665. Bank Job

Alexander brought Darrien to Earth, to a nice hotel to be precise, it was in a random city that he chose to start with. The world's purity was at 60% and the Universe's Purity was at 60% too. His identity didn't matter at this point now because he was too powerful and could be whatever he wanted.

"Grandpa, can I go out and see the city? It looks so weird outside. I'm 15 now, I can take care of myself." Ajax requested.

"Only if you take hats with you," Alexander said.

Ajax quickly agreed. He ran to Alexander, gave him a quick hug and ran away. He went into Phixheim and dragged Hats out.


Darrien was waking up. Alexander helped him, "Easy, son. How long were you trapped under his control?"

"I don't know, I don't even remember what I was doing, it's all blurry and there's guilt for some reason. I remember, I was sent here from Heaven to kill Zulrak but I was ambushed. He killed all the lesser angels that came with me and trapped me." Darrien described.

Alexander patted his shoulder and gave him some water from Phixheim. It had healing properties.

"It's alright, kid. Calm down. I will take that guy down soon. Why don't you go back up there and rest?" Alexander asked.

But Darrien sternly denied, "No, I will not back down. Not so easily. He killed my soldiers. For this, I must punish the evildoers."

"Well, okay then. Stay here and recuperate while I go out and do my job. Here, take these senzu beans. They can help you heal." Alexander handed him a small pouch.

These beans were not the same as from Dragon ball world. Because they don't work on people of Alexander's calibre. So, he updates them a lot by adding some secret ingredients. Now, they can help angels too.


Hats looked around at the dark aura of the city. "Oh, I feel I'm going to like this world. It's so dark."

"Right? I felt weird about it too." Ajax exclaimed.

"Let's roam around and see what's going on in the city. Since we came here, I've been hearing loud police sirens from every side." Hats said.

"Cool, we shall be the keepers of justice here." Ajax cheered for himself.

They went straight to a bar, the best place to find info about criminals. It was very lively there, but Ajax and hats didn't know that almost all of them were criminals.

"Hahaha, did you read that? Yesterday, Batman was beaten. The Thieves got away." A man laughed.

"Yeah, the bastard is so bad, he even led Superman to his death. His parents must be proud." Another man said.

"Hahaha, well, we don't know how Bats feels. Do they even have feelings?" the earlier man replied.

Both started laughing.

Hats and Ajax sat normally and kept on hearing everything. People were talking about superheroes, it seemed. Ajax had read some DC comics but just enough to know the names and not much else. Hats was more into manga though so he did not read it.

"Let's head out, Ajax. It's boring here. They're nothing but some fools rambling." Hats scoffed.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?" Suddenly the two men stood up.

Hats waved his hand and released a strong wind force, making the two stumble and fall.

Ajax chuckled, "Drink less, folks."

They left the pub and walked the streets. It was night time now. In a matter of an hour, the two saw a carjacking and mugging happening in front of their eyes.

"Damn, this place is worse than I thought. Police are always late to arrive at the scene. I don't understand, are the criminals too efficient or are the police too incompetent?" Ajax wondered.


They heard a cat noise from an alley. Hats followed it and Ajax was behind him. They arrived at an ongoing crime. A woman in a hot black suit with cat ears was robbing a guy.

Then, she leapt onto the wall and climbed the building.

Hats suddenly felt something happening inside his body. His heart was beating fast. Very fast. A sensation of tickle ran through his body.

"Ajax you bastard, thanks for bringing me here. Take care now, see you later. I gotta follow my heart. I had a calling." Hats jumped to follow the cat girl.

Ajax was left there alone. "COME BACK YOU HORNY CAT..."

But Hats ran away. He turned around and just continued walking while cursing Hats. "I'm gonna complain to grandma... how could he... *BUMP*"

Ajax mistakenly bumped into someone. Knowing his strength, he was worried about the other party.

He looked forward and saw a woman, in light clown makeup and a red and blue leather jacket and shorts. She had blonde hair but one side was dyed red and one side blue. She looked very pretty though.

"HEY, CAN'T YOU SEE... YOU HURT THIS SAD MAIDEN," the woman yelled.

Ajax quickly went forward to help her, "Sorry, miss. I was not looking. My friend just abandoned me to chase after some girl, I was just thinking about that."

The woman looked at him and blushed a little. Ajax was now 15 years old, but his growth had returned after some years of depression and was already 5.8 feet tall with a lean build. He usually wore a dark red leather jacket over a white T-shirt and black jeans. They amplified his look as he had dual tone hair with one side red and one side white.

Ajax put his hand forward and the woman held it, still with a blush and a bit flustered with his fabulous looks. "Ah... it's fine. So we are a bit similar it seems. My bastard of a lover dumped me. He tried to kill me, even though I forgave him for it before once, he tried it again."

She patted her clothes clean. "Well, I am Harley Quinn, people usually call me crazy and I think I am crazy but I usually bash such people's heads before they can spread the word so I think I am not crazy."

"Hmm, I am Ajax Maxim Universe, I am super strong and break things a lot, so people think I am clumsy but in reality, they're all accidents." Ajax introduced himself. He was used to be with Hats so he was a bit okay with talking to crazy people.

"Ohoho... you are just like me then? You even dress like me? Are you sure you are not some pervert follower of mine?" She asked seductively as she licked her lips.

Ajax was going through such things for the first time, "No no, I was not, miss. I usually wear such clothes. My hair is also genetic."

She suddenly put her both arms around his neck and her face closer to his, "Haha... I was just kidding, Ajax. Besides, I'd rather have a pervert as handsome as you than some fat creep... what do you say, you wanna do a job with me? It's at the bank."

Ajax thought for a second. He had nothing to do anyway, so he agreed. "Okay, miss. Let's do it."


She suddenly left a peck on his cheek, leaving her lipstick mark, "AWESOME... let's GO. Also, call me Harley,"

Ajax was taken aback by her openness. He touched the lipstick mark on his cheek and wiped it clean, ~Are all women in this world so forward?~

"COME QUICK, AJAX. WE DON'T WANT THE BANK TO CLOSE." She shouted while cheerfully running in front of him.


"STOOOP... WAIT FOR ME... WOMAN... I MEAN... CATWOMAN." Hats ran after the cat-like lady. His heart was pounding very fast. He wanted to talk to this woman, so agile, so... cat-like.

[You can see The bar, Catwoman and Harley on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely*

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