696. ______________

"My sexy old man, will we get a reward?" Deadpool came to him.

"I want him to sit on my face," another Deadpool wished.

Alexander waved his hand and fixed the faces of all the Deadpools there. "There, that is your gift. I fixed all your friends. Now they don't look like ballsacks."

All the Deadpools took off their masks and checked their faces. All their faces had healed now.

"Holy smokes, I look like the Green Lantern." They all exclaimed.

"Buddy, wrong universe," the main Deadpool corrected them.

Alexander shook his head and went to Dobby and Ragnarok.

"You two good? I saw you taking some nasty blows from them. It was all because of Zulrak's special boosting back up," he explained.

"It is all right, Alex. We are fine. Just some small scratches. What really matters is that it is over. That Zulrak guy lost big time." Ragnarok said, assuring him.

"Thanks, I'll go and have a chat with Howard and the rest. They all came here to help me after all." Alexander decided.

Alexander went to where Tony and the rest were resting. It was weird seeing so many Tony and other superheroes gathered in the same place, talking to each other.

"All right, which one is the Tony I know?" Alexander questioned.

"HERE..." A hand raised and soon Tony came up to him, running.

Alexander warmly patted his shoulder, "Boy, although for you it has been 1 year, for me, it has been so many. It is good to see you again. Where is your father now?"

"Ah, dad must be around here." Tony looked left and right. Soon, Howard was found flirting with Goddess Athena.

Tony and Alexander went there. Athena greeted him and left.

"You old boy, still as thirsty as back then," Alexander said jokingly.

Howard laughingly hugged Alexander, "Haha... a man's gotta take his chances whenever they show up."

"Heh, I guess I should tell this to Maria. Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that all is good now. You all can go back home if you want. I will soon visit you all. I also want to meet my little Morgan." he said.

"She will go crazy when I will tell her that you'd be coming. So, don't break your promise." Tony advised.

"Of course. Besides, I can travel in time, and I can meet her anytime I want. Okay, you two enjoy your time here. I will go now. Howard, don't get in trouble with Zeus." Alexander warned them and left.

Alexander wanted to fix himself up first as his clothes were untidy and his face looked bruised.

"You know, I can help you. You just need to ask." Leonidas came.

Alexander smiled, "It's fine, son."

"Dad, tell me honestly, what is going on? You seem like something is going to happen soon." Leonidas deduced.

Alexander sighed, "Haha, you were always this smart. Nothing can be kept hidden from you, my boy. But, today this secret stays with me because once told, those events won't happen and that is very important to the survival of all."

"That serious? Well, I won't ask. Hopefully, things will work out." Leonidas decided.


Alexander went to God. God was silently contemplating what to do next because Alexander had refused to take the source key from him that would free him of his life. He had been the god for longer than he could remember. He also had a mortal name once but it was so insignificant that he never even cared to remember it.

But now, he was in an awkward position. Alexander was obviously the heir he was looking for. That was what he had been training Alexander for all this time. Zulrak's rise was somewhat expected by him though because, at the end of the lifecycle of every god, a villain rises.

Now, his plan of simply dying was gone and he was stuck living.

"What are you thinking, old man?" Alexander inquired.

"Are you sure you don't want to do this?" God asked with puppy eyes.

Alexander shook his head sternly, "Listen, I see you as my real father. Why would I let you die in return for some power? If it is all in the end about power then I will soon get stronger than you."

"Haha, I like your optimism, Alex. Now, please tell me that you are not thinking about shrugging from the responsibility of ruling the heaven?" God asked, nearly pleading.

"Calm down, old man. I will do my job as I am supposed to. You can sit back and relax. Enjoy playing with your grandkids. Adopt random kids from the Omniverse. You can do whatever you want." Alexander suggested.

"Hmm... I think I will do just that. Well, congratulations, I guess, for becoming the God of the entire Omniverse. You now rule the entire existence itself." God happily congratulated him.

"Thank you. Anyway, let's go to Phixheim and tell everyone the news." Alexander decided.

"Old man, we finally won..." Archangel Douglas came running, seemingly wanting to hug God. It was already a party mood in the heaven. With all gods wanting to have fun. Douglas also had many bruises over his body.

But suddenly, Alexander blocked his path laughingly, "Haha, kid. Why in so much hurry?"

"Oh, I just wanted to talk to my father. I wan..." Douglas was midway through speaking when suddenly Alexander grabbed him in his arms in a tight hug.

"What are you doing, old man?" Douglas asked while trying to free himself.

Alexander then whispered something into his ear, "I knew from the start. Stop fooling around now, Zulrak. You can't fool my eyes."

God was shocked to hear this. Even he did not see this coming.

"Hahaha... you are really very smart, Alexander. I have to give it to you." Fake Zulrak mockingly said.

"Where is the real Douglas?" Alexander questioned him.

"Ah, so worried about your family? Don't worry, he is fine. But for how long he can keep up is unknown. Now, it's time to say goodbye." Zulrak suddenly made a movement of his hands.


It was Douglas(Zulrak) who had stabbed Alexander. It was a poisoned blade. But Alexander didn't change.

"DAD!" Both Mark and Harvey exclaimed in worry. They also ran up to him but were stopped by God.

"I am immune to that kind of poison. But are you?" Alexander spoke.


Alexander gutted him too. It was unknown what he was, but Alexander knew that it was neither Douglas nor Zulrak. But while the thing died slowly it continued speaking.

"Hahaha... again you became a hurdle for me. You said you knew... but are you sure about that? Don't worry. I will be leaving a parting gift for you. In your home. Go and watch how they were massacred. HAHAHAHA... winning also has a price, Alexander." Zulrak shouted the last words with an evil laugh.

Alexander let this puppet die. He then burned it to nothingness. His mind was in a rush right now and wanted to run to his home. He really knew about there being fake Douglas from the moment the fight started but this turn of events was unexpected. He didn't expect a plot within a plot.

Alexander looked back at God. "It seems you were right, Zulrak it too cunning. I must go to Phixheim NOW!"

"Go go, I am coming with you," God hastily replied.

Quickly, Alexander entered the Phixheim. He stood in front of the castle and the scene in front of him pained him. There was destruction all around, trees, buildings were all damaged, signifying that a big fight must have taken place here. He soon saw something on the ground, twitching.

He quickly ran up to it and saw what it was. His face turned sad. He slowly held Hats in his arm.

There was still life inside his body, albeit diminishing. Hats' cat body was beaten and broken from everywhere. Alexander felt as if someone had hurt his child.

"O-old ma-an... I-I tried m-my best..." Hats breathed with much effort. His always smiling face looked so tired and sad today. It was heart-wrenching.

Alexander caressed Hats' head that had blood on it, "It's all right, son. I'm here."

[A/N: Any predictions for what is going to happen?]

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GRANDPA UNIVERSE has ended and you can read all chapters on -patreon.com/misterimmortal. I have also started another fic, called NARUTO: CHILD OF CHAKRA.

Also, check out my new fic - Harry Potter: BLOOD OF THE DRAGON

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely*

Thank you for your support!