
The class ended in a blink of an eye, Flux, glanced at the sky gradually dimming.

His classmates started to pick up their bag and some important stuff and he as well doing the same thing.

His classmates left and only a few students are inside. Flux approached Nicole which is currently arranging her things.

"Nicole, when will we do it?" Flux said in a soft voice that only Nicole can hear.

Nicole was stunned and unconsciously replied, "Do what?"

Flux chuckled by her reaction and said, "You promised that you'll offer everything including your body. And now that everything is fine and I did my part pretty well, then, it is time for you to do your part. Or don't tell me you have already forgotten your promise?"

When Nicole heard it, she remembered her promise and her face turned red. She couldn't help but angrily said, "I am your teacher, you shouldn't speak carelessly!"

Flux snorted and said in a loud voice, "Should I let everyone know?"

The remaining students in the classroom stared at them with doubt. This made Nicole frowned and realized that Flux doesn't really care about his reputation.

Nicole stopped Flux for making a scene and with teary eyes, she said, "I-I am not ready."

Flux laughed and whispered, "Just tell me if you're ready and we can go to my place. You won't regret it."

After Flux saying it, he left leaving the blushing Nicole.

After walking for five minutes, Flux arrived near the gate. He waited at the side while waiting for Yang Mei.

In fact, he can use his Spirit Sense to check everyone within 100m but if he did that, then enjoying his current life will become pointless.

But somehow, after waiting for five minutes Flux didn't see Yang Mei. He thought she had already left but then, he heard a commotion not far away from him.

"Oh my god, are they going to fight?" A student shouted.

"Shut up! They are our goddesses in Sky University, so stop spouting nonsense!" A student rebutted.

"Damn, Samantha is too fucking hot. I don't mind losing 30 years of my lifespan as long as I can sleep with her." A student muttered but other students can still hear him.

"You wish! Yang Mei is the hottest! I wish I can sleep with her even if I lose 50 years of my lifespan. T.T"

When Flux heard it, he was quite amused and approached the people who are causing a commotion.

Then, he found Yang Mei and a beautiful woman that seems arguing over something. Flux felt the woman beside Yang Mei seems familiar.

When Flux stared at the woman, he found out that it's actually his fiancee! His fiancee has always been mocking Zion for being a useless guy.

An uncontrollable killing intent emitted from his body, even the students felt something different being near to Flux.

Perhaps because of Flux staring at his fiancee, Samantha turned around and saw Flux staring at her.

"Oh! So you're actually there, my useless fiancee. How are you?" Samantha said which made everyone surprised.

The students who are staring at the beauties turned their attention to Flux, and they didn't think that the rumors were true about him being the fiancee of Samantha.

Meanwhile, Yang Mei is much more approachable and said, "Hey Zion, do you still remember about taking lunch together?"

Samantha and the other students felt surprised by Yang Mei's words. It is known that Yang Mei is a cold woman, and there was not even a guy able to go near her until it was only when Flux arrived.

Flux didn't reply to Samantha's taunts and approached Yang Mei and said, "Sorry, I was too busy. I'll surely find you tomorrow, I promise."

Yang Mei smiled which made the students dumbstruck and replied, "Okay!"

Seeing the two seem comfortable with each other, Samantha felt angry for being left out and said, "Hey, useless fiancee. I asked how are you, didn't you hear me?"

When Flux heard it, his eyes turned vicious and choke Samantha using his right hand.

It made everyone stunned that even their mouths opened, they just couldn't believe that their goddess is being choked by his own fiancee.

Even Yang Mei too was shocked and just stared at him choking Samantha.

"U-Ugh, l-l-let g-go of me," Samantha said, her eyes started to water while gasping for breath.

Flux just stared at Samantha with killing intent. He increased his grip to the point that only the color white of Samantha's eyes can be seen.

After a couple of seconds, Flux threw Samantha like a dirtbag and fell to the ground gasping heavily.

"If you dare to spout nonsense in front of me again, I'll immediately kill you."

The words rang in Samantha's mind, she tried to see the students whether they heard it or not and realized that it was only her who was able to hear it.

Samantha stared at Flux's back with a hint of fear, not even a single hatred appeared in her eyes for she knows that it was her fault and she knew her limits as well. That strong grip that seems able to crush her throat made her experience the feeling of death.

The students made way for Flux and only until he truly left when they came back to their senses.

"Ah! My goddess, are you alright?" A student said and kneeled in front of Samantha trying to help her to stand up.

Yang Mei, who stared at where Flux disappeared, she thought to herself, 'Why is he so strong? He can lift someone using only his arm, isn't that ridiculous? Wait, why does it seem similar to my dad who also has ridiculous strength? I think I should ask my dad about this.'


When Flux arrived in his condominium, he felt pissed for the shackles in this world called 'law'. It wasn't because he is afraid but he cannot kill someone in daylight especially if you don't have enough strength to truly contend against the law.

His eccentric temper has always been bad, it was normal for him to casually kill or massacre if someone provokes him.

He wasn't a saint but he could be said to be a demon because whenever he appears, a massacre or someone important will die.

This is why Supreme Immortals cheered when his death spread because they know he is like a terrible virus.

Unfortunately, they didn't know that before they become Supreme Immortals, it has been under the plan of Flux. It could be said that without his agreement, not everyone can truly ascend Supreme Immortal.

Instead, it was all up to him whether they will be useful in his future schemes and conspiracy. Because once you tried to secretly ascend the Supreme Immortal, there will be three assassins who have the same cultivation of yours who will try to stop your ascension and kill you. Unfortunately, Flux died in the abyss which made the Supreme Immortals lucky.

Flux took a shower first and after he was done, he wanted to absorb Dark Energy and sat on the floor in a lotus position.

A small black hole in his forehead appeared and it slowly rotated.

"Seer's Eyes"

Flux muttered and his eyes changed, he saw kinds of energy but what truly interests him is the Dark Energy formed in dots that being absorbed by the black hole on his forehead.

The absorption is quite slow but everything will be okay once he successfully reached 8 stars. His body will automatically absorb the Dark Energy and Flux doesn't need to meditate anymore.

Later on, Flux realized that he got himself too deep in cultivation he didn't even realize it's almost 8 pm which is the time to meet up with Bobby and others at the abandoned building.

After changing his clothes into all black, which made him look like a gothic while somehow being covered with mystery. He left his condominium and called a taxi.

"Where are we going, sir?" The driver asked.

Flux looked at the driver's face through the mirror, and replied, "Hill Street"

"What are you going to do in that area, sir? It's being rumored that there is a ghost lingering in that place, especially the abandoned building. And also, they said it's a good place to dump a dead body so I advise not to go there." The driver said kindly.

Flux nodded and replied with a smile, "Thank you for the advice, don't worry there are 70 people going there too."

The driver didn't say anymore and focused on driving. After 20 minutes, the driver spoke once again, "Sir, we have arrived."

Flux paid the driver and looked around his surroundings. He realized that this place is indeed a good place to dump a dead body.

There are barely lights, and not far away, he saw the abandoned building.

Flux started walking calmly while also trying to find the ghost whether it was true or not.

After walking for a few minutes, he didn't see the ghost and entered the abandoned building.

Flux glanced at the debris and saw nothing interesting in the building. Then, he saw a door and opened it.

When he goes in, he saw a lot of people sitting on the floor while some are talking to each other.

The people who are inside also stared at him curiously and suddenly, a thunderous laugh can be heard.

"Hahaha! Welcome, brother!" Bobby said to Flux.

Flux stared at Bobby and asked, "How many people are here?"

"All of them are here, it's exactly 70 people!" Bobby said with a smug smile.

"Good job, you truly didn't let me down." Flux said while patting Bobby's back.

Flux then turned his attention to the students and said, "I don't care whatever Bobby said to you just to make you come here. However, what I know is that most of you have been bullied physically. And this time, I can give you the strength to fight back against those people who have wronged you. You might think I am just spouting nonsense but you'll just need to listen and do as what I say. Once everything is done, you'll transform into a new you!"

What Flux said tugged the hearts of the students who have been bullied.

"Do you want to be strong? Do you want to stop them from bullying you? Do you want everyone to fear you? Do you want them to know that you are not weak?" Flux said in a deep voice.

"YES!" The voice of all 70 people resonated in the abandoned building.

Flux nodded and took a cutter in his pocket, and said to everyone, "Now, I want each of you to drop five pints of blood on the floor. Don't ask anything just do it"

Flux cut his wrist and blood poured down and then gave the cutter to Bobby.

Bobby also did the same thing and passed the cutter. The students did the same thing until everyone is done dropping their own blood.

The students felt confused but they didn't say anything because somehow they felt something bad will happen once they provoke Flux.

Flux clapped and said, "Good, now that everyone has successfully dropped their blood then it is time for you to change."

Flux drew a demonic ritual using the blood on the floor.

"Fortitudo querens transfundo daemonium!"

Flux chanted an ancient language after he was done creating the array.

The ritual shone which made the students surprised, however, they felt their blood seems boiling.


Flux said while the ritual shone an intense light, the students groaned and fell to the ground twitching.

The demonic ritual transformed into smoke and entered the body of every student. When the smoke entered, every student screamed as if they are being tortured.

If someone can hear their screams, the Hill Streets will become more forbidden for sure.

Meanwhile, Flux just watched them twitching and screaming while waiting for their transformation to be done.

In fact, what happened to the students are just simple. Flux opened the Hell's gate and stole the abilities of a demon entity, and those white smokes are different kinds of abilities they will possess soon.

Some students will have an astonishing defensive ability. Some will have the ability to regenerate. Some will have the ability to revive. Some will also have the power of creating zombies or etc. And the vessel (student) has a good body, he might even be able to have the ability of a demon with a certain position in the Hell realm.

In other words, they can be called a mutated human. These types of powers are good in early but not late unless they have a good ability. However, in the Earth, their abilities are already deadly enough.

After two hours, Flux knew it's almost time for them to wake up so he created an array which is also exclusive to the Infernal Annihilation Technique.

He created [Memories Creator Array] which will be embedded in every students. What he just added is simple, and that is to never tell anyone about him and also an instruction of how to increase his powers and so on.

Flux doesn't care whether they will go astray or not, but once he needs them they must surely do it. It's like an order for the higher-ups and objection is not possible.

Well, it's not like they can't object anyway, but can they even object to someone who gave them power? In their eyes, he is already a God so they will not refuse unless they'll have to kill their parents. However, once they joined Flux's organization, they absolutely must do it or else someone will clean them up.

The students woke up and each of them felt a severe headache. Suddenly, everyone heard screamed from another student.

"AHHH! MY HAND SUDDENLY TURNED INTO A KNIFE, SOMETIMES SWORD, AND EVEN AXE. WHAT THE HECK IS HAPPENING?" A student said while a hint of disbelief and excitement in his eyes.

Flux chuckled and said, "That's your power that I gave."

The students were astonished and then they heard a mysterious voice instructing them about their powers and so on.

"Listen up, you should not try to let others see your powers or else you'll perhaps become a laboratory rat. It's better to be careful than sorry. Lastly, once I call you then you shall arrive or else I'll hunt you down, do you guys understand?" Flux said to the students without emitting a killing intent, however, somehow their souls are screaming in terror.

Flux nodded and left them for a while. When Flux left, the students started to chat together.

"Oh my god! I can pass through the walls?!" A student said to his friend.

"Hmph, so what? I can change my face whatever I like!"

The students are showing off their own skills but an average young man on the corner that seems isolated is the only one who didn't tell his power.

This young man is called Zach, a meek average guy who has always been bullied by the tyrant David.

'I possessed the power of making people turned into a puppet that can still act just like how human acts. Isn't that ridiculous? What's even worse, I can also hypnotize and search for their memories. I really should give this a try, but before that, I really have to thank that person who gave this power to me. As long as he needs me, I will always be there and become his most loyal subordinate!' Zach muttered, and a hint of excitement appeared in his eyes.