Prince Zenith is Collecting the Payment of His Customer

Zenith and the other assassins have been sent away to accept the deals to those who hired them through the website.

Alexander gave them the exact location of those who fill-up the form on the website after locating their IP address.

Upper East Side.

Upper East Side is one of the wealthiest neighborhoods. Zenith is wearing a hooded jacket, black shorts, and black shoes giving off an enigmatic aura

It's already 9:33 in the evening so most residents are already in their home because residents are quite afraid to walk outside in the evening.

After walking for a while, Zenith finally found the house of his dear customer. According to the information given by Alexander, the customer is living in the most expensive house in the Upper East Side.

Zenith evaded several cameras using the blind spot and the darkness making him look like an elusive ghost. After reaching the house--no, this can already be called a mansion.

Before climbing, Zenith closed his eyes for a moment and his consciousness appeared in the mysterious space where Everlasting Mystery can be found. Then, he bought a package in the store which costs 10,000 points.

[D+ Assassin Package] - Inside the package includes an assassin suit (can block bullets and enhance your stealth by 20%), dagger (with a special ability), and a 12 poison dart (mixing the most poisonous plants and beasts in Quartuvian Planet).

Then the space in front of him distorted and a black suitcase appeared hovering in front of him. Zenith grabbed as he opened it and saw a black suit, dagger, and 12 darts.

After equipping it, only his eyes could be seen outside. If other people saw him then they would think 'oh shit, isn't that the character of the assassin creed?'.

Zenith started to climb like a spiderman while trying to avoid the light until he finally appeared on the second floor of the mansion.

In the mansion, Zenith saw a lot of arts on the wall and strange treasures around him.

'Is this the hobby of my customer?' Zenith thought and then shook his head while walking around silently.

After walking for a while, Zenith did not find anyone on the second floor. He decided to try searching on the first floor.

When he appeared on the first floor, he heard a pleasing classical song. Zenith followed where the sound was and appeared in the living hall. There, he saw a sleeping old man on the coach who is in his fifties with a mustache similar to Hitler.

"Kya!" Suddenly, a shriek coming from the maid sounded accompanied by the sound of broken glasses. This also made the man who was sleeping suddenly jumped out from the couch.

The old man stared at the man wearing a black suit that only his eyes can be seen, he knew that things are turning shit so spoke smoothly and slowly, "Sir, we can talk nicely. If someone sent you here then I will triple what he paid to you."

Zenith coughed and said in a deep voice, "I am here for the payment."

The old man was stunned for a while and even the trembling maid not far away was also stunned. The man stared at the maid with a stern look and look back to Zenith and said, "E-erm, why don't I know I have debt?"

Zenith stared at the old man with killing intent in his eyes and said coldly, "You filled-up the form yesterday, don't tell me you were just acting cool?"

After hearing it, the man felt being struck by lightning and remembered that he indeed filled up a form yesterday and it was indeed hiring an assassin!

The man felt excited so after giving his maid a side glance to leave them alone, he said to the zenith excitedly, "Sorry, I thought it was not real since the organization will usually choose a very secretive way to contact them. But still, how much do I have to pay?"

Zenith took out a 1/4 sheet in his pocket and said, "Name: Christopher Hitchens, Profession: Business, Net Worth: 890+ million dollars, age 53; currently going around new york spreading influence to become the next mayor of new york. Price: Resources

The old man felt his excitement dissipated after hearing the last words and he couldn't help but ask, "What do you mean by 'Resources'?"

Zenith replied, "Something that cannot be bought by money or let's say weird items, relics, treasures, or whatever."

In fact, Zenith could give him an example but Flux warned them not to do it or else they might attract a lot of eyes from cultivators. Although Flux doesn't mind it, he doesn't want his subordinates whom he wasted time to just die.

"Weird items...relics...treasures." The old man muttered, then a hint of gleam appeared in his eyes, "I think I have few of it." he said to Zenith.

The old man quickly called the previous trembling maid and told her to get the old box under his bed. The old man decided to chat with the man wearing a black suit beside him, "Did you do something to my bodyguards outside? Also, why does your organization seems to be turning my views upside down? Isn't an organization should remain hidden and can only be contacted through secret means? Yet here you are, coming to my home looking for the payment."

Zenith was speechless by the questions of this old fag beside him and even himself felt that an organization shouldn't be like this. But thinking of Flux who is a godlike man he thought 'maybe doing it very secretly takes a lot of time so he decided to promote the organization in a high profile in order to get a lot of customers.'

"Old man, you're quite talkative aren't you? Instead, why don't you tell me why you wanted to kill Christopher Hitchens?" Zenith asked the old man.

When the old man heard it, he felt his wound being rubbed by salt and he couldn't help but shout angrily and even his face distorted, "Christopher looks kind and helpful but behind it is shamelessness and ruthlessness. Not only did he tried to assassinate my son who was also going to run to become a mayor, but he also tried to kidnap my daughter! Luckily, their bodyguards that I sent were able to save them at the costs of their lives."

The old man thought about his son and daughter whom he sent far from the US because of Christopher's actions, he couldn't help but tear up a bit.

The old man, Robert Pattinson, is a kind and helpful old man. A lot of people knew about his deeds but unfortunately, Christopher framed Robert at that time and failing to counterattack leads him devastated.

Zenith nodded but such a story didn't make his heart waver because his heart is numb due to the training. Until they heard the footstep of the maid and saw her carrying an old box on her bosom.

The old man took the box from the maid and put it on the ground as he slowly removes the lid. Then, he took out a strange blue jewel and a weird black stone.

"This is what I got when I was a kid from my parents. I talked to a lot of professionals that might be able to figure out about these two strange things but none of them were able to understand. I also tried searching for it on the internet but I still couldn't find anything." Robert said while touching the black stone and blue jewel in his hands while reminiscing the past then gave it to Zenith with a reluctant look.

Zenith took the black stone and the blue jewel but he couldn't find anything that is similar to the information of what he received from the Everlasting Mystery. So he sent Flux a message about the appearance of the black stone and blue jewel and got a reply 'accept and bring it to me.'

"What do you think? Is this okay or shall we go to my collections maybe you'll find something there." Robert said with enthusiasm while looking at the assassin that he hired.

"Old man, where are your parents?" Zenith suddenly asked.

Robert's face became so dark and gloomy and asked whether it is important and Zenith nodded. With a sigh of sadness, he replied, "They disappeared leaving me their inheritance."

A flash of gleam in the eyes of Zenith when he heard it and he said without mercy, "Your parents should have been killed."

"SHUT UP!!" Robert exploded and his face paled and thinking about when he was a kid as if his parents were trying to bid a farewell.

Zenith did not care about the outburst of the old man in front of him, well, it's just his thoughts anyway so he shrugged and said, "Well, it's just my thoughts and perhaps they died due to these black stone and blue jewel."

"Take this maybe you'll need us someday. Make sure to buy a long of strange items or else you cannot hire us. Just drop blood and you will be able to talk to us and remember you can only use it once. Ah, right, I will give you a good news tomorrow." Zenith gave him a blood-red card with strange lines on it.

Then, he uses [Ghostly Steps] making a gush of wind piercing the skin of Robert completely making him off guard as he could only see a vague shadow in his naked eyes when the assassin disappeared.

Robert holding the strange blood-red card in his hands he bit his lips and muttered, "Before I die I must know what truly happen about the disappearance of my parents even if I have to join a group of murderers!"