660. Punishment

"What the hell did we pick up from the road?" Naofumi questioned himself.

"What is he?" Raphtalia questioned.

"I don't know. But I am inclined to believe that he really is who he says. God of Chaos." Naofumi said.

"Ha? What kind of god is that?" Filo asked. But no one knew the answer anyway.

Hats' stomach growled in hunger. So he looked back at Raphtalia. Maybe he felt like trusting the demi-humans more because they were half animals.

"Girl, do you have food?" He asked.

Raphtalia was flustered, "What? Ah... um... we don't. They destroyed the cart. It was all inside it."

"Where was the cart?" He inquired.

She silently pointed in a direction. Hats went there and used his reality manipulation power to assemble the destroyed carriage. Soon, it was back in shape with all its bags.

He looked through some of them and just found some buns and dried fish. "Eh, you people call this food? Anyway, I will eat fish for an appetiser.

While everyone was busy making heads or tails of the situation, loud footsteps sounded. Soon, an army of armoured men surrounded them, leading them was a woman with purple hair.

She was Mirellia Q Melromarc, Queen of Melromarc. She holds the true power behind the throne and was generally a just ruler. She was known for her diplomatic and negotiating skills.

She came here to fight the church because she found out about their deeds. But, no fighting was needed anymore as Hats had already done it. It was also revealed that the other two heroes were still alive and Motoyasu was proven to be even dumber than the dumbest being alive.

She talked to the Shield hero and her little daughter and found out that a god was present there and he was hungry. She was shocked but stayed level headed.

She respectfully went to the grumpy Hats, who was cursing and eating the dried fish.

"Chaos God, I am the Queen of Melromarc, I invite you to visit my palace. You can have a grand feast there." She offered.

"Who names their kingdom Melromarc? But, if you give me food, I don't care. Child, I am not an unreasonable being. As long as you treat me kindly, I will treat you decently. Might even bless you with something. But for now, I am hungry and I am angry. Let's go." Hats said in length. It seems hunger also makes his mouth move more.

The Queen quickly sent her fastest messenger to inform the palace to organise a feast quickly. They had lots of tasty food all the time but right now they wanted to impress. To hell with heroes, Hats just slapped one of them like nothing. This was a true ally to seek.

"Please, come with me to my carriage. It will take us a day to get to the palace." Queen said.

"WHAT? 1 day? 24 Hours? 1330 minutes? NOT ACCEPTABLE. We will go there with the portal. Follow me." Hats shouted.

He looked into the Queen's head for an image of the palace and opened the portal. He quickly jumped to the other side.

Everyone else, too, followed, except some soldiers who needed to do the cleaning of the battlefield.

They arrived at the royal palace immediately. Hats was respectfully taken to the dining hall and was given lots of food. He started devouring them immediately.

"Ah... finally, the taste of gold has vanished. This food is not very tasty but still better than nothing. Anyway, who is the king? Why did that boy and the church attack me?" Hats asked.

"I am the queen and the ruling monarch with the ruling power. My husband is a useless man, that's all." She replied.

"Haha, female empowerment? Nice..." Hats chuckled.

Then, the queen proceeded to tell him everything from the start. How Malty framed Naofumi for rape, then her father also joined to destroy the image of him. All because Shield Hero was a god for Demi-humans. It was not Shield Hero's mistake anyway, who told the stupid king to summon all the heroes.

Hats understood the whole bigger plot. The legendary heroes were traditionally summoned by the most powerful countries. The hero summoning was supposed to be performed in Faubley, the strongest country in the world that was at the industrialisation phase already.

Whichever country succeeds in summoning them gets a big lead on the other countries. However, the four legendary heroes did not respond to the summons. As a result of an investigation, it was found out that a holy relic was required to summon the four legendary heroes, and Melromarc unexpectedly summoned them. All because Malty convinced her father to do it while the Queen was away.

It was to be noted that Shield Hero was a godly figure to many countries, including Faubley, so, the treatment Naofumi was getting, was making other countries more hostile towards Melromarc. All because of the dumb father-daughter duo.

The condition for forgiveness Faubley king had kept was to marry Malty, the first daughter and the fake rape accuser of Shield Hero. Getting married to the king was akin to a death sentence. The man had already killed 9,999 women before. She was to be the 10,000th.

The queen tried to buy some time by sending an exact replica doll of Malty, the toy was found in a very bad condition. The hair had been pulled out, the eyes were out of their sockets, both arms had been cut off, and the legs had been cleanly sheared off as well as many more tortures. These showed the inept sadism of the pig king.

Upon having such a sentence, most commit suicide on the spot. It seemed that his favourites were kept alive for as long as three months through magic, Yggdrasil medicine, and other things. Apparently, he wouldn't permit them to die. The King of Faubley's motto was toys that have gone through enough pain that they wished they were dead feel much better.

The queen tried to avoid fulfilling the promise to Faubley king by keeping Malty in one of the heroes, Motoyasu's party, but Malty lost all means of help by her own actions. Ironically, it was Malty's doing that led to these events, as she persuaded her father to summon the heroes against the international agreement and also because she betrayed all the heroes and led the rebellion against her own mother. It was a classic reenactment of 'dropping an axe on your own foot'.

But Hats already knew why this king was savage. "Have you ever thought about why the ruling people of Faubley are so cruel?"

The Queen nodded, "I did, but never found the answer."

"According to you, Faubley has had a long tradition of marrying the Four Summoned Heroes and their children into their family. Because of that, they're known worldwide as the bloodline of Heroes.

That is exactly the problem. Do you know who these so-called heroes are that you all summon and pray to?" Hats asked.

The queen shook her head. So, Hats continued.

"With a few exceptions, all of them are NEETs. NEETs are basically the male versions of your daughter Maltey, but even worse. They come from a world that has no powers, there are no wars too and is technologically so advanced that as long as you have money, you don't even have to move and food will come to you. You don't have to horse ride, you can fly in metal flying carriages.

These NEETs are people who gave up on society and stay at home locked inside, leaching on parents' money, eating, dreaming about fucking beautiful women while themselves looking like pigs.

"The reason for the largely terrible personalities of the Faubrey's Current King, some of the Nobles and some of the Relatives of the Royal Family, is because a majority of the Legendary Heroes summoned to the world to combat the Waves, were all introverted-highly perverted-NEET's, that upon continuously breeding together with other heroes and descendants with similar mind-sets to their ancestors, eventually created truly horrible progeny.

"About the reason behind their industrial advancement unlike any other kingdom, I think at some point, a smart and intelligent Hero came and passed on the knowledge." Hats explained in full detail.

The Queen was very much shocked, "WHAT? Then... no wonder the spear hero acts in such perverted ways."

"Also, it is most likely that these heroes thought that this world is a game where they are the protagonist, you all are game characters with no value and that they are invincible. That's the mentality most NEETs would have." Hats poured more salt on the wounds. This was a confrontation with reality.

"Chaos God, please help this world. I'm afraid the damage is far too great for anyone to repair." The queen requested with a lower head. There was no shame in lowering yourself in front of a god.

Hats chuckled, "I am still hungry, keep the food coming and your problems will be solved one by one."

He was the God of chaos, after all, his appetite was monstrous too.

"YES..." The queen happily accepted the deal.

After all this, Hats was carefully picked by the Queen in her arms and taken to the throne room. He was given a seat on her lap as she was ordered to scratch his back.

But the queen was also amazing as she never stopped her act of being tough. Soon, her husband, the king and her daughter Maltey were brought in in cuffs. A trial was to be held.

Malty was given a slave crest after which she was forced to confess to everything. But, what angered Hats was the fact that this horny bastard, Motoyasu, still refused to believe that she lied about everything. He was constantly questioning the queen.

So, Hats raised his hand, making everything go silent.

"Spear hero, why do you insist on taking Malty's side, even after her confession?" Hats asked. Motoyasu had his head wrapped in bandages right now because of beating earlier.

"Because I know she is not lying. I know her... believe her. The queen is being mind-controlled by that Naofumi's shield" He said.

Hats sent an air slap on his face, that made a loud sound and made him fall to the floor.

"Look how pathetic you are. Just because she's a girl, you are ready to believe anything. Even when the truth is right in front of you. You are too horny and every second girl you see you want to impregnate her. I know what is your problem.

"You have far too much testosterone, as compared to brain cells. Then let's deal with that. Did you talk about mind control? Now I will show you what true mind control is. Know this, you brought this upon yourself. You were supposed to be a hero, keeper of justice. Yet, you assisted the villains in their schemes. You are as guilty as they are." Hats announced, frightening Motoyasu.

Hats waved his paw and a sword appeared in Motoyasu's hand. "Take your clothes off and use that sword to chop your dick off, right now."

Silence ensued.

"AAAAA..." A loud fear-filled scream came as Motoyasu found himself not in control of his body.

[You can see the Bitch and the king on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely*

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