Easy Win [1]

In front of the Kingdom boundaries, the Geist King was standing proudly above a white-colored horse that has a pair of wings, he was looking to the entire army in front of him as he said ''We were wounded terribly by the damned Demons but we must be strong, strong for the people that live in our towns and cities, for the families that we're protecting by going against the Ean Kingdom!''

Saying that, Feuer entered the stage as he said ''It's true that their army is currently stronger than our Geist Kingdom army but this is not the point: We may be slightly weaker now but we're united, their King is a tyrant, someone that oppress every family that lives there, we only need to be strong for a moment, a second is all we need to make their army turn against the Ean King!'' despite his stoic expression, all soldiers could feel the power he was exuding.

An Army Commander also entered the stage alongside three others as they started to give commands ''Team Alpha, at my side, formation! We'll go through the Forest and do an ambush, we'll poison the river they'll stay to drink water, remember, do not drink the water there, we've already prepared water to ourselves!'' one of them said as another gave a similar but slightly different instruction.

'Good instructions... I've already seen which place the enemy will go, I can dominate them easily but this would decrease the Geist King moral, I'll ambush them secretly, killing a few soldiers every second will do good, it's good that I have learned some assassination skills from my father through the months as a way to be stealthy and do my missions better...' Feuer thought while narrowing his eyes, as every soldier had already their team - Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Teta, he disappeared after they were on their positions.

Meanwhile, the Ean King was overlooking the army that was slowly entering the forest with narrowed eyes 'I have an ominous feeling... I have been feeling this for a few days, I wonder what it is... Anyway, I have a King to dominate...' he laughed inwardly as his eyes shone in lust, despite giving the excuse of saving his son, all the King was thinking is about a certain silver-haired girl that some spies had reported to him.

On the forest, the large army had divided themselves into groups as some were in the border of a river, talking while eating a dead animal fried meat ''That bastard of a King, always going to war, damn it, if not because I need this job to make money to my family and that he threatened my family, I wouldn't join the army...'' a frustrated soldier said while cursing the King, his fellow soldiers nodded in agreement.

Feuer, in the shadows, narrowed his eyes once again as the soldiers, that had drunk the water slowly fell asleep due to the Poison, it was a special type of Poison known as 'Sleeping Beauty Potion', well, to be precise, it doesn't have a name but Feuer conveniently thought of this one, some of the soldiers were still awake, they looked around, feeling alarmed ''It's an ambush!'' he shouted but no one woke up as a white flash could be seen.

Appearing in the middle of the soldiers, Feuer decided that acting stealthy wasn't like him at all so he decided to simply kill everyone that didn't fall asleep, which were, in fact, only three ''Hey hey, how is it, awake dudes? It's a pity that after waking up, none of the soldiers around will remember about you, they'll forget what happened, everything that happened in the past 45 minutes...'' Feuer said as fear crept deep inside the soldier's heart.

''So what? You're only one while we're three, you have no chance, let's kill him, for the Kingdom!'' A soldier shouted as the other two also shouted before dashing forward, the three of them unsheathing their swords.

Slowly unsheathing his sword, Feuer took a stance as three sword slashes were sent to him, elegantly putting his sword in a horizontal manner, he blocked the three slashes with great ease before he said ''It was a good slash, a pity, indeed... That you're weak...''

In a second, he had already cut the three soldiers head as they fell to the ground, looking in shock towards Feuer, in nothing but a few seconds, they blacked out, never to be awake again, looking to the body that had spilled blood around, he sighed before burning it, no trace of blood, the blood itself or its smell disappeared alongside the bodies.

'Only a few more teams before the war end with a complete and easy win...' Feuer thought while feeling it's an irony he was, once, a man that had lived in a peaceful society, never harming anyone and comparing to himself of the present, a person that had killed hundreds of thousands of people in an instant when he lost control and now, killing someone without feeling even a slight amount of regret, pity or anything.

Feuer sighed before vanishing in a flash of white-colored light, a few hours later, in the middle of the forest, the Geist King was in front of another man, the Ean King ''Your days have come to an end, Ean King, your army was defeated in nothing but an instant, fight me, we shall decide the destiny of our Kingdoms, not through peace talk but through Life and Death!'' he said as he felt complete confidence, by now, Feuer had already killed all necessary soldiers to reduce the army size.

Taking up a sword Feuer had given to him, known as [Kingdom Destroyer] a Sword bounded by soul, Feuer let him borrow it to kill the Ean King, that was looking in an arrogant manner towards the Geist Kingdom ''This is what you think... However, you won't need to worry, I'll take great care of your wife and daughter, puhahaha...'' he said, greatly angering the Geist King, whose killing intent was spread through the air.

Meanwhile, the sleeping beauti- soldiers had already woken up as they heard a deep, powerful voice inside their minds ''I won the fight against the Geist Kingdom, come to the center of the Forest, let's commemorate it!'' they sighed simultaneously, they slept for a bit and the war had already ended, in fact, they're still wondering if why they're even on the middle of the forest 'Didn't we just left the base...?' some of them thought before shaking their head off, an illusion was confusing them.

In nothing but seconds, the Geist King had already won the fight as a headless Ean King was on the ground, the soul bound [Kingdom Destroyer] had helped a lot, despite being stronger, it wouldn't be so easy to win the fight against the Ean King, suddenly, the Sword disappeared as Feuer emotionless voice was heard on his head

''Done, I guess... Come to the center of the Forest, I gathered all of the remaining Ean soldiers there, do your job, you know, King majesty and these things... I'll go to the Ean Kingdom capital and rob whatever is useful to me and leave the rest to you, by the way, they're already surrounded by your army...'' Feuer said before he flashed away in the direction of the Ean Kingdom capital.

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