678. Begone Insects

[A/N: THE NEW FIC IS UP. It's called HP: Blood of the Dragon. Give some love and check it out. You can find it on my WN profile or search it. If you like it then give some smooth banana reviews. Thank you.]


As expected, Hats won. He was a natural cat after all. He looked back at still climbing Selina with a smug face.

She soon reached the top, "Huh, I didn't warm up before starting."

"Oh really? I'll let you do that the next time. For now, let's focus on the task at hand. We have a city to clean." Hats said dramatically.

"That we do."


Ajax and Harley were also doing the same. They were going around, dismantling all the criminal hideouts. Harley had stopped wearing clown makeup and was now simply wearing her iconic clothes. She looked much better now and had a different, more energetic glow on her face. As if summer finally came to her depressing life.

"Harley, just copy me. I need you to master some martial arts. You can't always just use guns. What I am teaching you is called Gunfu. It is a style of sophisticated close-quarters gunfight resembling a martial arts battle that combines firearms with hand-to-hand combat and traditional melee weapons in an approximately 50/50 ratio." Ajax said and showed her some tricks.

"Woah, that's so cool, Ajax. I gotta learn all those moves. I'm gonna be like some gun ninja." She exclaimed like a child that found a new toy.

Ajax spent some time and taught her a few moves. Then he brought a motorbike to ride with her.

"Hey, do you have an elastic band? I need to tie my hair." She asked.

Ajax produced it with a flick of his hand. Then Harley proceeded to put it on her hair. Ajax looked at her the whole time, she was looking so much better than before. And now, while tying her hair like this, she looked HOT.

*Cough* He distracted himself.

After that, they headed out to find some criminals and put them in their place.

The two were on a bike, riding through the street very fast. Harley sat behind Ajax. But she suddenly saw someone on another bike. It was an electric bike though.

"IVYYYYY... here... look..." Harley shouted. It was none other than her best friend, Poison Ivy.

Ajax looked and saw Douglas being the driver. Both of them seemed to have a chat just by the motion of their eyes.

They soon parked at the side so the two girls could talk to each other. Ivy and Harley hugged each other tightly.

The two had a history that Harley enthusiastically told Ajax. When Joker once tried to kill her by sending her off in a rocket, she crash-landed in Robinson Park in the centre of Gotham and was found by Poison Ivy. When Harley regained consciousness, Ivy initially planned to kill her. But the prospect of her own death totally failed to move Harley, and Ivy got curious as to why.

She convinced Harley to tell her story, and soon Ivy had a kinship with her. Considering her another castoff, Ivy offered to help Harley take her revenge on both Batman and the Joker. Ivy took her back to her lair in a toxic waste dump and nursed her back to health.

This included injecting Harley with a serum that Ivy had developed which had given Harley immunity to various assorted toxins and Ivy's own poisonous touch and also dramatically enhanced Harley's strength and speed.

Ivy intended to give her new friend an edge on Batman and the Joker. Quinn and Ivy then teamed up and conducted a number of successful missions. Hot-blooded Harley, however, was angrier at the Joker than at Batman, and even initially worked with the Dark Knight to help bring down the Clown Prince of Crime.

While Batman eliminated the villain's muscle, Quinn chased the Joker up a damaged building, intending to send him falling to his death. Before she could do so, however, the Joker apologised. Falling in love with him again, she forgave him on the spot. But then she was again betrayed by Joker and this time was found by Ajax.

Ajax didn't know what to say. Her actions were totally dumb. She was asking for a betrayal at this point.

Then Ajax looked at Poison Ivy and Douglas. She was very pretty. Green but still very pretty, obviously good for Douglas, who although acted stupidly sometimes was still a very handsome angel.

"So are you two dating or something?" Ajax asked.

Douglas had a plain face, didn't even deny, while Ivy's face turned red. "Nooo... absolutely no."

Then she looked at Douglas' face, "Right?"

Then she looked at Ajax and Harley, "What about you two? Harley looks so much better now, is this the magic of your boyfriend?"

Before Harley could say anything, Ajax spoke, "I am just 15 years old, how can I date."

This was an eye-opener for the two girls. Especially Harley. It was like an atom bomb blew in her brain.

"WHAT THE FUCK? B-But you look so..." She stuttered.

"I know, right? I look so tall and older for my age." He boasted.

"Are we not dating?" Harley asked with a broken heart.

"Ummm... depends. Do you want to be called a pedo? Even though I believe you aren't as I have attained puberty but still, people won't understand that. Why not wait till I turn 18. Just 3 more years." Ajax suggested.

"But I'll be an old hag by then." She argued.

"You are just 25. Also, I can get you a pill that can keep you permanently young and problem solved." He said.

There were stars in Harley's eyes, "YES... that's much better. *UMMMAAAH*"

She kissed on his cheek, leaving a lipstick mark, "Hehe, I think this much is allowed."

Meanwhile, Ivy looked at Douglas with hopeful eyes, "Can I also have that pill?"

Douglas nodded, "Sure, I can even get you the elixir of life. I'm an Archangel. I'm even close to getting Omniscient, though not as good as the other big guys."

She didn't kiss him though. Unlike Harley, she was a bit more restrained kind of person. She'd rather wait than act on her feelings. Sadly, the guy she liked was a virgin bloke who had 0 understanding of female behaviour.

"We should go on a double date," Harley suggested.

"But aren't we out here to hunt criminals?" Ajax asked.

"EVEN BETTER... it'll be a double date where we hunt criminals. SO EXOTIC..." She exclaimed.

"Let's go then." That was the day when many criminals in Gotham city would regret not killing themselves in their mother's womb with the umbilical cord.

Soon, they and Hats too, did their work all across the Gotham City, cleaning it like never before. Alexander, being the rich guy, publicly praised them, many newspapers also put articles on them, calling them the true heroes of Gotham.

All of the couples were even named by the media and the public. Ajax and Harley were being called Mr Red and Ms Blue. Douglas and Ivy were being called Miss Nature and Mr Nature Lover. Meanwhile, Hats was named Catman as he was with Catwoman and also had cat ears.

In just 1 week, crime was eradicated from Gotham City, and not just that, incompetence was also eradicated from Gotham City Police Department with the Demotion of Gordan from Commissioner to Additional Commissioner. His place was taken over by Hela. She supported the new heroes of Gotham. They would catch the people who were left alive (The hero gang only kills those in higher category 3 or above.). Hela then would make a case so good that these people would get the worst punishment.

On Alexander's recommendation to reduce the dependence of prisons on taxes, prisons were told to set up an industry each. Each of them would produce something that would be sold in the market with the brand name New Gotham.

After this, Alexander's new projects took over and new buildings started to be built. This needed a lot of people so jobs were produced and many homeless were given a home. That was not all, these homeless were also being given the education to make sure they can earn a living even after all the construction projects ended.

The mayor, Armand Krol, was on cloud nine after all this. Batman soon found himself out of work as no criminals from Arkham Asylum escaped anymore. Not just that, Joker, Penguin were put on retrial again, this time they would get death punishment and that was an unofficial guarantee.

Meanwhile, Alexander sent many of his people around the whole country to fight crime whole cooperating with the local vigilante. This way, as promised, the country's crime rate dropped by 70 per cent, as promised by the president to the public.


Somewhere on an island,

Ragnarok was a man who lived gold. If he could, he'd even have his bones made of gold but he knew that would make him weak. But he also loved searching for gold.

So, he went on a treasure hunt after he saw a map. He cut his way through a jungle-like a normal adventurer and entered a cave system.

It all seemed ordinary at the start but soon he started seeing signs of organised architecture. He knew he was close to finding his gold. A lot of it.

He continued to proceed. But soon he started hearing noises. The sound of a woman grunting. It seemed she was fighting. There was also the noise of something colliding with metal.

"Weird, I thought only I knew this location." He muttered.

As he walked closer the noise got louder, then he finally saw a gate, leading to a larger opening. He saw some moth-like humanoid monsters flying around and also being thrown around.

Then, his eyes soon fell on the tall woman fighting them in the centre. Ragnarok's jaw couldn't help but fall by the sight as it was a sight to behold for eternity. Such beauty, such power, such ferociousness yet so elegant. He had no words to define this beauty, killing these moths like a goddess stomping on the pest.

He just stared at her, mesmerised by her as she jumped around with her long lasso and a shield in her other hand. She wore an elegant yet sexy red top and blue skirt armour while she also donned a headgear. She had gold here and there in her dress that increased her beauty by infinity for Ragnarok. Her dress showed her leg and arm muscles that were something any warrior man would expect from a good woman.

Her long dark hair swayed while her creased brows measured all the enemies around her.

Ragnarok noticed that this heavenly beautiful woman was having trouble tackling all these pests, so he stepped forward.

"BEGONE INSECTS," He shouted and released a flame dragon from his palm that engulfed the whole underground vault with him and the woman being in the centre of it.

She just now noticed the man. She was wary of him but showed hope of finding a helper in her eyes after seeing him mercilessly killing these monsters.

Slowly, Ragnarok walked closer to her and only stopped when he was 2 feet away from her. He looked at her face and admired it, her eyes were blue like the ocean that made him want to take a dive in them.

To him, she felt hotter than the hottest flame he could produce. He kept on admiring her while she also looked at his face. He looked old yet handsome, with a body of a warrior and a face with a scar telling her that this made had been through experiences that no ordinary men would.

Then she looked at his clothing, suggesting that it was some kind of regal attire with gold armour on his arms, chest and knees. Then there was the red cape on his back. He looked no less than some kind of a king.

Finally, she stared at his hand, still producing the fire dragon that was circling all around them. She had already felt the man looking in her eyes, most likely appreciating her beauty. And she liked it this way as he was not lusting over her body by looking at her breasts or legs like most others, instead, he was looking into her eyes... passionately... so passionately that it made ever her question ~What's so good in my eyes?~

Seeing that the man had no intention of stopping the fire so she could complete her task, she said, "I think they are all dead already."

Ragnarok got out of the trance. He closed his hand making the fire into a fist and the fire dragon disappeared.

He awkwardly chuckled, "Haha, forgive me, I was a bit taken by your elegance."

After honestly answering, he introduced himself as a goldy gentleman would. He gave a slight head nod and waved his right hand. "Ragnarok, God of Dragons at your service."

This was the first time she had heard of him or his title. But she felt raging power from him and he also acted too gentlemanly, it nearly made her blush. She nodded and introduced herself, "Diana of Themyscira, a simple woman fighting in man's world."

"Haha, you might be many things, Lady Diana, but simple you are certainly not. Anyway, what were you doing here and what are these creatures?" Ragnarok asked. He was acting so differently that Alexander would have vomited blood seeing this. Now, because even he had slight Omniscient abilities, Alexander could not see his future.

She smiled. That was enough to pierce our old lizard's heart, but he controlled himself, not giving it away that he was having a crush on her.

"I came here to investigate something. Something about this being called Darkseid. These creatures were his servants. I need to know why. What about you? Why did you come here, Mr Ragnarok?" She asked back.

Ragnarok looked around, "Well, I have a hobby of adventuring and finding gold like a mortal would do. I came here to find gold."

Then suddenly he looked back at her eyes. Their eyes met, "But I found invaluable Diamond."

She really blushed this time. Ragnarok internally rejoiced. His thousands of years of wisdom weren't for nothing.

Meanwhile, Diana tried to control herself from showing she was having a secret crush on this strange man.

"Well, you came late then. As I checked, there is no gold left." She replied.

"No worries, anything can be infinitely more valuable than gold as long one knows where to look and what to appreciate." Ragnarok smoothly replied, again winning a blush from her. But then he turned serious, as doing it too much would be counterproductive.

"Alright then, maybe I can help you. Tell me about this Darkseid." He asked with a stern face.

She appreciated him getting serious and started to speak, albeit a bit conservatively because she needed to know more about him first.

[You can see Gotham and Harley on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


GRANDPA UNIVERSE has ended and you can read all chapters and 22 chapters of the new Harry Potter fic on -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely*

Thank you for your support!