669. In the presence of God

Alexander was in a big party hall organised by Wayne Enterprises. It was done to invite investment into the city so that slowly the crime can be ridden from the city. Because the cause for so much crime was joblessness, if people had money in their pockets, they'd rather spend time at home eating a pizza than on streets busting open someone's skull.

That's where Alexander came in. He was a rich man with a pocket so fat that everyone wanted to please him.

Lex Luthor was one of the people crying for Alexander's investment in his new project based in the nuclear fusion reactor for creating energy. Lex was in jail not long ago, but, as always, the rich don't get punished too much in a capitalist society.

"Tell me, weren't you in prison not long ago? Also, you are the LexCorp. Without you, there can be no company. You also often get winded up in lawsuits and even get jailed. That makes investing in your company a very dangerous thing. One dumb decision could destroy your stocks. So tell me now, why should I invest in your company?" Alexander asked.

The bald man in front of him kept smiling as if he was expecting this question. But even he had to agree, what Alexander said was true. He already knew about Bruce Wayne's alter ego and he was impressed how Bruce had kept himself away from the company, this way, even if something were to happen to him, it did not affect the company's value.

But in his case, just the last time when he went to jail for releasing Doomsday, his company's stocks got crushed and his wealth decreased by a lot. His company was too volatile.

"Mr Universe, let me assure you, the things that happened in the past were all due to mishappenings in the midst of science projects. But. this time, I want to create a power source for the future. So that the air can be cleaner in Gotham city. The cost of electricity will also become negligible if we are successful." Lex persuaded him.

~Boy, you think I am a layman in science so I'll believe everything?~ Alexander thought.

In reality, Lex did think Alexander was not a man of science. He couldn't find too much info on him either, all he knew was that Alexander was a big businessman with wealth in tens of billions but the exact amount was unknown because it was all private assets.

"Well, show me a full plan for the reactor, then I will think about investing. Till then, I will be investing in some infrastructure of this city. You guys are lacking in public safety and health. I mean, come one, Metropolis is so close to here and that city is everything that Gotham City could be, though I am heavily invested in rebuilding that city at the moment. Those damn aliens really destroyed everything." Alexander said, indirectly cursing himself as he was also an alien.

"Umm, may I know how much you are thinking of investing?" Lex asked.

"Billions... anyway, I'll go and enjoy the party now." Alexander ignored him and went to the side.

There was the CEO of Wayne Enterprise, Lucius Fox, who looked like Morgan Freeman. From Alexander's knowledge, this man knew about Batman's identity because he was also his armourer.

"Mr Universe, Gotham City welcomes you. It may not be in the best possible state but we are trying to make it better." Lucius Fox said while extending his hand.

"Sure, the city needs a lot of work. First, it needs to start with the police and justice department. I am very disappointed with their incompetence to punish criminals. Each time it's the same story. Some criminal breaks out of a prison or asylum, causes mayhem, gets caught again and then repeats it.

You know, there is a limit to how much love and compassion you can show to a mad dog, but if he keeps on biting, he should be put down." Alexander said.

Lucius Fox sipped on the champagne and replied, "Do you believe in god, Mr Universe?"

Alexander nearly coughed, "Yes, I do."

"Then, aren't we all creation of God? What gives us the right to decide if one gets to live or die?" He said.

It was one of the dumbest things Alexander had heard.

"Hmm, that's where the problem comes from. When religion clouds one's judgement. Compassion is only given to those who understand it. Let's say, police catches a murderer, they put him in prison but he runs away. He kills a few more people, he gets caught again and then runs again. He kills more people.

"Now, tell me, aren't the deaths of so many people now not just on the hands of that criminal, but also the police and the judicial system that let them down so many times? What gave that man the right to kill people? Is he a god?" Alexander asked back and continued.

"There is a reason cataclysmic events happen around the world every few years. That is God's way of punishing mortals. Even he has a bottom line that must not be crossed. He has left the governing of the world to humans, now humans need to chose which people they want to keep. Honestly, the government spends more on these criminals than normal people. If that money was given to someone's healthcare that would have been more appreciative.

"But who am I to decide? Anyway, where is Bruce Wayne? I thought he'd be here." Alexander changed the topic.

"He is... he should be here." Fox didn't really know. Bruce was a playboy, he was probably somewhere having fun.

"Old man..." Suddenly someone greeted Alexander.

He turned around and saw Hats in his new human form. He wore a formal party suit now.

"Hahaha, boy, you look good. Your grandma must have fawned over you." Alexander laughed.

Hats blushed, "Yeah, she took a lot of pictures."

"So, where is your date?" Alexander inquired.

"She said she'd meet me here." Hats replied.

"Woah.." Suddenly there was a movement in the crow. Everyone looked in one direction.

Alexander and Hats looked and saw a very beautiful woman coming in. She saw Hats and directly passed the crowd to reach him. A few young men tried to talk to her but they were brutally ignored.

"Bwahaha... Hats, I approve of your choice." Alexander laughed.

Meanwhile, Hats was flustered. She looked otherworldly. A perfect woman, wild like a cat and so beautiful that anyone would get jealous.

"Hello, Hats, you look handsome in this suit." She reached him and gave him a hug in front of everyone, making many men feel heartbroken.

"Look who's talking. I think many men had an orgasm just by your mere presence here." Hats jokingly replied.

"Haha. I can say the same about you. Look at all the women stealing a sight of you secretly. I bet they are all wet." She replied.

"Hmm, well, we two can ignore everyone then." Hats cheesily said.

She held onto his arm and asked, "Aren't you going to introduce me to him?"

Hats looked at Alexander, "Oh, this... this is my Grandpa."

Alexander shook her hand, "Pleasure to meet you, child."

As soon as their hands touched, Selina felt her body freshen up as if all energy was back and the years of underlying injuries were healed.

"Hats, is he the same grandpa you were telling me about?" She inquired.

Hats nodded but also put a finger on his lips to tell her not to reveal it to others.

In that instant, Selina's mind went blank. ~This person... he is... a supreme being? He... can destroy the universe easily?... Why does he look so... human?~

These were the questions any normal human would ask as if they knew who Alexander was and then saw him for the first time. He looked like some ordinary old man, just high on steroids.

"I...I... how should I greet a god?" She whispered to Hats.

"Haha, no need for that, Selina. Just treat him like an old man. He loves being called Grandpa. He has lots of grandkids in his realm. He is also prone to random adoption. He would adopt any lonely kid or animal he sees," Hats explained.

Selina nodded. That was exactly what she expected God to be like.

[You can see Lex and Selina on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely*

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