It spoke," many exclaimed.

"Now, where is the food? This god is hungry." Hats ordered like some fat lord.

Just due to shock, someone went away and brought him a bowl of handmade ramen. Hats ate it and made a bad face, "Eh, you call this food? This is a compromise. I'll go and catch some fish myself."

Senku was still in shock. ~Did they evolve? No, no, it's not possible. Wait, is this kid's grandpa some kind of super-scientist who made this cat intelligent?~

He thought about all this. But, considering that the boy in front of him could have such things, there was no denying he could probably bring other things. He decided to befriend him.

"I am Senku Ishigami. This village's leader. Welcome to the KINGDOM OF SCIENCE." He welcomed them with open arms.

Ajax did not shy and followed them. Thea was taken to the side, though not away from Ajax's visible range by Suika.

"So, where is this Grandpa of yours?" Senku asked.

"At home, working on something. He was busy and that is why we came out here." Ajax replied. He was being honest till now.

Ajax then noticed a lot of structures, "Woah, a blast furnace? An electricity generator? You are doing a great job, considering you made them from scratch."

Senku proudly nodded, "Thanks, I want to make many more things but I have no tools. But, if your grandpa can help us a little, I believe we can change the world."

"What are your goals?" Ajax inquired. He wasn't going to help anyone now. Not before knowing their motivations.

Senku smiled and looked at the sky, "Well, considering that the world is in ruin and not many humans are running around. Countries and laws have been reset. I want to create a society based around technology, that only focuses on making our lives better and invent more advanced stuff."

"Hmm, so the word 'kingdom' is just for the show. So you want to make a technocracy? A system of government in which a decision-maker or makers are elected by the population or appointed on the basis of their expertise in a given area of responsibility, particularly with regard to scientific or technical knowledge?" Ajax asked.

Senku nodded, "Yeah, that would be nice."

"Your dreams are good, but they are too detached from reality. Maybe this small number of people will agree with you. But remember, humans are greedy creatures. There will be others in this world who probably have started their small kingdoms too. Maybe some of them are directly opposite to your ideology, who want to establish a dictatorship for personal greed. How are you planning to convince them?" Ajax inquired.

Senku was silenced. He had thought about this before and had no idea how he would do this. He was just going with the flow.

"Haha, I guess you aren't wrong. There is already someone who wants to destroy this small kingdom of mine. But, I will not back down." He firmly said.

Ajax nodded, "Then I will support you. But first, can you tell me what the hell happened to this world?"

"Wait, don't you know about the past? Weren't you or your family depetrified?" Senku asked with doubt.

Ajax scratched his head awkwardly, "Well, you see. I am not from around here."

"What do you mean? The whole world is back into the stone age." Senku argued.

"I meant to say, I am not from this planet," Ajax replied awkwardly.

Senku's mind went blank for a minute.


[You can see Suika, Ishigami village and Senku on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely*

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