The Start of Massacre

Brooklyn, New York City.

Of the estimated gangs in New York City, Brooklyn has the highest concentration with 130 groups in operation.

There are currently three Major Gangs in Brooklyn and one of them is called Crazy Skulls. Their type of business is money laundering, robbery, and murder. Crazy SKulls Gang's backing is none other than Hudson Family, the most famous martial arts family.

Somewhere in Red Hook Street, there is an abandoned two-story building which is the headquarters of Crazy Skulls. This street was also known as the most dangerous in Brooklyn when the sky turns dark and so, only a few courageous or someone who knows the gang will walk in this place.

Inside the abandoned house, ten men who seem to be in their thirties are talking about their next plan.

"Leader, I think we should try going to a new place to start our robbery plan." A very thin middle-aged man said to the man sitting on the chair.

The nine people are also agreeing as they voice out their thoughts after the thin man spoke. The leader, Uno, glance at his ten subordinates and saw everyone has already had an answer.

"Alright, we will now go to Upper East Side where there are a lot of rich people. You should know that the security there is also quite strong, and that place is one of the other major gangs so we should be careful." Uno said with an emotionless expression.

As the leader of the Crazy Skulls Gang, he knew that they've already been blinded by greed after robbing a lot of people yet they have never been caught for two years. His subordinate is also staring at his throne which is not something that he can accept and so, he decided to clean them up once they arrived in Upper East Side.

Suddenly, Uno and his core members heard a sound of gunshots outside, however, Uno's face changed into ugly expression, "Motherfucker, those are fucking assault rifles. Wait, don't fucking tell me they are from the government?! Or else how can they fucking use assault rifles unscrupulously."

Uno didn't know why they keep firing without caring. The sound of gunfire is enough to make people panic but strangely, there seems to be no panic happening.


Cries and screams could be heard outside and Uno knew his 50 subordinates outside were dying.

The faces of Uno's ten subordinates paled but as a veteran gangster, they are also better than normal people. They all rushed to the secret compartment to get their guns.

Uno and his ten core members took each Ak-74 as they prepare themselves for the next shootout. Because they didn't expect that they will have this kind of situation, they never arranged a pile of magazines so all of them are arranging their own. Their hands are shaking as they fill up their magazines and a lot of sweat appeared in their faces as their ears are almost blasted by the seemingly never-ending sound of gunshots.

An expression of extreme pain appeared in Uno's face as his eyes turned bloodshot whenever he heard the screams and cries of his sixty subordinates outside. Although he didn't know why they didn't enter the house, he couldn't be bothered to waste his brain cells thinking of that shit.

However, a comical scene appeared, due to the extreme panic and anxiety, magazines fell on the ground and so the bullets came out of it.

"FUCK!! YOU PIECE OF SHIT WHY ARE YOU SO CLUMSY." Uno roared to his subordinate when he saw him picking up his magazines whose bullets are now rolling on the ground.

It took five minutes that all of them finally had sufficient magazines and bags to put inside the necessary things.

"Let's go!" Uno said to his ten subordinates while holding an Ak-74 in his hands.

When they came out, what they saw was a horrible scene where corpses littered on the ground. Uno fell on his knees when he saw the corpses of his members and he could even see the despair in their faces.

Suddenly, Uno and his ten subordinates heard a scream full of anguish, "BROTHER!!!!!! AHHH I WANNA KILL ALL OF YOU...AHHHHHH"

A young man in his twenties holding a pistol rushed out from hiding when he saw his brother that has been headshot.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

He started to fire madly without caring for his life, he rushed to his brother kneeling while crying and shouting for his name.


Unfortunately, those were his last words.


Twelve men wearing army clothes holding M16 in their hands aimed at the young man who is kneeling on the ground beside his brother crying and screaming.

The twelve men did not hesitate to fire and brutally killed the young man without mercy.

Meanwhile, after the death of a young man, Cleo and Zach chatted casually.

"I didn't expect you can headshot his brother, Zach. Good Job!" Cleo said to Zach who is beside him.

"Hehe, thank you. This is all thanks to Hall Master." Zach replied humbly without caring for the corpses on the ground. Those subordinates of Cleo were even more speechless when they heard their casual chat thinking 'hey, we're currently massacring people y' know.'

Back to Uno and his ten members, they saw the scene of such brutal and merciless killing making their heart chilled. However, if you look at their eyes, you can see the blood in it as if longing for revenge or they will never rest easy! After all, they are the Crazy Skulls known for their madness and murder!

Uno turns to his ten subordinates and said hoarsely with bloodshot eyes, "Let's go search for remaining members who are still alive. I will never be able to rest properly if I can never have revenge!"

Out of fifty members outside the abandoned house who was actually waiting for the announcement for the next plan. Uno thought that only ten or twenty people survived which made him want to explode so bad that he wanted to eat the flesh of those armies.

"Leader, I think they are a top-secret special force. Luckily, they didn't encircle us or we will never be able to escape." One of the subordinates said to Uno.

Uno glance at his subordinate and nodded but a thought appeared in his mind again, 'It's been fifteen minutes, why does it seem only us can hear? And my subordinate is right, they can encircle us but they didn't do it.' but he shook his head and didn't think much anymore because what he wants is how to revenge his members!

When Cleo and Zach saw them retreating, Zach asked, "Should we follow them? You should know we could've encircled them and kill all of them in one go."

Cleo shook his head replied, "It's Bobby's strategy so we can only wait for his command. For now, let's follow them and kill them slowly." Then, he turned back to one of his subordinates and said, "You can remove your sound barrier now and rest for a bit because we will still need your help later."