673. A plant lover's wish

Alfred and Bruce each had a cup of tea.

"Drink it, I can guarantee that you have never tasted something so good in your life." Alexander bragged confidently.

Alfred was less reserved, he took a sip and it opened his eyes wide.

"Master Bruce, try it. It is indeed my first time drinking such good tea." He said.

Bruce also took a sip and had the same reaction. It seemed so magical. "Who are you? How do you have such powers?"

To be honest, Batman had seen many people with all kinds of powers. He had already formed his justice league with all kinds of powerful superheroes. He did it after what happened with Superman. He realised that Superman was the best weapon to fight otherworldly threats. But he was dead now and he felt responsible. So, he found all the powerful people possible.

By now, he had Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Flash, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, Zatanna and Shazam(Captain Marvel). He was now in the midst of creating the Watchtower in the orbit but he still needed to work out the technology and the materials required.

"Well, I find it normal for a man from the upper realm to have such powers," Alexander replied.

"Upper realm? Where is that? Some other dimension?" Bruce asked.

"No no, I meant to say the heaven. You do know that gods are real, right?" Alexander asked.

"Yes, Diana told me about them. Zeus is her father after all." Bruce replied in an all-knowing voice.

Alexander shook his head, "No no, you are partially correct. I am not talking about this universe's Gods. The gods here are all at most multiverse level beings.

"Whom I am talking about are the Omniversal Gods. You do know what Omniverse means, right? Means all the Multiverses that exist beyond the boundary of yours. I am the son of the creator of the Omniverse." He revealed.


Alfred choked on the tea, "WHAT? You mean, your father created everything?"

"Yes, that's right. Now, he can not travel to different dimensions because his powerful existence can destroy the worlds. So, I do the job of travelling and removing the sinners and purifying the worlds. That's what my job is here." Alexander explained.

"But how did you know the way to my base then? I haven't met you before." Bruce inquired.

"I am omniscient. I know things before they happen. I know everything, boy." Alexander nonchalantly replied and continued.

"Anyway, I came here to ask you some things. Are you a fool?" His words were sharp and shocking.

"What do you mean?" Bruce asked with an urge to punch the old man.

"What is wrong with you? Why don't you kill serial killers and murderers?" Alexander asked.

"You must be asking about the Joker. I do not have the authority to kill people. All I can do is stop them. Passing the judgement is the court's job." Bruce defended himself.

"Hmm, but you have no problem with Joker killing a hundred people in one of his suicidal explosions. As long as you catch him and put him behind bars it will all be fine?" Alexander questioned in a mocking tone.

"It is not I who lets him escape," Bruce defended himself.

"No no, don't give me that. You don't kill because you want people to see Batman as someone noble. You don't care about people at all. If you did, you would have put a full stop to the Joker's story. You call yourself a vigilante but your work seems to not be helping people at all, in fact, instead of helping, the villains are targeting you and in doing so they are causing more destruction and death. Take my advice kid, stop wasting your money." Alexander advised.

Bruce stayed silent and heard Alexander's next words, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Your actions are as good as doing nothing. Soon, I will be changing this status quo. I came to this world to clean it of its sins and it can not be done without cleaning the sinners. Good luck with your future endeavours. But if you change your mind, do come to me."

Alexander got up and vanished from the spot, leaving Bruce and Alfred alone to ponder on what Alexander said.


Alexander went out and headed back to the hotel where he was staying. Darrien was still staying there.

"OLD MAN," Suddenly Douglas came, in his arm was a green lady.

~Poison Ivy? Where the hell did he find her?~ he wondered.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Old man, I was just cutting some brushes when she appeared. She is a very mistreated girl and needs help. So I recommended her to come to you." Douglas explained quickly.

Alexander looked at Poison Ivy. She was also staring at him. By standing in front of him, she felt like she was standing in direct sunlight. It was soothing to her.

She nodded silently. ~Yes, this is god.~

He nodded, "Okay, what is the problem? I can help you with anything you need."

Alexander obviously knew her story and sympathised with her to some extent. Though her eco-terrorism tendencies were not appreciated.

"I want humans to stop harming plants and trees." She wished.

Alexander frowned. He heard this wish from a mile away. Of course, she would want something like this. She hated men and probably all humans. Though it was unknown if she was friends with Harley Quinn or not. He knew that Ajax was with Harley and really hoped that he would be able to correct her life path.

"Come, let's sit somewhere and eat," Alexander invited them.

The two followed them to a very big hotel. But as soon as they entered they were stopped. A man in a butler suit stopped them.

"Sir, I don't think I can let you come inside. Her colour will... scare the guests." He said.

Alexander rolled his eyes. "Seriously? She will scare them? Look at her, she looks like a pretty wildflower. Alright then, you made me do this."

He took out a chequebook from his pocket and wrote the name of the hotel and handed it to the guy without writing an amount. "Give this to the owner of this hotel, tell him to fill whatever amount he wants, I am buying this place. From now on, this place is prohibited from discriminating."

"Now, show me the VIP room," Alexander ordered. His overbearingness made the butler sweat.

"P-please follow me..." He stuttered.

Soon, they had a nice dining room with a nice view. But Poison Ivy had some questions. "Why did you act like that? You are a god, you could have simply changed his mind or something else. Why act like a human?"

Alexander smiled and replied like a parent teaching a child, "Pamela, I was once a human too. Though because of my deeds, I was granted divinity and then it took me billions of years to become as powerful as I am today. But, I still like to act humanly whenever I can because that keeps me from becoming a proud narcissist."

"Wait, how do you know my name?" She questioned.

"Haha, I know many all things, child. Now, let's order something first, I need to see what the food tastes like in my new hotel." He said and started selecting some dishes from the menu.

Soon, a lot of food arrived. Douglas didn't act reserved and started eating. Seeing him, Poison Ivy also ate some.

Alexander then started answering to her wish. "Stopping humans from cutting trees is certainly possible. But, that is not the answer to the problem. It will only make humanity weaker and they will start fighting. Trees and other natural resources are very important for development.

"But, what can be done is that they are forced to care for the environment while doing any kind of construction. They can be ordered to plant 5 trees for each one they cut down. The best way to keep nature and humans happy is coexistence."

"Huh, I thought about all this and tried this coexistence way. But they never heard me, in fact, they labelled me a terrorist. So, I became one." She debated.

"I know, that is wholly on the greediness of humans. But, I can make laws to force them and bring them in line. I can make all people in the world protest against all these companies that exploit nature and force them into submission." Alexander suggested. This was something he did in every world before leaving. For prolonged human survival and happiness, a healthy earth was as important as a healthy body.

"Well, then I will wait for what changes you bring." She said and got up to leave.

"Child, till then, do not commit any crimes. Do know that I am a god and my job is to punish sinners." He warned as kindly as possible.

She was soon gone. But Alexander looked at Douglas who was still hogging food, "Man, you are really a strange man."

"What did I do now?" Douglas asked with his mouth full of noodles.

"Go after her. Keep an eye on her and don't let her commit any crimes." He ordered.


"Oh yes yes... I will go." He dashed out.


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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely*

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