The World, Stagnant

This world is always changing, evolving and becoming something new. Yet, somehow I find my mind stuck in the past. Stuck on the day Aiko left the world. The day my world seemed to lose colour. She's the one thing I hate remembering, yet never want to forget. Although it's been a year, my sister still haunts my thoughts like a relentless spirit. Relentless, huh.

Just like her.

I open my eyes and breathed a deep sigh. Another dull morning. At least nothing's changed. As light from my window dances around my room, I repeat the same old routine I've had since my sister passed. I got up, took a shower, got ready for school and headed downstairs. As I walked down the hallway, I stopped in front of Aiko's door, and instead of her old, warm smile, I was instead greeted by an empty room full of boxes and an almost stifling atmosphere. I closed the door and breathed a heavy sigh before heading downstairs.

"Good, morning, Mom."

My mother responded with a forced, weak smile. "Good morning, Nageki."

She hadn't been the same since the funeral. Her old enthusiasm and energy had been replaced by a drained shell of her former self.

"Your breakfast is on the table. I made your favourite."

As we sat down, I ate my omelette and toast and we had our usual conversation.

" How is school going for you? Have you made any friends yet? "


"Dear, I know you like your own company, but you can't be alone forever."

"I know, mom."

She places her warm hand on my cheek.

"You know I only want you to be happy, right?"

"I know."

"She gets up and kisses me on my forehead.

"I love you, my little Cú Chulainn."

"I love you too, Mom."

For those of you confused, Cú Chulainn is a Celtic legend. Long story short, he was a total badass. He fought entire armies on his and won. He also had this magic spear that turned anybody that got hit by it into a living thorn bush.

Mom is a real mythology buff. Instead of the usual fairy tales, my mom read me tales of Greek heroes, the nordic Aesir and the multiple ways the world could have been created.

I enjoyed them when I was younger, and still do since they remind me of the past when things seemed less grey.

"It's getting late. I should probably get going."

"You're right. Have a good day at school."


I grab my bag and start making my way to school. There's not much waiting for me there anyway, but its better than sulking at home. As I walked, I noticed all the other students in my school walking with each other. Everyone had someone in high school. I had my sister. Now I don't. I don't even have friends since I'm so damn quiet all the time. Who would want to be friends with me anyway?

Before any more negative thoughts rushed to my head, I stopped, stood still, closed my eyes, took a deep breath and said to myself, "Everything's fine."

As I opened my eyes, I realised something was wrong. People around me started to look dizzy, and some had even started to collapse.

I started to feel dizzy out of nowhere as well. The way it suddenly came on didn't feel natural. It felt like it was being forced upon me by something.

"What the hell's going on?"

I closed my eyes once again and tried to steady myself. Once the dizziness seemed to stop, I reopened my eyes, only to discover that I wasn't where I once was, but somewhere entirely different.