Draconic Raid [1]

'He seems to be trustworthy... well, he's Layla friend, she wouldn't try to harm us, she's our friend, after all...' Liz thought while looking at Feuer back with narrowed eyes, it didn't take them long before they got to the Adventurers Guild and registered themselves as a team.

Feuer approached the balcony as he said to the professional Lady ''Hello again, I'm here to register a team, two A-rankers and two B-rankers, the leader of the team is Feuer Flake while the members are Layla Geist, Liz and Lez Fro, can you register us?''

Nodding but not saying anything, the professional Lady did her job and registered their team without any problem, the team overall strength was judged to be A-rank due to Feuer and Layla both being at A-rank ''Here's your Team Registration, Lord Flake...'' the professional Lady said as she gave him a paper that had information about the team, their names, age, and strength.

Lez was anxious, he would be able to get his revenge, he and his sister would finally avenge their dead friends, quickly, he got near the Wall of Requests and searched for his desired request as he took it and started to read

[This request was updated many times due to the risk increases every time an adventurer is sent, don't take this request if you don't have at least an A-rank adventurer on your team, the Wyvern showed signs of extreme intelligence and strength development, the closest estimates is that it already advanced to High Tier 5, it is located at the Pure Snow Peak, the Wyvern hadn't left his cave at the Peak for a big amount of time. Rewards: 100 Platinum Coins - Requester: The King]

'The damned Wyvern increased its strength again?! We must kill him before he gets stronger and stronger, if he gets any stronger, the entire Kingdom would be in danger!' Lez thought as his expression changed, his eyes had lit up a fire of determination as he brought the request to the professional Lady, whose eyes widened slightly but she composed herself before saying in a kind manner

''Lord Flake, are you sure that you want to take this request? High Tier 5 is just the estimates of two months ago, there's a possibility that it is already at Peak Tier 5, I'm not underestimating you, Lord Flake, however, I hope that you and your team don't take this request, you all have a lot of room to grow!'' She said, worry showing in her voice, promising adventurers like Feuer, an A-rank adventurer at the age of 15 is rare, not to mention someone that the Branch Master granted the rank directly, something truly unexpected, usually, he would give B-rank and wait for their fighting experience to be honed before giving the A-rank license.

''I understand your worry but even if it were a Low Tier 6, the Wyvern would be nothing but an overgrown gecko for me...'' Feuer said, he himself doesn't know why he holds so much disdain towards the Dragon race, almost if it was something on his bloodline saying that they're inferior beings compared to him.

Sighing, the professional Lady said ''Ok, A-rank Adventurer Team whose leader is Lord Feuer Flake, you may take this request, get to know that you can't give up on it without a proper reason, be sure to stay safe, young adventurers!''

Lez, Liz and Layla all thanked her while Feuer nodded by bowing his head slightly as they all left the Adventurer Guild, all the adventurers present gasped, it had been over two months since someone took over the request, however, soon, they forgot about it since the life and death of anyone isn't their fault, only the result of someone dumbness, trying to bite more than they can chew.

On the way, Liz looked towards Feuer ''Are you sure that you can take over the overgrown gec- Wyvern?'' she said while correcting herself, Lez and Layla laughed at what she did while Feuer kept a stoic expression as he said ''Even if it was a true Dragon, I would still give you the same answer, just relax and prepare your state of mind and spirit to the fight, you can't let your emotions take over, I know you three feel anger towards the overgrown gecko but you need to keep yourself calm, understand?''

''Yes...'' The three of them said in sync, agreeing with what he said, they know the importance of keeping themselves calm, after all.

They left the Kingdom Capital in no time as they headed towards the Pure Snow Peak, while Liz and Layla were Mages and took the Spirit path, Lez took the Body path as he's a cultivator, they maintained the same speed as not to have anyone losing themselves in the way to the place where their battle will happen.

After a few minutes, they were able to see a vague outline of what the Pure Snow Peak is, many mountains peaks covered by pure white-colored snow, the trees had their leaves in a different color of what you would usually see, instead of a lively green, it was a cold white, as if the leaves were trying to freeze the soul of who looked towards their direction, occasionally, small snowflakes would descend upon the trees and the ground, giving a cold yet beautiful aura to the Pure Snow Peak ''territory''.

''We're going to approach the cave where it was stated that the overgrown gecko lives at slowly, remember, a desperate person or beast is the worst enemy because they won't care about themselves and will only attack in pure madness, we need to be stealthy...'' Feuer said as he gave instructions calmly.

Lez looked at him, feeling surprised as he decided to talk ''I agree with your instructions, I can generate flames through the friction, though they won't be powerful as Lord Leonard, it will be able to lessen the Wyvern attacks slightly since his attacks are made of Ice Element, we were unprepared the first time and paid for it...'' he said with a bit of sadness.

Then, he continued ''My sister element is lightning, good to use against Ice too, as for Layla, her element is Water and Earth, not very effective but she can help with our defense, taking care of our backs!'' Feuer nodded in agreement and so did Liz and Layla, just as they came up with a strategy, a roar was heard.


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