684. Secrets of Darkseid

While the meeting between Clark and his adopted father was going on, a certain big guy of the universe had sent one of his henchmen to find a device from the earth. A device that held immense powers.

It was a fine day at Paradise Island. Ragnarok was a respected guest of Amazons and was widely accepted by all the women there. He was already decreed as Dragon God.

"Diana, what is that box?" Ragnarok asked while strolling through various buildings.

Diana came by his side and looked at the cube. "This is called Mother Box. It has an interesting story behind it. Thousands of years ago, Steppenwolf led an attack on Earth during his crusade as Darkseid's herald. Yeah, the same Darkseid whose shrine we found not long ago. Steppenwolf brought three Mother Boxes with him to use to terraform the Earth into a planet similar to their homeworld.

"However, Steppenwolf was defeated by the alliance of Mankind, the Amazons, and the Atlanteans, with assistance from the Old Gods and the Green Lanterns. The Mother Boxes were successfully separated by Zeus, left for the forces of Earth to guard. While the Amazons and the Atlanteans kept them guarded in vaults, mankind buried their Mother Box so that nobody could ever find it again.

"These boxes are said to be sentient and hold knowledge and powers that even gods would find problematic to understand."

Ragnarok nodded, "Hey, Diana, what if those creatures you saw in that tomb that day were also after this mother box?"

Diana stopped moving and her face froze. She turned back to him, "It is highly likely. Maybe they want the Mother Boxes back with them again?"

"We should tell the queen about this before it's too late," she said.


"I think we are already too late," Ragnarok said, pointing at the sky.

Diana also looked and saw a Boom Tube falling from the sky. A Boom Tube was an extra-dimensional portal used to instantaneously travel vast distances.

It roaringly fell on the empty vast grounds of the Paradise Island. From it, thousands of creatures started coming out. All of them had weapons in their hands so it was obvious that they didn't come here to greet them.


Enemy attack bells started to ring loudly.

"Let's go, I will stop whomever it is. Can't have you people die just when you received freedom." Ragnarok said and jumped out of the tower and flew to the battlefield. Yes, Diana was also in his arms.

Just as they arrived there, on horses hundreds of Amazons came, along with them were Sons of Themyscira. But they were more of a crafter and weaponsmiths than fighters, so not many of them were brought in.

Queen Hippolyta was leading them. She saw Ragnarok and Diana.

"Diana, we must stop them. They are the soldiers of Steppenwolf. They have come here to take the mother box from us. We must protect it at all cost or else they will turn this planet into a ruin." Hippolyta said.

Ragnarok laughed, "Calm down, no need to be on edge. As long as it is not someone as strong as Alexander, I can easily defeat them. Let this Steppenwolf come."

"By the way, who is this Steppenwolf exactly?" He asked.

Hippolyta answered, "General Steppenwolf is an ancient and powerful New God from Apokolips, serving as the herald to his nephew Darkseid, and the leader of Apokolips's army of Parademons. We defeated him once before 5000 years ago."

"Hmm, if he is someone who can be defeated by you all then I don't think he has much hope of surviving my punches. Tell the Amazons to step back. I don't want them to get caught in my fire." He nearly commanded.

Hippolyta, grudgingly, stepped back. She didn't like stepping away from a fight but when a better option was available, leading her own people to death was not a wise thing.

Ragnarok turned to the big army. "I shall roast you now."


He raised his both arms and from them fire came out, trapping the whole enemy army in a circle of fire. Many tried to break out of it but got burned to ashes.

Then. Ragnarok started making that circle smaller, killing all the enemies as they were trapped. Slowly, the fire circle kept on getting more crowded and the fire also started spreading among them with burning bodies.

The Parademons tried to fly too but each that tried received a fireball straight from Ragnarok's mouth. The sand under the feet of the army had already turned into glass due to the extreme heat.

The cries of demons came as they all got burned. Then, the person they were waiting for came. Steppenwolf got out from the Boom tube.

He was adorning a golden armour with two horns on his head. He looked at his demons dying like pests. He quickly jumped towards Ragnarok with his axe.

Ragnarok stopped throwing fire and instead blocked the axe with his index finger. "I knew you were going to be weak, but this weak?"


The axe was cut in half. The two pieces dropped on the ground one after another, shocking the tall alien.

"I like your armour, gold is my favourite colour. It would be a shame if someone were to take it away from you. Right?" Ragnarok asked with a smile.

Steppenwolf shuddered in fear. Although he fought for Darkseid, he sought to be free of Apokolips' ruler, Darkseid, and to regain his place of respect among the New Gods, but Steppenwolf was neither foolish nor powerful enough to disobey or challenge Darkseid.

He knew that there existed people who are also much stronger than Darkseid. But he had no idea who they were or where they existed. This was the first time he felt that this person is stronger than that being.

"WHO ARE YOU?" Steppenwolf asked.

"I am Ragnarok, the god of all Dragons," Ragnarok replied and held onto his neck.

He flew towards the sky with Steppenwolf in his palm. Steppenwolf had no strength to fight him. He was being handled like he was a ragdoll. Never in his life had he felt so helpless.

"Okay, time to turn you into a firework," Ragnarok said and opened his mouth.

In an instant, a fire beam came out of it and started burning Steppenwolf. He didn't do it fast this time. Instead, he slowly burned him and made sure everyone looked at his glowing body as if he was the second sun.

The Parademons, having lost their master, retreated to their realm. But Ragnarok didn't let that happen. He sent fire to chase them and ended up burning all of them until the Boom tube vanished.

After that, he came down, without the body of Steppenwolf but only his empty armour in his hand.

"This gold is too impure, you all can keep it. He was too weak by the way." He muttered.

But all stayed silent. The kind of might he just showed was crazy. He so easily killed the being that took 3 different species to come together to defeat.

"Diana, I hope this won't make you delay the date you promised me yesterday," Ragnarok said in front of everyone, making it public that he was pursuing her so no hoes allowed.

Diana smiled and shook her head. She didn't say anything but just turned around and headed to the palace with Hippolyta. Meanwhile, Hippolyta had a smug look on her face, "See, I knew there was something between you."

"Mother, it is just a date," Diana argued.

"Yes yes, your mother is a fool who doesn't understand the ways of the world." Hippolyta sarcastically japed.



Apokolips was an ecumenopolis (Planet wide city) with burning firepits, ruled by the despot Darkseid.

Darkseid looked at his elites. "Any news from Steppenwolf?"

Steppenwolf was his right hand and he had specifically sent him to get the mother boxes.

Granny Goodness, a lieutenant of his, denied, "Boss Dark Side, his army has lost contact."

"Hmm, we'll wait then." He replied and went to his private chamber to do some secret stuff. Darkseid was not a normal entity. He may look to have a physical body but all this was false. His real body stayed in another dimension.

The Darkseid right here now was an avatar of Darkseid's true form. There was only one Darkseid for all of the universes. He was one of the New Gods. In short, Darkseid's main body exists outside of reality, as when it enters a physical universe, it begins to tear that universe apart. He uses his power to manifest physical avatars of varying strength to impose order in multiple universes at once.

And this was not good news for Alexander for many different reasons. But, was there anything that Alexander didn't know now?

[You can see Mother Box, Steppenwolf, Apokolips and Darkseid on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


GRANDPA UNIVERSE has ended and you can read all chapters on -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely*

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