Surprise [1]

[Author IMPORTANT Note: My dear readers, I'm here to announce that the First Volume of the novel has already been finished officially at Chapter 40 a week and a half ago, its bundled version is now available to both Tier 2 & Tier 3 Patrons, it'll soon be on Amazon too!]

Feuer was once again, with the rest of the students, in front of the Dungeon Entrance, the Instructor then led everyone back to the Aurora Academy silently and as they arrived on the Academy Entrance, he said ''Everyone, today lesson is over, we don't know if the rest of the Dungeon will be affected as well but to guarantee your safety, there won't be any Dungeon lesson anymore till we confirm that it is safe, next month, all of you will be allowed to take on missions outside the Kingdom to gain experience, you can go home now.''

Luar, Diana and Alex approached Feuer, that smiled slightly ''It seems that we were dismissed early today, wanna go to my home?'' he asked to the three of them, Luar agreed but Alex said on his and on Diana behalf ''Both of us can't go, Royal Father said that we have things to do home, we'll be able to go next week, though!''

Nodding, Feuer and Luar went to the former home, the latter asked concernedly ''Buddy, are you okay? You're overly silent today, is the thing that happened back then bothering you?''

''Nah, I'm just thinking about a new style of clothing that I made some time ago, I made a new uniform for commoners, noble, royalty and for the Army, I can show it to you if you want...'' Feuer said, he never really liked this World clothing style, it is like the ones people at the medieval era used, which is, in his opinion, lame,

He even created a logo with a beautiful, fiery orange-colored 'Hale' that resembled the hair of his mother, looking extremely beautiful, be the font he based it on or the design, he used 'H' from his father name, Heinz, 'A' from his mother name, Ayao, 'L' from his past life mother that is named Liz and 'E' from his past life father name, Edward.

'That way, no matter what happens, they'll always be with me...' Feuer thought, feeling proud of the logo he created, Luar, at the said, felt his best friend mood changing and asked ''What are you thinking, for the always serious-looking-cold-dude to have a smile on his face?'' he teased.

''Oh, it's about the logo of the clothing that I made, I named it 'Hale', it has a hidden meaning'' Then, Feuer explained about the logo as Luar asked with a confused expression

''Where does the name Liz and Edward?'' This earned a small laugh from Feuer, that simply said ''Maybe one day I'll tell you about them, for now, it won't mean anything for you, just think of it as names I created''

Luar pouted which made Feuer look at him in disgust ''Don't pout, you're not a girl and is not nearly cute as one, it looks disgusting'' Immediately, Luar, feeling insulted, stopped ''F*ck you!'' he said before both of them sped up.

They arrived on Feuer home and deciding not to bother his father work now, where his paperwork is usually much higher, both of them quietly went to the former room, where Feuer quickly picked up a paper, where he had drawn many types of clothing from his past life, jeans, shirts, t-shirts, skirts, etc...

Instantly, Luar eyes were wide ''Holy crap, you really did that? It looks so fricking cool, buddy, you struck gold, I knew you are a talented magician, cooking and some other things but never knew you're so talented on this kind of thing too!'' he said, practically shouting.

The clothing Feuer made was original, it was indeed on the style of his previous life on 21st Century but they were of his own brand, it was originally named 'Le' in honor of his dead parents but now it changed to Hale in honor to all of his parents, of this life and of his previous life, they were the most popular brand on the world, too.

'I always wanted to do something of my own and coupled with my talents, I created a clothing brand' He thought while remembering all the effort he put on his brand, he started from nothing, well, he indeed had some financial support but Feuer limited himself to use what ordinary people would use to start and his brand grew popular over time from nothing 'I started it when I was 16, good old days..' he thought before showing Luar a few more papers.

''Damn, if this shows up, not only our Kingdom will want your brand to be sold in their stores, even different Kingdom around us will want it!'' Luar said before thinking for a bit and saying with a bit of concern ''However, are you sure this won't put you in danger? There may be some people who'll try to kill you for f*cking their business up, what about the material and how'll you do it?''

Feuer smiled slightly ''You don't need to worry, I already know what material I'll use, as for how I'll do it? Heh!'' he smirked before removing a pile of cloth that was covering something, to be precise, a machine, one that operated through mana, as while it's indeed possible for him to create a machine made of pure technology like the ones the Gnomes do but more advanced, he doesn't want to advance this world technology, in Feuer opinion, technology will damn this world, well, except when it's for his own use, he may have created a Magical Gun.

It's literally what it says, it's a gun but instead of using physical bullets, it uses Mana, it can be ordinary Mana Bullets or Elemental Bullets, which Feuer preferred to use since using a Light Element Bullet is much stronger than using an ordinary Mana Bullet or any other elemental bullet.

People of this world think as Light Element as a holy element because actually, it is rare and also because many think its only application is healing, however, just like Feuer did, he used it as a support to his speed and offensive way of attacking, even creating defensive ways is possible, as such, many only see darkness element as one of destruction, which is in a way, true.

Just then, Feuer decided to make a surprise to his father, at that time, Luar had already left, humming happily, he entered Heinz study room and felt it was strange the fact that his father actually had a woman together with him, he was talking with a smile, actually, this is the first time he sees his father smiling to anyone that isn't him ''Father, I'm back from Aurora Academy, we were dismissed early today!'' he said, interrupting Heinz and the woman.

Heinz's smile vanished abruptly before he said with his most serious expression, though, there was cold sweat flowing down his forehead as he noticed his son and his... well, the woman judging stare, with a smile that looked more like he was crying, Heinz said ''Son... I... no, me and Celia has something to talk with you...''

The previous smile that was on Feuer face disappeared completely as the stares that said 'You're being judged, take care' looked like arrows that pierced Heinz's heart, sweating, he started to talk.

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