Departing [1]

Feuer decided to go back to the Geist Kingdom since with the war that was just won, many things will happen, for example, the King will build an enormous city between each Kingdom as a way to say that they're now only one Kingdom, which will have the name Geist Kingdom, it'll be the new capital of both Kingdoms, named 'Connection Spirits Capital'.

In a few minutes, Feuer was already back on the Geist Kingdom capital as he went directly to the Royal Palace, where the members of the Royal Family were all together, including the young John Geist, that noticed Feuer presence as soon as he came, smiling brightly, he shouted ''Feuer-nii-san, you're back, I heard from father about your acts, you're supaaaaa cool!!''

Laughing inwardly, Feuer took the young boy and put him on his shoulders, the Princes and Princess present except Layla all felt surprised but they have heard about Feuer from their Royal Father, they knew he was a being that they couldn't afford to offend in any manner, bowing slightly but not losing their composture as Royalty, they greeted him.

The Queen looked at him surprisedly but didn't say anything, the Geist King looked at him before saying ''Sir Flake, I may thank you for all the assistance you gave me, without your help, the fate of my daughter and the Kingdom would've been doomed...'' then, he bowed as the eyes of his offspring widened, it was the first time they saw their Royal Father bowing respectfully to someone.

Looking towards Feuer, the Queen continued her husband's speech ''We, the Geist Royal Family, thank you profoundly, you can choose anything you want from our Treasure Vault as a way to thank you!''

Shaking his head slightly, Feuer said ''I won't need you to reward me, I took 80% of the Ean Kingdom Platinum Coins that were inside their vault alongside this beautiful cloak here, don't worry, it was their personal things, not the whole Kingdom, they had a different Vault for that, I left all their useful resources for you to raise your Kingdom strength...''

Instead of complaining due to the fact he took 80% of the Ean King personal treasure, the King thanked him profoundly as he said ''Thank you, Sir Flake...'' thinking of something, Feuer continued ''Look, I have a proposal that will be good for both of us, have time to hear?'' he said before taking out a shirt he had made in the time he was waiting for his [King Destroyer] and [King Guardian], he changed the name of both of them.

''W-What is this shirt? So beautiful!'' One of the princess said as the rest of the Royal Family members nodded in sync, smiling inwardly, Feuer said ''This is a shirt I, myself, made, on my home Kingdom, I had a clothing brand 'Golden Hale', it was on an isolated Kingdom but anyway, if you agree, I can put a store on the new Kingdom capital, what is its name... Connecting Spirits Capital?''

Before he could continue, the King said ''Of course we accept, Sir Flake! I can even build the best store the new capital will have, best place and all!'' Feuer nodded before taking out a contract from his near-infinite Inventory, the King's eyes widened slightly 'Spatial Inventory?!' he thought to himself, only someone proficient in Space magic can do that!

''Giving that you'll give me the best store, you, Geist King, can have 10% of the store profits, the remaining 90% of the profits will be deposited on the Zenith Bank, on the account I'll give you right now, I believe in your integrity but I'll be checking it, if something is wrong, I'll discover and the end won't be god...'' Feuer said as the King nodded hastily, the Zenith Bank is a bank that has a branch on almost every Kingdom through the [Enith] continent, Feuer had already created a Vip Account with Top Priority, the so-called 'Golden Card Account'.

Feeling shocked but not showing it on his face, the King looked at the Golden Card and memorized the account number ''I'll give you the way of production, the production will be held by all Royal Family members, however, you all will do a Soul Vow saying 'I won't allow the production to be leaked to anyone that isn't from the Geist Royal Family or its future members without they doing the Soul Vow, if I break this Vow, the Universal Law shall kill me with its Heavenly Lightning!' '' Feuer said, this was a way for them not to leak the ways of production.

Then, one by one, the Royal Family members except for Layla, did the Soul Vow as the sound of Lightning descending was heard, looking at Layla, Feuer sighed, knowing what she was going to say ''I won't do the Soul Vow because I'll be leaving the Kingdom, don't try to stop me, Father, Mother, I'm at Feuer Adventurer Team, since he's leaving, I'll go together!'' she said, shocking all the members of the Royal Family, however, no one objected, they knew that staying in the Kingdom would only hold Layla potential, besides, it's not like they can stop her, she's extremely powerful by herself, not to mention with Feuer here, all tries would be unsuccessful.

However, another member of the Royal Family didn't do the Soul Vow, it was John Geist, whose eyes had tears ''Feuer-nii-san, please don't go away!'' he said as tears dripped down his cheeks.

Sighing, Feuer said ''You know that I can't, John, I still have to get stronger, you need to stay there and grow up peacefully, one day, you'll be strong enough to protect your family!'' alas, John mind suddenly changed as he said

''Then let me go with you, nii-san! I want to be strong like you, please let me be your apprentice!'' with eyes burning with determination, John looked expectantly towards Feuer, that knew the boy just turned 7 years old, he wanted to accept a disciple latter but he decided to awaken John mana.

''You still didn't have your Mana awakening yet, hm? Come here, I'll awaken it for you, if your talent is towards the Spirit Path, I'll accept you as my disciple, if it is towards the Body Path, I won't, what about it, John? It is a gamble...'' Feuer said as the members of the Royal Family widened their eyes, however, soon, they got happy that their youngest brother obtained such a chance.

With still confused eyes, John approached Feuer, whose hand was put on the boy's forehead, his Mana then resonated with the boy body, awakening John own Mana, suddenly, a strange phenomenon happened.

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