Night Raid in the Bloodthirsty Training Camp (end)

When Bozun saw his leader, who has treated him like his son died by the hands of the assassin. He couldn't help but tear up. Suddenly, his instinct is screaming and he could feel a hint of death if he cannot escape this.

A gleam appeared near the throat of Bozun but luckily, he was able to evade it due to his instinct. Perspiration appeared in his forehead as his face turned pale because he knew it was a very close call.

Then, he saw a man wearing a black robe that could be seen in the corner of his eyes. He could only see the eyes of the man, however, somehow, he felt quite familiar as if he had met him before.

"As expected of Bozun." The assassin said to Bozun while a hint of complexity appeared in his eyes, but it then disappeared and a look of ruthlessness appeared in his eyes.

Bozun wanted to say but suddenly, another assign appeared in his left side and right side completely making him dumbfounded. He was caught a little off guard causing his ear to be sliced.

"Two assassins to kill me? What a waste!" Bozun said with disdain in his mouth while picking up his ear which got sliced.

After the two failures of assassination, he picked up his rifle and aim to the two assassins.

"Bastards, die!!"

After seeing this, the third assassin which is currently hiding chanted.

"Dark Shield!"

An ominous shield appeared in front of the two assassins completely blocking the flying bullets. After Bozun stopped firing instead of the mangled corpses, instead, he saw the two assassins watching him with mockery in their eyes.

"Y-Y-You! What kind of monsters are you?!" Bozun screamed to the two assassins while wondering why a shield suddenly appeared.

The two assassins behind the shield did not reply but instead, a ghastly shadow holding a dagger appeared behind Bozun.



Bozun touched his throat and felt the blood gushing forth like a river and he looked back and saw the third assassin and said, "It requires three assassins to kill me and I felt honored.", then Bozun fell to the ground with a thud.

After the two dangerous guards died, the rest are just like chickens being slaughtered by the assassins.

Meanwhile, Prince Zenith and his group are also done killing the twenty guards in the back. So, using this Everlasting Mystery, he sent a message to Bobby.

"The twenty guards in the back are now dead. What's the next step?"

Bobby replied in his mind, "Kill everyone you see and if possible I want you to let your member absorb the memories of someone that you think important."

Without further waiting, Bobby and the others started to enter the training facility. When they got in, they didn't see any guards at all.

"Go and check where they are and immediately report it to me," Bobby ordered one of his members.


The assassin transformed into his ghost form and completely passed through walls without any problems. What Bobby and others needed are just to wait, he doesn't want them to separate and search because there might be hidden dangers.

After waiting for twenty minutes, the assassin came back and reported, "I saw 37 in the hall but I cannot find the guards."

However, before Bobby could reply, Prince Zenith sent him a message.

"There are a lot of soldiers in the back, we are now being gunned down. I hope you can come to us as we need your members to buff us!"

After hearing it, Bobby did not hesitate and said with a cold voice, "Let's go and kill them all then we will go to Zenith's location."

When they arrived, the 29 assassins brandished their glimmering daggers while looking at the 37 people.

The 37 who are training watched Bobby and others with curiosity and one of them even asked, "Are you the assassins of the dark hall? Are you going to train us?"

However, Bobby and the assassins did not speak but instead, all of them run towards the 37 people.




The trainees were completely shocked and they couldn't believe what they saw. They thought the men in black robes are going to train them but instead, they are here to kill them all!

"Run, they are killing us!!" One of the remaining trainees screamed.

However, an assassin appeared in front of him and with a swish, a thin line appeared in his throat.

Cries of misery could be heard in the hall, none of them were able to fight back.

After the massacre, corpses littered on the ground. Despite being called assassins, somehow, they still felt sick seeing the corpses on the ground.

"I know some of you felt so sick but think of it as a training. Also, I realized that these 37 trainees are newly recruited. Perhaps our batch mates should be training in the underground." Bobby said to the 29 assassins while cleaning the blood in their daggers.


In Flux's condo.

"Hahaha! I finally reached 9 stars and with this, I can cultivate complex techniques and formations. Especially [Myriad of Dreams Formation] of which you can use to train your assassins." Flux said to himself.

Flux also did not hesitate to cultivate the [Curse Magic] which he really likes to use in the past because it is convenient. Not only it can terrify someone to death, but it can also give them neverending nightmares.

In Immortal Path he excels in assassination and Formations while in Magic Path, he excels in Curse Magic which is usually only for those evil magic users.

"Next is I should absorb magic energy or else how can I use curse magic." Flux thought to himself.

To become a magic path user, you don't need to have a technique to absorb energy. What you need is a magic orb and a few instructions on how to use the orb to absorb the magic energy then you are good to go.

In Magic Continent, every 100,000 people there is 1 who has the magic orb. While the population in Magic Continent is 20x on Earth, so approximately there are 1.4 billion that can become a magic-user!

Although the amount is horrible and even terrorizing, however, it also means brutal and cruel fights for resources.

After Flux is done creating a formation using his own blood, he sat in the middle in a lotus position and close his eyes.

"Magic Orb, Form!"

Then after a moment, Flux chanted and the formation lit up in a blood-red color and then it became a massive vortex around Flux.

"Seer's Eyes" Flux murmured.

Flux saw countless of energies in the air, but the thing that interests him the most is the energy that looks like a rainbow being sucked by the vortex.

Somewhere on Earth, inside the secluded cave, an old man sitting on the rock in a lotus position opened his eyes and stared at the sky.

"What kind of energy is this? Who the hell is absorbing such unknown energy? Is that person not afraid?" The old man spoke and shook his head and closed his eyes.

Meanwhile, back to Flux's condominium, Flux is already filled with sweat.

"Hah, I'm finally done creating magic orbs!" In his dantian, aside from 7 blood-red orbs for the immortal path, there are also 7 rainbow-colored magic orbs.

To become a successful magic god, what you need is knowledge. And what Flux did today is his experiment in his life on how to create magic orbs while others can only have one or two magic orbs in their entire life.

Of course, he also paid heavily and that is tens of thousands of human lab rats. While also being hunted by the righteous magic gods faction.

After Flux was done he sat near the windows overlooking the half of New York.


Another day passed, Flux is watching the television while eating grapes. Suddenly, a flash report appeared.

"I am Leslie Chong, C7 Newscaster. As you can see, we are currently live and we are heading in the depths of the forest in Africa, the biggest forest called Congo Basin." Leslie Chong said.

"We are not here to report about animals but about the mercenary. We received an anonymous report that a certain training facility that is backed by the government was destroyed." Leslie Chong coughed before continuing, "As you can see, corpses could be found littered on the ground."

Leslie Chong said while speaking passionately to the camera while looking at the corpses of the guards. Later on, they entered the training facility looking for another explosive content.

When they reached the Hall, a female shrieked startled the cameraman and even the viewers.

"T-This is so inhuman! Beast! H-How could they kill people like that!" Leslie said in the camera with a trembling voice and the cameraman couldn't help but puke when he saw 37 people on the ground.

"Everyone, this is truly sickening but I will do my best to let you know the whole result in the training facility!" Leslie said to the camera with a very paled look.

After walking for a while, they did not find anything except some bloodstain on the ground. Then, they arrived in the underground and what they've seen is something they will never forget.

"H-HOLY SH*T" The cameraman couldn't help but cursed and the camera nearly slipped out.

What they've seen in the underground are in fact mangled and severed limbs. What's more, on the wall, there are words written using blood.


That is what written on the wall and the reporter and even cameraman couldn't help but gulp. The viewers were also very silent and they couldn't help but think they understood too little in this world.

After being scared for a bit, Leslie gradually became calm and said to the camera, "Look, everyone, the murders wrote 'Everlasting Mystery' on the wall and it is clearly an assassination organization. I am very sorry, I have to stop life right now because the smell is too awful and I felt sick. I am Leslie Chong, C7 Newscaster."

Then after ten minutes, the flash report is done and Flux laughed after seeing it"

"Hahaha! Good job, with this advertisement then there will be a lot of customers in the future!"