681. Damn that omniscience

Ragnarok stayed behind at the Paradise Island. They caught Donna quickly, and she was subsequently defeated by Diana. They wanted to exile her and Ragnarok was not against it. But he offered an idea.

"What If I take away her powers? Then, she will be like any other mortal and will pose no threat to you Amazons in the future." He suggested.

Diana agreed, "That would be very helpful."

"No problem," so Ragnarok made the rebel Amazons mortals. Then they were given a boat and sent away.

After that, Hippolyta looked at Ragnarok and Diana. Then she went close to Diana and whispered something. "Is he your lover?"

Diana blushed, "What are you saying? We just met not long ago."

"Then why are you acting like a docile wife near him? Girl, I know you better than you know yourself. Do you want me to talk to him?" Hippolyta asked. Although she still harboured a bit of disgust towards men, gods didn't come in that category. Even less so after seeing Alexander.

"I need to know him more. We aren't even friends yet." Diana argued.

"With the speed this is going, I think you are past the friendship stage. But, let's celebrate today. Because today, we are truly free. Those arrogant gods got punished, the dead are alive and we have a guest to entertain." Hippolyta cheered.

After that, what ensued was a big celebration. The sons of Themyscira were are allowed to come and join. There was no point in discrimination now anyway.

Ragnarok was already being treated as if he were the husband to be of Diana. He was made to sit beside her and every third Amazon would come to him to clank glasses and congratulate. It was very embarrassing for Diana but Ragnarok was enjoying the drinks. These low-level alcohols had no effect on him.

"Bwahaha... thanks for all these drinks, everyone." He downed another glass. Everyone had a shocked face. Because except him, everyone else was drunk.

Soon, it was the middle of the night and most of the Amazons had gone to sleep. Except for Diana and Ragnarok. Diana had brought him to a cliff from where a nice view of the sea was available under the bright moonlight.

She wore a loose robe over her armour now. Ragnarok waved his hand and made a nice comfortable carpet for themselves and also made a campfire.

They sat down close but still with enough distance to not give the illusion that they were romantic partners.

A smooth breeze touched their faces. It was very much refreshing.

"So, what kind of Dragon god are you?" She asked.

"What do you mean by what kind? I'm just a very old dragon who is strong enough to be above all dragons and also turn into a human." Ragnarok answered.

"Do you know that supreme God?" She inquired more.

"Know? We are buddies. Known him from the start of his journey. He's a chill person, don't think of him as someone unapproachable. Anyway, enough about all this. What about you? I heard you are a part of some kind of a league?" He asked.

"It's called the Justice League. Some people with extraordinary power are acting to protect this planet from threats too big for normal armies to fight." She explained.

"Hmm, well, by the time I and that old man leave this dimension you all will not need to work much," Ragnarok muttered.

"Leave? What do you mean?" She inquired.

"Oh, Alexander is a god but he also travels the Omniverse, visiting various universes and absolving them of their sins and making them good. After each time the purity reaches 90 per cent, we leave." Ragnarok explained.

Diana didn't say much in reply, "What is the purity right now?"

"I don't know. It was 60 when we came here. But we have not started to deal with the threats in the space so it is probably going to take time. There is also the great war coming soon so everything is unpredictable." He answered.

"Great war? What is that?" She inquired. She was surprised that even these supreme Gods talked about wars. Who do they even fight?

"There is a war going on, Diana. Bigger than anything you can imagine. It is a war for the existence of everything. In the heavens, a demonic man has gained too much power and he is threatening the existence of the whole system. Alexander will be fighting him soon. Along with the rest of us. Whoever wins will define the future of everything." Ragnarok explained to her.

She was taken aback. "If that is the case, all these low-level crimes, villains and heroes don't really matter. How small everything is compared to the existential threat to the very existence."

Ragnarok patted her shoulder, "Don't feel that way. Mortals can not be blamed for having mortal thoughts, desires and wishes. They are made to be like that. They do not need to know about such conflicts because it will only scare them as they can not do much about it."

"Can I help in any way?" She asked.

"Sure, any powerful being can help. There will be plenty of demons to kill. But you should stay in this realm. The ones in the heavens will mostly be world-destroying beings." He warned.


"Just when I thought everything has turned out to be so good, this happens." She sighed.

Ragnarok chuckled, "This is why most people are not told about this. See, you got depressed. Be happy Diana, Alexander is going to win. I have confidence in him. He's the smartest person I have ever known."

"I know, but it does develop a sense of dread in your heart. Knowing that someone you don't even know is threatening your and your loved ones' lives." She replied.

"And that is why one must never stop training to get stronger. What do you say, want to get stronger? I can train you if you want?" Ragnarok asked.

"Where did this sudden interest come from?" She teasingly asked back.

"Oh... since I saw yo... I mean since I saw you fight in those ruins," he stuttered.

Diana suddenly laughed, "Haha... you are a funny man, Ragnarok. Okay, I would love to be stronger and call you a teacher."

Ragnarok happily brought out some drinks, "Then let's cheers to that."


Alexander came back to the Wayne Manor where he was having a talk with Batman.

"I'm back. There was just some problem with Olympian gods at Wonder Woman's home." Alexander shruggingly said.

Bruce raised an eyebrow hearing that. His computers had not told him about any conflict going on there. But what he didn't know was that Alexander so easily squashed them that no fight occurred.

"So, you had a change of heart? What did change there, care to tell me?" Alexander inquired.

"After seeing the way you dealt with the criminals, by not just catching them but also making the law stricter. Maybe the Justice League should also work in a similar way if it wants to create a change." Bruce said.

Alexander nodded, "Hmm, so you need my help with the Watchtower?"

~Damn that omniscience,~ Bruce cursed in his head.

"I can do that very easily. But care to tell me about all the members of the Justice League? Also, why don't you revive the Superman?" Alexander asked.

"You can revive a dead man?" Bruce questioned.

"Sure, why not? It's pretty easy to do." Alexander said.

Bruce's mind was in overdrive, wondering if he should really bring him back. Bruce by now had accepted one thing, albeit grudgingly that Alexander was a real god and he couldn't do anything about it.

Alexander continued speaking, "We will need to bring his girlfriend into the equation to calm him down. I can hold him down very easily but that would not be able to erase his dissatisfaction."

"I will go and bring her there. I will also tell the Justice League to assemble." Bruce said as he got up.

"And I will go to his grave," Alexander replied. He was happy that he and Bruce had come to an understanding.

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GRANDPA UNIVERSE has ended and you can read all chapters on -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely*

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