Knowledge [2]

In the middle of the night, Feuer left his tent and brought the young John out of his own as the latter said groggily after waking up so suddenly ''What is it, Feuer-nii-san? I'm slweepy...''

''We will start your training, while others are sleeping, you'll train...'' As Feuer said that, he held John shoulder as they disappeared without a trace before appearing in the middle of the forest, it was a circular, small and open camp with trees surrounding it, looking around, Feuer nodded before he said ''Were you taught how to fight on the Royal Palace?''

John nodded as Feuer said ''That's good, then, show me what you know, come at me with all you got, with that, I'll be able to know your flaws and so on...''

Without delay, John rushed towards Feuer while trying to use his poor control over Mana as he hadn't trained with it yet, despite having innate memories about it, the first thing he did was to sleep, after all, no train till then, he used his palms to attack as Feuer sidestepped and used two of his fingers to hit the young boy arm, making his stance break apart.

''You're attacking without any means to counter-attack in case someone dodges your attack, as soon as you notice that someone dodged your attack, retreat immediately, just for you to know, I'm not even using superior strength, I'm maintaining my strength at the exact same as yours...'' Feuer said while instructing his disciple, that only nodded as they continued to ''fight'', actually, torture should've been a better way to describe it as John wasn't able to land even one attack on his master, only receive attacks.

After nothing but ten minutes, John was on the ground, gasping for air as he said ''Feuer-nii-san... huff, you're really... huff, strong....''

Smiling inwardly at his disciple since even after not landing any attack, he didn't give up, waving his hand, Light Element gathered on his hands before showering John with it, in an instant, all of the sweat and exhaustion of the boy disappeared, Feuer said

''What I just used is what you know as Healing Magic, it doesn't necessarily need to have an element added but there are two elements which you can use to increase its healing properties: Water and Light, the one I used is called 'Holy Healing' while the one with Water Element is called 'Gentle Healing'...''

John's had sparkles appearing around him as he felt all exhaustion disappearing, running towards Feuer, he said with pleading eyes ''OOOH! Feuer-nii-san, please teach me, pleaaaase!''

It somehow reminded him of Luar, every time he showed new magic, his best friend would have sparkles around him... 'At least I managed to send them away before I lost control, at this time, they should be in another Kingdom...' Feuer thought to himself as his mood sunk, he wasn't emotionless, not at all, he simply couldn't express properly his feeling before and now he can't do it, he thinks about his friends that he hadn't seen for a week every day, hoping that they're safe.

Shaking his head to dispel these thoughts, Feuer concentrated on passing knowledge to his disciple ''Sit in the lotus position and focus in your inner space, a place where you find peace, where your Elemental Spirits, source of your Element, are waiting patiently your call...'' he said as John nodded before concentrating.

[John P.O.V]

I fought against my nii-san today, he's also my master and woah, he's so strong, I didn't think he was so strong, he pointed every flaw I was showing, I can't understand how he can see so many flaws, I thought my stance was perfect, I have much to learn, hn, hn!

''Sit in the lotus position and focus in your inner space, a place where you find peace, where your Elemental Spirits, source of your Element, are waiting patiently your call...'' I heard Feuer-nii-san saying as I followed his commands and soon, I found myself in a enormous place, it looks to be infinite, is that my inner space? No, nii-san called it 'Consciousness', this place seems cool.

''Concentrate...'' He said to me as I nodded again, I almost lost concentration here, looking around, I saw two glowing things, they felt familiar but strange to me at the same time, I felt warm while looking at them as I slowly drew them around me, instantly, I opened my eyes as two glowing spheres were on the surface of my palm, they have a faint outline of humans, it's slightly fun, in my opinion...

[Third Person P.O.V]

'He's talented...' Feuer noted the obvious before he said ''These two glowing spheres are your Elemental Spirits, they're named 'Light and Darkness Spirit', most Elemental Spirits are shown as objects, beasts or the like, the representation of the element, an Elemental Spirit being the element itself is extremely rare and very few through history had them...''

''Feel your Elemental Spirits, connect your own Spirit with theirs and draw your Elements, you don't need to do this quickly, do it slowly so that you can get accustomed to them and after more time, you'll be able to do it instantly...'' Feuer added as three glowing spheres moved around his back continuously.

Then, he summoned Goldy ''Look, this is Goldy, he's my Elemental Spirit...'' Feuer said as John's hand approached Goldy face, trying to pet him, however, the latter moved his head away while harrumphing, laughing inwardly, Feuer said ''Goldy, don't be shy, he's my disciple, let him pet you, sigh, to think you're such shy boy...'' he teased as the golden-colored Phoenix eyes widened visibly while taking it as a challenge.

John giggled as he started to pet Goldy ''You're so fluffy, I thought Elemental Spirits were, um... spiritual? You have a physical body, amazing!'' he said as sparkles appeared around him, Goldy nodded proudly while thinking 'Boy, no wonder you were accepted as a disciple by my partner, you know how amazing I am...'

Just then, Feuer heard his younger brother crying 'It's time to feed him, I guess...' he thought to himself before saying to John as Goldy went back to his consciousness

''Your training for today is over, tomorrow we will start your physical training, it'll be like that, one day will be training your body and the other will be training your spiritual capabilities, there's no use of knowing how to use your Elements if you can't even defend yourself properly if someone attacks you in hand-to-hand combat...'' John nodded as they disappeared from place, the young boy entered his tent and slept soundly, he was tired mentally, after all.

As for Feuer, he took a bottle filled with milk from his near-infinite inventory before feeding Damon, while it wasn't useful as breast milk, he could use his Mana to make it useful as one, he had prepared hundreds of them, after all, after Damon was once again sleeping, he started to meditate, he now had time to train properly.

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