Disaster [2]

Alex opened the door and said as he saw Feuer ''Oh, you arrived! I was waiting for you, my room isn't cleaned yet, my Royal Father ordered me to clean it...''

''Well, no worry, I can help ya!'' Feuer said while smiling, remembering how the parents of his previous life always wanted him to clean his own room but quickly shook his head before being at full speed, the world seemed slow on Feuer's vision as rays of light followed him.

''W-W-What....'' Alex's mouth was wide open, he couldn't even see Feuer with his speed, however, what surprised him the most was his room, it was cleaned, no trace of dust could be seen, mustering his most serious face, he said ''Feuer... do you want to be a Royal Butler? I can pay you a high amount of money...''

Feuer had to hold his laughter ''Pfft... I'm good like I'm right now, this was just a convenience, say, do you know a game named World War? No, well, no worry, I can help, it was a game I developed, here!'' he said while removing a box from his bag, there was a beautiful 'World War' carved on the box center.

''Woooah, what is that? It seems so cool!'' Alex said as sparkles quickly appeared around him but Feuer ignored, smiling slightly, he drove his friend into a game maniac.

Since then, some hours passed before another person entered the room, it was Diana, that felt curious as of why Alex was so serious about the game but when her eyes passed through Feuer, her heart started to beat uncontrollably, she felt as if there were butterflies flying around her stomach, doing her best to keep a poker face, Diana said ''U-uh, guys, what are you two doing?''

Without looking at her, Alex said instantly ''We're playing a game that Feuer invented ''World War'', this is simply too cool, come, we can teach you to play!''

Diana was feeling extremely shy of sitting next to Feuer but as some minutes passed, sparkles appeared around her just like it did to Alex as she learned about the game, her shyness disappeared as they started to play, soon, Feuer said with a small smile ''Heh, I completed my objective, conquer the entire [Dnith] continent, it's my win!''

''Damn!'' Alex shouted in frustration while Diana pouted before realizing she had played for hours with Feuer, her face turned red like an apple in the same instant due to feeling embarrassed, her heart beating wildly, she took quick glances at Feuer, that noticed her strangeness.

'Oh, damn... I know these eyes, I received many of it, girl, you need to be at least 18 to enter my humble sight...' Feuer thought and pretended that he didn't see her stare, not being narcissistic but he had received many stares like that on his previous life, he's not dense.

Still, Feuer pretended not to notice it and said, faking his surprise ''Huh, Diana, are you with a fever?''

''Feuer, you idiot!!!!'' Diana yelled before running away as Feuer thought 'Ah, the classic anime scene... Sigh, at least this is real life, I think I'll do this more times, it's actually very fun, wait, maybe the dense anime protagonist did this on purpose?! Holy crap!' his eyes widened while thinking they're geniuses.

Alex looked confusedly at Diana before saying ''What happened to her? You just said she had a fever and she ran? Is she an idiot or something? I think her brain degenerated...'' he sighed.

''Who knows, Alex, who knows...'' Feuer feigned ignorance before bidding farewell, it's already night, this was a good day, he thought to himself as a small, almost unnoticeable but genuine smile appeared on his face.

Feuer decided to stay all night training, since then, a month passed.

The many Kingdoms at the border of the [Enith] were on a constant fight, chaos was rising more and more, Magical Beasts were getting relentless as Beast Tides were more and more frequent.

Aurorial Kingdom, Royal Palace.

Four Royal Guards kneeled in front of Ale as one of them, seemingly the leader of them, said ''Your Highness, there had been many strange activities regarding the Beasts, many Beast Tides attacked some of the cities and towns under our control, this can only be the signal of a bad omen!''

Ale frowned slightly while thinking of the ominous feeling he felt before saying ''Send reinforcements to the cities and towns attacked recently, only send the necessary, I feel a war will be coming, we can't send unnecessary amounts of soldiers...''

''As you wish, Your Highness!'' The four of them said in sync before they went to the Army Headquarters.

The soldiers were grouped together in a place and saluted the Army Commander, that started to talk ''Listen attentively, many of you are already know about the situation around the Kingdom, many Kingdoms are falling every day due to wars and Beast Tides, we can't let that happen, now, who know what is the objective of the army?!'' He shouted at the last part.

''To protect the Kingdom, sir!'' The soldiers shouted in response.

''And what is our mission currently?!'' The Army Commander yelled ''To protect our domain, sir!'' the soldiers yelled back before the groups marched towards different directions.

After a long time, something that was unknown for many citizens of the Aurorial Kingdom, resurged, it was fear, fear of what would come and fear of the rising, unstoppable chaos.

Like that, eight more months passed as Beast Tides attacked more and more, cities and towns were being decimated to nothing but ruins, many missions were being made and taken on the Aurora Kingdom, a certain youngster with dark golden-colored hair and his friends took one.

[Mission: Bandit Groups are attacking recently due to the chaos the Kingdom currently is, one of them destroyed one of our Towns and dominated it, the Kingdom can't send soldiers as they're fighting against Beast Tides and recently, Demons that suddenly started to attack, their attacks are becoming stronger and stronger, the request is to get rid of that Bandit Group - Payment: 4 Platinum Coins]

This was the Mission Banner content as it stated the Bandit Group information, like that, the four left the Kingdom, not knowing the danger approaching it.

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